Anyone build a Rondo Inspired Speaker?

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I have initially considered mltl design proposed by GM, and it is still, but was even more intrigued with this thread suggesting the look alike of the Rondo and the Breeze...
Moreover, the simplicity of using foam core to bend the shape of the speakers. How wonderful is that! Imagine how quickly one could built a pair and enjoy.
I could give it a try this weekend and see how well it resonates,
Thank you xrk971, I will report back
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Joined 2012
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I have initially considered mltl design proposed by GM, and it is still, but was even more intrigued with this thread suggesting the look alike of the Rondo and the Breeze...
Moreover, the simplicity of using foam core to bend the shape of the speakers. How wonderful is that! Imagine how quickly one could built a pair and enjoy.
I could give it a try this weekend and see how well it resonates,
Thank you xrk971, I will report back

Looking forward to seeing your build. Good luck. Don't forget to add bracing to the foam core walls. Probably window braces every 6 inches is enough. Don't forget to add a vertical brace to support the top lid as that will take the brunt of the main chamber resonances. A good layer of fiberglass or wool plus poly fill at the top and loosely in the upper half to 2/3rds of the chamber should help.
Assembling the sides of a Rondo style speaker is not complicated.
Glue the side panel to the front, just laying the frame on the panel is OK if the frame is heavy enough.
Clamp a little board to the back at the lower end of the panel, so it can't escape during the second glue step. Keep the cutoffs of the top to use it for clamping the top. For clamping the back round off the corners of the bar (to get no damage of the panels).
The length of the panels has to calculated exacly and the frame has to be crafted by a carpenter.
The ports have to be cut into the back with this method, but I put a resonator inside to get a folded TL.
Here are my Rondo-style cabs. Built by a friend for PHY drivers.


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  • 445051-phyhp_loudspeakers__rondo_style_cabinet.jpg
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Hi there, i have made a pair of rondo...all i can say is that the sound it's 'different' in a good way compared to conventional speakers. Very good bass (short and fast) , very dynamic and good rhythm with instruments. I have tried different types of speakers in these cabinets, and sabas are not the best ones but sound good indeed. It' s very important to choose the right length for the legs...
I recommend this type of s beautiful, sounds awesome and looks spectacular.
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