B&C DCX464

Looks more to me like a diffraction slot into a dual slope conic horn with some smoothing of the geometry or the final 1/3rd been a curve.

Wom250_vHE | .Kartesian
Something from this company would be interesting. They can do small group buys for the diy crowd if/when a design is settled on. They provide a nice looking 15" for this product.
Klinger Favre audio -english version: WIP Studio 38

Off the shelf late generation JBL stuff is always good(2216Nd). 18 Sound offers similar tech in this driver.
Eighteen Sound - Professional loudspeakers

BMS woofers are top notch as well. I have a 15N850 that is very well behaved up to 1khz.

Acoustic Elegance looks good but I'm skeptical about consistency based on some comments. Hard to say.
I've been very happy with the bms 18n862 in several different sub builds; it seems to be a great intersection of hi-fi and real PA balls.

Imho, forget a sub's response up that high...a sub's required level-output should not span more than about 3+ octaves.

And forget summation worries once sub response is down around -18dB.
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Hey Pultzar, are you considering mating the dcx464 with the me464,
and just adding the right sub?

Are you thinking of building a two-way, counting the dcx464 as a single section, while assuming a decent xover between dcx464 sections?

That would be really cool. :)..although i have my doubts explained in a moment....

If i were going to try that, i'd surely want a very steep xover at 3-400Hz for the CD. Just can't ask the CD to any dig deeper, which would be required using usual xover slopes.

Which demands linear phase xovers to let steeper work imo....(IIR steep sucks)
and also relieves the need for sub's upward freq extension need, like i mentioned in previous post as not worth bothering over.

My doubts are how well the dcs464/me 464 will truly work down that low.
But lordy, how i'd love to have those doubts squashed !!!

Go for it :D
Hey Pultzar, are you considering mating the dcx464 with the me464,
and just adding the right sub?

Are you thinking of building a two-way, counting the dcx464 as a single section, while assuming a decent xover between dcx464 sections?

That would be really cool. :)..although i have my doubts explained in a moment....

If i were going to try that, i'd surely want a very steep xover at 3-400Hz for the CD. Just can't ask the CD to any dig deeper, which would be required using usual xover slopes.

Which demands linear phase xovers to let steeper work imo....(IIR steep sucks)
and also relieves the need for sub's upward freq extension need, like i mentioned in previous post as not worth bothering over.

My doubts are how well the dcs464/me 464 will truly work down that low.
But lordy, how i'd love to have those doubts squashed !!!

Go for it :D

I was thinking 4th order for the lower CD x-over. These speakers wouldn't have to dig too low (other subs for that) but I wouldn't want to push the CD at 300hz if that is too low for this driver. But I was thinking of buying one to test out...
I had a variant Yuichi 290 made with the dcx464 sorry not the me464. I wrote B&C and they did not have a recommendation, 'yet'. So I sent Joseph Crowe the stuff to make a custom crossover. He does great work! Check his custom stuff out. I am surprised that B&C has not released 'their' version. Its not like they don't have a design for testing their own r+d right??? Kind of like Ferrari releasing a game changing series but have no recommendations on what tires to run...lolol
Well I started setting systems up as a grunt 35 yrs ago setting up scaffolding and audio for large venues. Our systems were mostly horn loaded JBL and Crown gear. The speakers that always impressed me were the dual 15" 4550 horn loaded cabinets with HUGE HF horns with 4" JBL compression drivers. The 4550 cabinet only went to about 40hz but back then that was all we needed. The slam coming out of the horn loaded system was impressive esp when the drummers would come out to do their sound checks. I started doing 'Disco' dances for schools and used the Altec A-7. Only records and tapes back then...no 'real bass'. I have been modifying the A-7 (6 pairs now) since then. Currently I have encased the A-7 'box' in 1"MDF. Resin filled the wood 'horn' bass box. Those who have A-7s' know what I'm talking about! So NO 'box' sound!! I'm using a JBL 15" 2234 and tuned the box to 35hz. I am using the MiniDSP to actively crossover and bi-amp the mid/bass and room correct. The upper end is the Altec 511 horn modified to take the 4" JBL2440. A passive crossover, N7000, was recapped with some 'good stuff'! No 'squawk'!!. The HF is the JBL 2405. To take care of the 'sub' from 35 down is a couple of 6' sonitubes with some 18" tuned to 15hz. I have been very happy with setup changing wires, amps, caps, has been fun!!

When I heard about the DCX464 I looked into it and its performance is great...on paper!! As a DIY guy we are always tinkering around and this is where I am at now. I should be getting the parts to put the crossover together soon and will A/B my current setup. Crow has a CNC and can make anything you want. He is truly into his stuff and is very good.