B1 with Korg Triode

hahaha... good one!

Of course, with headphones, despite your suggestion to tear them apart, it is possible to swap two hot-signal outputs, to achieve the same as with swopping the speaker wires. Still much better than introducing the unnecessary buffer to invert the phase.

But I do like your response!
Joined 2017
Paid Member
Isn't the phase of the harmonics in relation to the fundamental? So an inverting transformer at the input wouldn't change anything with respect to negative phase H2.

If that's incorrect, the B1K trim pot for the grid bias would still let "correct" the phase to you choosing.

Am I mistaken?
Well, my understanding is inverting the phase before the B1K would lead to correct absolute phase at the output B1K while having negative phase H2, that is if following Papa's recommendation for the voltage tuning... and of course not inverting the LS cables.

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It matters whether you flip the phase before or after the Korg.

The H2 article has a discussion as to how this works:


Thanks for all the replies.

I think I finally get it now that I've read the H2 article: the negative/positive phase is with respect to the H2 distortion that was purposely allowed to be added to the signal from the triode.

I have used the Jensen JT-11P-1 line transformers with the primaries reversed. They sound very good. Much more money than opamps but very easy to get right.

The Jensen transformers would definitely be a grand solution.. but $120AUD each is a little too expensive for me for this project.

avtech23 is using headphones and doesn't want to tear them apart to reverse the wires on the transducers.

:) This is definitely something I'd like to avoid!

I was hoping to use an opamp buffer because I can utilise the same power supply, they are generally transparent and they have a small footprint that I can fit into the existing chassis pretty nicely. But they don't like to be fed with much voltage, and output current is pretty low, so after the triode isn't really going to work. Hmm...
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Finally knocked the bastard off as my fellow Kiwis say. All voltages correct now and music coming from the center. I'm Dyslexic at a low level and 3323 and 3332 are way too easy to mix up it didn't matter how hard I stared it all looked good and I didn't know I was doing it. Massive effort desoldering triple checking and re-soldering and it's all good.

My jobs being disestablished and I may or may not get offered one of the new roles so I'm stressed to max. Which doesn't help me keep my head straight!

Many thanks for the patience off all those who answered my questions and plea for help.
I really want to crank up the volume and blast out some tunes but it's 1.00am The stuff playing quietly behind me sounds pretty sweet at 9.8volt through bridged ACA. Lots of listening needed now. Couple of weeks should see a couple of fully shielded Toroidy transformers turn up so I can complete power supplies to match the ACA. Pearl 2 Boards turned up this week. Replacing an Integrated Amp with Pre-Power and Phono was never going to be cheap or easy!
Would you be interested by posting your measured values?

Of course it is at the end the ratio we are interested in per channel, so not just the resistance value but its value vs the total resistance for a given channel. That ratio is supposed to be the same left and right, but not necessarly the isolated resistance values.

Given values, if it is a small overall ratio shift, that can be addressed easily... that was my case, but again not that I could notice any channel imbalance given the initial channel imbalance was way below that of an Alps blue pot... so normaly "more than enough", in my case far less than 1dB...

Hi Claude !

These are the measurements found on my TOCOS potentiometer 2 x 50k log compared to those of the ALPS RK27 Blue Velvet 2 x 50k log potentiometer supplied with the preamp kit:

TOCOS potentiometer

Total resistance of the track A : Rta = 51,3k
Total resistance of track B : Rtb = 49,9k

at 9 o'clock : Rpa = 49,4k Rpa' = 2,34k
at 9 o'clock : Rpb = 47,7k Rpb' = 2,44k

at 12 o'clock : Rpa = 41,9k Rpa' = 10,6k
at 12 o'clock : Rpb = 40,2k Rpb' = 10,7k

at 15 o'clock : Rpa = 20,3k Rpa' = 33,7k
at 15 o'clock : Rpb = 18,8k Rpb' = 33,2k

ALPS potentiometer

Total resistance of the track A : Rta = 46,8k
Total resistance of track B : Rtb = 46,8k

at 9 o'clock : Rpa = 46,1k Rpa' = 0,7k
at 9 o'clock : Rpb = 46,2k Rpb' = 0,698k

at 12 o'clock : Rpa = 40,1k Rpa' = 7,25k
at 12 o'clock : Rpb = 40,1k Rpb' = 7,20k

at 15 o'clock : Rpa = 31,9k Rpa' = 16,6k
at 15 o'clock : Rpb = 31,7k Rpb' = 16,8k

(Digital multimeter measurements, rounded to 3 significant digits / Track A is the one closest to the potentiometer axis / Rpa & Rpb -> partial resistance to or from the cursor to the opposite pin : Rpa + Rpa' = Rta & Rpb + Rpb' = Rtb !)

Note that the accuracy of the values recorded is much better on the potentiometer ALPS RK27 compared to the TOCOS.

On the other hand, on my system, on the TOCOS, I do not note any imprecision of the balance, which might be audible when listening to the headphones, but I only listen to the speakers ...

It remains for me to try the TKD potentiometer, but it's not the same price ...
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Your Alps tracks indeed exceptionnaly well... but then that is not bijective, eg not because the data are good that it sounds good as you... already know (but if the data are odd then it would sound wrong).

Having said that, the values you have on your Tocos are more than good enough, in fact quite good, you wouldn't notice any imbalance indeed...

More data would be needed, but sadly it could be yours can't be corrected all the way, not that it is really needed. It would require more measurements but perhaps a simple correction up to 15h is feasible by the addition of a simple resistor on one channel. See my post for more details... but again, not really needed, more for nice data...

Have fun

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Yes, Danse Macabre is nice…….Olivier Latry is a fantastic organist.
He is normally organist in Notre Dame (Paris) and was not happy when the church burned. The organ in Notre Dame was/is something special. What I have read on Latry's Facebook is that organ seems to have survived…….but will take a long time before it can be played again…….