BAF 2015 Coverage

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don't have neither greenies to spare (for them ) nor time .... or will

is that curse or luck - not needing more than regular FW wattage frame ........

Yeah, I understand.
I love the ACA, but this one has balls, plus decent damping factor, so I am curious to see whether it performs to my liking as I suspect it should.

After that I'm just going to focus on completing all my dumb amp ideas.
Measuring up first device.
Biased to 1.4A at room temperature. Now I'm watching it rise with temperature. It's at 1.82A at the moment and still rising.
I'll give it an hour to reach equilibrium before taking measurements.

Joined 2009
Paid Member
Yes, I am astonished how much the heat increases the current over the time.....

and "Step by Step", I saw it....

what happened in the elevator..... big step.....:)))

I hope the IXFN140 did not see this movie and will, when you take your sleep, make the big jump.....

Just to be sure, I do not mean electrical insulation, I know that these transistors are insulated but I am always using a small amount of thermalgrease between component and heatzink just to be absolutley sure that maximum heattransport is secured.
Sometimes is "strange behavior" in components and circuits depending on insecure heattransport and instabil/unlinear temperature variations.
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