BBBIB Bigger Badder BIB Speaker

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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Thanks for the link!

Well, they have 3/4" subfloor. That should do the job for Punkrocker!
And it just has to be a lot cheaper than any plywood that would work.

One layer should work for him if its reinforced, otherwise I think for people wanting optimum performance that two layers of 3/4" would be best, and still pretty cheap! I used 2 layers of that 3/4" cheap ply and it is VERY solid so I think OSB would be as good or better.

Another option is to use the 3/4" OSB , then an outer layer of plywood with a more attractive veneer. I think the OSB pattern is pretty cool though and finished correctly could work well. Maybe anilene dye and a clear coat? OR paint rolled on with a fine roller.

You're welcome!

Yeah, waferboard is hard to beat overall and makes for an interesting looking piece of furniture or wall decor. I don't know if they still publish it, but Louisiana-Pacific (L-P) use to have a 'Decorating Magic' brochure showing various ways of using/finishing it, showing how different washes, deck stains, etc., made it look and one called 'How to work wonders with L-P waferboard' detailing edge treatments, etc..

WRT strength, I used it for roof decking on some very low slope (1:12) room additions when it first came out, and they have stood the test of time, including several large limbs crashing into one of them without smashing through. Consequently, it's hard on saw blades though.

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Well, we've done all we can, its up to Punkorckr now.

We've gotten him:
big box
big bass
small price:

The 2 "full range" drivers are about $130 a pair, the wood probably $50 or $60. < $200

With crossover and 2 tweeters and some wood around the opening:
< $300

Can't wait for a report from SOMEONE.

Would be nice if someoe did a calc with a higher end co-ax such as the B&C or some such...
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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I would prefer not to actually buy the crossovers, but to search around their sites for the schematics...

I have a pair of 8" Pioneer bufu drivers and some tweeters here that I got from Nelson. I wasn't planning to make a BIB- I just thought it would be good for Punkr. But all this discussion seems to have hooked me!

I have a friend who has a pro table saw that he needs to get set up. He swears that by the new year it will be ready. With that monster I'll whip out a set in a couple of hours I bet!
OK so its been a while since we've mentioned this project and just so you know ,yes I am going to build it, I've purchased the wood for it which I decided to make 7 ply void free 3/4" birch which my dad caught on sale for $32 a sheet and he chipped in a little cause he's also excited about me getting these built.
yeh,lol, well the birch definitely looks good because its what my dad uses to build most of his furniture and it has one smooth glossy side which looks really nice. well I am now in the process of constructing the cabinets off of the blueprints posted earlier on so far I've got the front baffles and the bottom cut out and I'm waiting for a table saw for the sides cause the circular saw i WAS using nearly cut my family jewels off when the trigger spring froze up in it, thank god I had a death grip on it or I probably wouldn't be sitting here right now, close call.
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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I guess you will be the first!

I can't imagine a better fun-for-the dollar and fun-for-the effort

I keep putting it off until my audio buddy finishes making making his shop wit the huge table saw. He has the slab floor poured, so we are about ready to go. It just seems soooo much easier to wait because with that saw we could cut the thing in a matter of MINUTES.

That's silly though, because with a portable circular saw and a guideboard, you could cut the things in a couple of hours..

I'm dying for a report so please do it!!
Guys, guys... what you really need is one with an additional Eminence driver (I think they do a woofer-only version fo this unit?) mounted through the internal sloping baffle for that nice juicy shot of tapped horn boost in the LF. Feel that bass. :eek:

Not my idea I hasten to add... GM's plotting one using 8in Pioneers, if he's able to.

Is that bad enough for you? :devilr:
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member

Hope springs eternal. Just when I had a neighbor (the 4x4 monster Triumph Spitfire dude) conned into doing all the cutting/heavy labor, he got a contract to help bullet/roadside bomb-proof a bunch of SUVs for Middle East duty, so he's welding/grinding till he's cross-eyed every day. Pay sure is good though, so he's not complaining.

Nope. Not kidding. Personally, I don't understand the morbid fear of bass that seems to have infected almost all commercial companies & their speakers at the moment. ;)

GM said:
Hope springs eternal. Just when I had a neighbor (the 4x4 monster Triumph Spitfire dude) conned into doing all the cutting/heavy labor, he got a contract to help bullet/roadside bomb-proof a bunch of SUVs for Middle East duty, so he's welding/grinding till he's cross-eyed every day. Pay sure is good though, so he's not complaining. GM

Curses. Can't say I'm surprised about the good pay though... Oh well, if you can't manage the tapped version for a while Greg, I might give it a shot -I can put my chambered BIB on hold for a while. Looks like Ron's already at work on that one anyway.
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