Better power MOSFET models in LTSpice

Hi Ian,

First, I want to thank you (and your group) for all of your work on creating better MOSFET models in the linear area. That definitely improves my confidence in a new circuit I am designing through simulation.

Referring to the summary of models on page 14, post 274 of this thread, I believe there may be a couple of typo errors that crept in. The first one I noticed was for the IRF9610h. It returned an Unrecognized parameter "r-d" error. The threshold voltage was also approximately a +3.6 volts. By comparing the the other models, I came to the conclusion the "R-d" should read "Rd" and "Vto=+3.76" should read "Vto=-3.76". Making these changes in the model returned a reasonable Id(M1) simulation when a DC sweep from -10V to +10V was applied to the gate. I did not find similar errors on any of the other Pchan models.

Then I thought to check the Nchan models for similar typos. I did find three models (DN 2530, DN 2540 and LND150) which had "-" Vto values where as all of the other Nchan models had "+" Vto values. I have not tested any of these in a simulation, but thought it may be worth while for you to review these models also.

Again, than you for the hard work.
Hi True Sound,

Thanks for spotting that problem in the IRF9610h model. You are correct it should read "Vto=-3.76" and "Rd=2". New code below with new model date.
Where's the old embarrassment emoticon? (ー_ー﹡; )
 *VDMOS with subthreshold (c) Ian Hegglun
.model IRF9610h VDMOS (pchan Rg=6 Vto=-3.76 Kp=0.35
+ Rs=68m Ksubthres=0.2 Mtriode=0.5 Rd=2 Lambda=4m
+ Bex=-1 Vtotc=+2.5m Tksubthres1=4m Trs1=3m Trd1=9m
+ Cgdmax=120p Cgdmin=15p a=0.26 Cgs=113p Cjo=207p
+ m=0.4 VJ=2.5 IS=1.3f N=4.2 Eg=4.5 Rb=0.02 Trb1=1.3m
+ Vds=-200 Ron=3 Qg=11nC mfg=VishIH2202)
I have updated my website master file and my PC. BTW to update your LT-XVII library the standard.mos file it is found in My Documents. There is another standard.mos file in Program files are but that is normally not the active library. Also I found this mistake in the Bordodynov LT-XVII standard.mos file (on his website).

The DN 2530, DN 2540 and LND150 are depletion devices which means an n-channel has a negative Vto and the temp. co is still negative. Normal (enhancement) n-channel's have a positive Vto and negative VtoTc. Normal (enhancement) p-channel's have a negative Vto and positive VtoTc.
(BTW JFET's have a different convention: both n-and p-channel have a negative Vto value in the model and the VtoTc's are both negative).

Thanks again. Please let me know if you find any more typo's.
I need a computational procedure for new VDMOS models. For many LTSpice computations I need to be able to compute Vgs at the operating point to set the bias current. In the past, with the level-1 model I computed Vgs from the equation:

Vgs = Vto+I0*Rs+sqrt(2*I0/(Kp*(Vds0*lambda+1)
where I0 is a quiescent bias current, Vds0 is the quiescent drain to source voltage, and Rs is the source resistance.

This no longer seems to work with the new models. Perhaps it is due to the revised temperature model.
Any suggestions?
I have not found an equation for computing Id from Vgs and Vds for a VDMOS model using ksubthreshold.

For the level-1 model I used:

Id = Kp/2 * (Vgs-Vto)^2 * (1+lambda*Vds)
solving for Vgs gives:
Vgs = Vto + sqrt((2*Id)/(Kp*(Vds*lambda+1)))

or, when including Rs:
Id = Kp/2 * (Vgs-Vto-Id*Rs)^2 * (1+lambda*Vds)
Vgs=Vto + sqrt((2*Id)/(Kp*(Vds*lambda+1))) + Id*Rs

What equations should I use with ksubthreshold included?
With subthreshold conduction
Id = Kp/2*(V(gsi1)2)(1+Lambda(V(d))) ... Eq(1)
where V=nVt*Ln(1+Exp((V(gate)-V(si)-Vto)/nVt)) ... Eq(2)
where nVt = Ksubthres and V(si) internal source voltage across Rs

Solve (1) for Vgsi
Vgsi=Sqrt(2*Id(M1)/(Kp*(1+Lambda*V(d)))) ... Eq(3)

Solve (2) for Vgs using Vgsi
Vgs=Vto + nVt*Ln(Exp((V(gsi)+Id(M1)*Rs)/nVt)-Exp(Id(M1)*Rs/nVt))

Attached is my validation jig.
It first generates Id from gate voltage ancompares to VDMOS Id(M1) showing equation for Id is valid with subthreshold parameter Ksubthres.
Then it generates Vgs from Id(M1) using an interim Vgsi equation. It follows the plot of V(gate) up to very large currents.
BTW LTspice appears to add a small parasitic resistance of 0.5mR to the source of the VDMOS model, but for most simulations its presence can be ignored.


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Here is an interesting additional plot from your test jig. It show the differences: V(gsi1)-V(gsi) and Id(M1)-I(B2).
I found it necessary to adjust various Spice tolerances to avoid differences in convergence between Vgate rising vs. falling.

Thank you. It looks like these equations require the Spice iterative solver. I don't see a path to a closed form solution.
Ignore I(B1) and I(B2) equations. You only need I(B3) and I(B4) which were almost explicit using Id(M1).

Here's the updated exact equations:
Vgs=Vto + nVt*Ln(Exp((V(gsi)+Id(M1)*Rs)/nVt)-Exp(Id(M1)*Rs/nVt))
Lambda should use the internal voltage Vdsi after volt drops Id(M1)*(Rs+Rd) are subtracted.

Now I don't need a 0.5mR offset. It means the 0.5mR offset doesn't actually exist in reality as I thought.


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