Beyond the Ariel

HiFiNutNut said:

In your post 5231 in the previous page, I think the 300Hz peak is the U-frame 1/4 wave resonance.

1) What caused the small peak at 80Hz and 100Hz for the yellow and white curives?

2) Are they measurements taken from between 80cm to 200cm in front of the U-frame? Floor bounce included or excluded?

Thanks and regards,

Measurements were taken at the rear of th U. The behavior of the yellow and white curves around 100 Hz is, I believe, due to the dense stuffing starting to load the woofer.
vyju said:

I have been following this thread for some time and am experimenting with open baffels for my Altecs.

I came across this post over at the Lansing Heritage site.

This type of open backed cab design is interesting.Does any one have details of this type of design?

"Hello,I had to jump into this thread,one of the first speakers I had was a 605b,open back cabinet,what was interesting about the open back was inside of the cabinet,it had layered frames with some type of wool tacked to each frame,they had about 6 frames,each frame had a single hole 15"-12"-10"-8"-6" and the last frame was covered with a soild sheet of wool.the gent I got them from said he built them in 1966,I also picked up the amp/preamp that he built,it was a knightkit,maybe 15 watt(mono)it was one of the sweetest sounding mono system that I ever had.I think the wool was used for damping,wish I'd taken pictures that little system roared(it had a stock x over)"

The link to the thread is


This type of enclosure is, in theory, in the format of an acoustic low pass filter. I tried similar designs for my U-frame woofer. Pure damping seemed to work better for my application.
Bratislav said:

So are we getting any closer to a working ICTA soon ? I think it'd be quite exciting to see a transient perfect open baffle speaker in 'real', not just graphs and drawings.


Slowly. As I said on my web site, the mid drivers are only available OEM now so what I have decided to do is the finish the prototype and put it up on my site. It will be a while though.
Though the high efficiency might not be needed for the ICTA - if you are looking for a interesting new mid - give the JA8008 a try - (you might have to check out world wide distribution for all your fans).

This speaker is done by SEAS as a solid platform and many of the good ideas and know how available in this company is cast in this driver.

The sonic balance Troels has achieved is really beautiful IMO.
Also good bang for the buck. :)

john k... said:
Measurements were taken at the rear of th U. The behavior of the yellow and white curves around 100 Hz is, I believe, due to the dense stuffing starting to load the woofer.

G'day John,

Can you please provide damped U-frame measurements taken 1/4 inch in front of the dust cap to allow direct comparison with the original undamped U-frame measurements?


mige0 said:
Though the high efficiency might not be needed for the ICTA - if you are looking for a interesting new mid - give the JA8008 a try - (you might have to check out world wide distribution for all your fans).

This speaker is done by SEAS as a solid platform and many of the good ideas and know how available in this company is cast in this driver.

The sonic balance Troels has achieved is really beautiful IMO.
Also good bang for the buck. :)


Thanks for this tip, Michael.

Troels' design for this with the Audax TWO34XO-P47N tweeter and waveguide looks promising. I am wondering whether it would make a good small monitor with separate subs of the Goldwood 18"-in-H-baffle variety.
Eventually I would like to try the JA 8008 in my OB the meantime I ordered the Eminence Beta 8 as a poorer replacement. JA 8008= $350 + shipping; Beta 8 = $54 delivered.

I'll also be trying the Troels designed tweeter waveguide for the Audax and vintage JBL LE26. I'll be using it with the LE26. The waveguides were Jantzen special order (4-6 weeks) through Parts Express. I think they were about $65 each.

For the bottom end I'll be trying (because they're laying around) vintage JBL d130f, boosted with Graham's T-bass circuit.

We'll see !
ScottG said:

EACH. Unconscionable IMO. :mad: But sadly on par (price-wise) with their recent line of "exotic" offerings.

Sorry - didn't and don't feel ripped at all having bought four of them - quite in contrary - any other of the "usual suspects" in high eff / non PA are even more expensive (also whizzer cone full range mostly), and the SEAS "exotics" being roughly twice the price - but I see the problem for non Europeans at the moment.

Seems to be kind of a new experience that US people have to pay high prices (at least as they feel about) whereas Europeans still can buy at considerable prices (what they are used to so far).

Much the other way around as it was for a long time - always have been a bit jealos that all the fancy electronics / cars and a lot of other goods been so much cheaper anywhere else then in good ol Europe..

All in all the JA8008 ain't the best recommendation – from a mere commercial point of view - I guess

sba said:
Eventually I would like to try the JA 8008 in my OB the meantime I ordered the Eminence Beta 8 as a poorer replacement. JA 8008= $350 + shipping; Beta 8 = $54 delivered.

I'll also be trying the Troels designed tweeter waveguide for the Audax and vintage JBL LE26. I'll be using it with the LE26. The waveguides were Jantzen special order (4-6 weeks) through Parts Express. I think they were about $65 each.

For the bottom end I'll be trying (because they're laying around) vintage JBL d130f, boosted with Graham's T-bass circuit.

We'll see !

Why not split the difference (much closer to the Beta 8) with the B&C 8PS21 which Geddes uses in his upcoming Harper? Around $100ea street price. Seems reasonable.
mige0 said:

Sorry - didn't and don't feel ripped at all having bought four of them - quite in contrary - any other of the "usual suspects" in high eff / non PA are even more expensive (also whizzer cone full range mostly), and the SEAS "exotics" being roughly twice the price - but I see the problem for non Europeans at the moment.

Seems to be kind of a new experience that US people have to pay high prices (at least as they feel about) whereas Europeans still can buy at considerable prices (what they are used to so far).

Much the other way around as it was for a long time - always have been a bit jealos that all the fancy electronics / cars and a lot of other goods been so much cheaper anywhere else then in good ol Europe..

All in all the JA8008 ain't the best recommendation – from a mere commercial point of view - I guess


No.. the "unconscionable" reference was not to value when compared to competing products, nor to exchange rates vs. the dollar.

The problem I have with this is that the driver has NOTHING that is *NOT* off-the-shelf from Seas itself. No special materials cost, no special tooling cost, no special labor cost.

IF Seas were to distribute this driver under the "prestige" brand it would be priced somewhere around 150 US each *max* (from a US distributor).

As it is - its more than double that price. THAT is unconscionable. ;)

(..their "exotic" line does have additional cost, but they aren't anywhere near the premium that Seas is charging.. Basically it's a low volume run "niche" product that they can gouge those few customers for.)

BTW.. here is a *very* similar product from the prestige range. The rubber surround and coating reduce the efficiency.. but also reduce the driver's fs:

Note the price:

Unfortunately I don't think US distributors carry this driver.. but I'm sure they could for very little premium beyond this price. update on the potential partnered sub:

Rythmik Audio has partnered with GR Research, and is about to produce a 600 watt plate amp (4 ohms), while GR has produced some *potentially* more attractive drivers (IMO):

4 of these in parallel with the amp should work out rather nicely:

..while an aperiodic design would still be excellent, such a system could be used for a very high quality *Dipole* sub-woofer.
Why not split the difference (much closer to the Beta 8) with the B&C 8PS21 which Geddes uses in his upcoming Harper? Around $100ea street price. Seems reasonable.

Well, I've already ordered the Beta 8. I haven't established the crossover points yet. The JBL Le26 tweeter can be crossed as low as 2k. Hmm...the JA8008 goes up to about 5.5k, the Beta 8 goes to a little over 4k , and the B&C goes to only 3k. It also looks like the B&C's octagonal frame would create some extra baffle work (for me, at least). Looks like a good driver though, and a good choice for something closer in price to the Beta 8 than to the JA8008. Thanks.
ScottG said:

No.. the "unconscionable" reference was not to value when compared to competing products, nor to exchange rates vs. the dollar.

The problem I have with this is that the driver has NOTHING that is *NOT* off-the-shelf from Seas itself. No special materials cost, no special tooling cost, no special labor cost.

Ok, I see.

On the other hand "value" by definition is a very sujective thing - especially in audio there isn't much correlation to any manufacturing costs.
Especially for small quotes the development overrides the manufacturing cost anyway.

Only thing the Jantzen really lacks, is a hyped and over priced comercial speaker that uses it.
Otherwise people would run after, no matter of manufacturing price.

As I once said - the JA8008 seems to have very much in common with Troel Gravesen personality - hence above is not likely to happen.
Good for the ones that are after the hidden pearls...

By the way, the cone material is different from any SEAS you can buy AFAIK , same for the tweaks applied to the surround - where I always have problemes with the usual Hifi typs - Troels has spotted that - and successfully worked out a cure.

mige0 said:

By the way, the cone material is different from any SEAS you can buy AFAIK , same for the tweaks applied to the surround - where I always have problemes with the usual Hifi typs - Troels has spotted that - and successfully worked out a cure.

I had a rather long e-mail discussion with Troels about a year ago rgrding that driver and my conclsion is the same as Michael's -- Troels spent a lot of time (and money) with lots of drivers (incl exotica) before ending up with the JA8008. Moreover, his experience with SEAS drivers speaks volumes, and I would (double)guess (Troels) that he would be the first in using a lower cost SEAS.

According to that email conversations -- and the material on Troels site -- the reason for ending up with JA8008 was just as Michael explained: Cone material and surrounds (coated foam instead of rubber). AFAIK the SEAS driver that it was derived from is CA21REX.

Putting it simply: Given a choice, I would go for the JA8008 instead of a SEAS -- for once I perceive there is real value behind the added cost. But maybe that's just me.

My $0.02

I looked at the data sheet available for that driver. I have never listened to it. But the data gives me some reservations about the FR, Z and T/S. Compared to a HiFi driver, higher than typical BL, rather low Cms, typical Mms. Impedance seems to show a number of resonances. Compared to a prosound driver it doen't look all that diffrerent that a typical 8" midrange.