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Bigbottle MC only Valve/JFET phonostage Group Buy

I have your BOM as a project in Mouser if anyone needs a link.
A couple parts are difficult to cross but the BOM is labelled with the location on board. Some resistors include a spare or two.
Everything except the tubes and sockets
Mouser total is about $115
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I have your BOM as a project in Mouser if anyone needs a link.
A couple parts are difficult to cross but the BOM is labelled with the location on board. Some resistors include a spare or two.
Everything except the tubes and sockets
Mouser total is about $115

Is it up to date to include the changes mentioned in post #175?

It's good of you to offer that.
Yes, it is up to date with the latest components in your last BOM on previous page, post 175.
I spent about 2hrs last night putting it together, each and every part is labelled. Seems Mouser gets painfully slow at night sometimes, not sure if its a bandwidth issue or the site but I got it done. The 6.8m resistor was difficult to find and is on backorder but it could be easily subbed with another type. Also, the large 2200uf cap is substituted with a Nichicon, Rubycon caps are not as common on this side of the pond. C132,232 is nothing exotic and I would suggest picking your own flavor there.
Access ID is 80db403224 if you want to take a look. Its setup as read only but you can put it in a cart and save it to a new project for further modifications.
I just ordered all the parts and a transformer so should start the build next week. I purposely waited for all the bugs to be worked out before starting.

Mouser Electronics Big Bottle BOM
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Yes, it is up to date with the latest components in your last BOM on previous page, post 175.
I spent about 2hrs last night putting it together, each and every part is labelled. Seems Mouser gets painfully slow at night sometimes, not sure if its a bandwidth issue or the site but I got it done. The 6.8m resistor was difficult to find and is on backorder but it could be easily subbed with another type. Also, the large 2200uf cap is substituted with a Nichicon, Rubycon caps are not as common on this side of the pond. C132,232 is nothing exotic and I would suggest picking your own flavor there.
Access ID is 80db403224 if you want to take a look. Its setup as read only but you can put it in a cart and save it to a new project for further modifications.
I just ordered all the parts and a transformer so should start the build next week. I purposely waited for all the bugs to be worked out before starting.

Mouser Electronics Big Bottle BOM

Superb! Well done.

Yes absolutely right to wait for the wrinkles to get ironed out. I've had mine running for a few weeks now and it's been very stable. I'm running in the new capacitors at the minute so still haven't got it run in properly.

I'm looking forward to you build pics 😉
Hi Oliver,

I received the R-core trafo on Thursday, so I will start the build on this project shortly. Do you still have some of the Tesla PCC88s available? I see there is a chap in England who seems to have some, at not too bad a price. Fortunately I do have some 12AX7 valves available.

Hi Oliver,

I received the R-core trafo on Thursday, so I will start the build on this project shortly. Do you still have some of the Tesla PCC88s available? I see there is a chap in England who seems to have some, at not too bad a price. Fortunately I do have some 12AX7 valves available.


Hi Kevin,

I haven't, I sold them a while back with the boards.


Good luck with the build. I'm looking forward to the feedback.