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Bigbottle MC only Valve/JFET phonostage Group Buy


I use a low output Lyra cartridge. Do you have some performance measurement for noise at gain around 64dB?


I don't have measurements for noise, sorry. I'd like some so I'll get mine built and try and get it measured.

What I can tell you is that I have run a DLS1 and DL304 through it without issues with noise. My speakers are 95db so pretty efficient.


Transformer has arrived!

View attachment Bigbottle BOM - Final Revision.pdf

I have finally rectified the troublesome (is physical size) 4.7uf Capacitor with a smaller alternative. The BOM is now fully complete with all up to date alterations and part numbers.


No values have changed in this BOM. Just part numbers. If you have ordered parts listed on the previous BOM, they will be fine! The alteration was only done for ease of fitting the cap on to the board.

Once again, thanks to everyone for taking part. There are 30 of these PCB's now out in the world, with three fully built ones residing happily in the homes of DIY'ers.

I look forward to your Pictures and feedback.

View attachment 736264

I have finally rectified the troublesome (is physical size) 4.7uf Capacitor with a smaller alternative. The BOM is now fully complete with all up to date alterations and part numbers.


No values have changed in this BOM. Just part numbers. If you have ordered parts listed on the previous BOM, they will be fine! The alteration was only done for ease of fitting the cap on to the board.

Once again, thanks to everyone for taking part. There are 30 of these PCB's now out in the world, with three fully built ones residing happily in the homes of DIY'ers.

I look forward to your Pictures and feedback.

Hi Oliver,
I'll post pics of my Bigbottle build when i learn how to
A quick announcement:

Unfortunately, the values of resistor we calculated for the RIAA accuracy are not working in the way we expected. The RIAA needs some fine tuning. This will be investigated this week and I'll make an amendment to BOM as soon as we have the level of accuracy I expect.
4.7uF caps

Hi Oliver,

I have slowly gone about getting the parts for this board. I managed to pick up some Panasonic PP 4.7uF 450VDC caps for C131.231 from RS Components. They fit perfectly into the space allowed. You mention that by doubling up on the 2.2uF you seemed to get better body, so I might try these out too for C132.232 & 144.

Kevin, I did put an update on the thread a couple of posts ago.(#175)

C131,231 are no longer required!

Use those caps in place of the two 2.2uf next to them. The third 2.2uf near the back of the PCB must be left alone as it's part of the PSU.

I'll add a pic to demonstrate.