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Bigbottle MC only Valve/JFET phonostage Group Buy

Hi all,

Couple of bits.

Firstly, If anyone requires assistance in getting the BF862, let me know. I am happy to source them and can provide the exact one i used in my own Bigbottle phonostage.

Secondly, The boards have been posted to me and should be here in a few days!

If anyone wants the BF862 posted with their boards, let me know and we will sort out the financial details.
That is great news Oliver, thank you. I can get a batch of 10 (minimum order qty) from RS Components for 4 Britsh Pound delivered. Needless to say a few other components will also be added. I can at least start on the resistors, FETs, diodes etc.


Thanks for highlighting it as a possible replacement. It's specs are very close to that of the 862 so that's a great find.

Also, far cheaper than I can get the 862 for. I'm paying £2each for legitimate ones.
Hi BB... Was just wondering.... And thanks for the update :)
Since we don´t have the schematics....
We have 2 x 7DJ8/pcc88. Could you tell if the ECC83 is wired 6.3volt or 12.6volt for the filament??
Just that I have a bunch of 6N2P-EV lying around, so these would be nice to use, if wired 6.3volts :)