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Bigbottle MC only Valve/JFET phonostage Group Buy

Hi Oliver,

I have a problem sourcing the BF862 in SA (RS will sell me a reel of 3000), but can get the BF861C which appears to have very similar specs. Can this be safely used? Also the PCC88/7DJ8 is not available here. Can you please ask Alan if the 6922 can be used instead (I have a few spare), though this may require a few components to be changed. Is there a specific type/make of valve socket you can recommend please? All I can seem to get here are the chssis mount type.

Many thanks, Kevin
Hi Oliver,

I have a problem sourcing the BF862 in SA (RS will sell me a reel of 3000), but can get the BF861C which appears to have very similar specs. Can this be safely used? Also the PCC88/7DJ8 is not available here. Can you please ask Alan if the 6922 can be used instead (I have a few spare), though this may require a few components to be changed. Is there a specific type/make of valve socket you can recommend please? All I can seem to get here are the chssis mount type.

Many thanks, Kevin

Hi Kevin,

They are available on ebay? Can you get ebay items delivered to SA?

If not, i will post you some if you want.

Hi Oliver,

Many thanks for the link. My biggest problem is the SA Postal Service; they are bloody useless. I will be collecting 5 parcels tomorrow, that were ordered in May last year. Some from China and some from the USA. Another parcel currently appears to be totally missing.

I'll see if I can make a different plan via The Netherlands, or the USA (GlobalShopaholics.)

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Hi Oliver,

Many thanks for the link. My biggest problem is the SA Postal Service; they are bloody useless. I will be collecting 5 parcels tomorrow, that were ordered in May last year. Some from China and some from the USA. Another parcel currently appears to be totally missing.

I'll see if I can make a different plan via The Netherlands.


Oh dear!

Ok, if I can help let me know!
Thanks Oliver.

I am going to see if I can order via Farnell USA (Newark/Element14.) I have a GlobalShopaholics account, so that might be the easiest route for me. It means waiting a bit longer, but that gives me more time for other projects. I got my DCA55 via them.
Fortunately the resistors and caps are no problem.

Actually via the USA is no problem. They (GS) consolidate and send it on, and will hold stuff for upto 180 days. Got quite a few things that way last year. I'm busy paying off a tonearm (DIYAudio person,) and it will be coming over the same way. Actually very easy.

As far as the BF862 and PCC88 is concerned, can you please send me a PM with the cost etc. I am a little broke after my month in The Netherlands (horrible exchange for us down south) but will see what I can scrape together. Same address PCB sent to.

Big thanks for your help so far. BTW sourced the B9A and EQ caps at Farnell.

Actually via the USA is no problem. They (GS) consolidate and send it on, and will hold stuff for upto 180 days. Got quite a few things that way last year. I'm busy paying off a tonearm (DIYAudio person,) and it will be coming over the same way. Actually very easy.

As far as the BF862 and PCC88 is concerned, can you please send me a PM with the cost etc. I am a little broke after my month in The Netherlands (horrible exchange for us down south) but will see what I can scrape together. Same address PCB sent to.

Big thanks for your help so far. BTW sourced the B9A and EQ caps at Farnell.


Hi Kevin,

Ok, I'll drop you a message later today and we can see what options are available.

Hi Bigman.....
Same problem here. Seems BF862 is pretty obsolete, and my hesitation around china ones........ Also there were a thread some time ago, where some found out, that different batches of BF862 had different (higher) noise figures than others. Far from being the expert on fet´s, would this do??


I'm not sure about your part soninwill have to get in touch with Alan

We have been using these for a while:

4 pieces NXP BF862 BF862,215 SOT23 package low noise JFET close sub for 2SK170 | eBay

UK seller and they are perfect. There is a link to a Chinese on this thread and we also order from them. We have never experienced an issue.

I will look at a replacement part option but I suggest sticking with the ones linked here for your builds.