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Bigbottle MC only Valve/JFET phonostage Group Buy

Hi, any board left? Or will there a new round of group buy? I would like to have 2 to 3 boards, please let me know, thanks

Hi GK,

Unfortunately, all the boards are currently sold with one hold awaiting payment.

I am happy to do another round of the group buy and if there are anymore interested parties, shout up!

I need a minimum of either 5 people or 5 orders to do the group buy.

Payment in advance of ordering.


Hi GK,

Unfortunately, all the boards are currently sold with one hold awaiting payment.

I am happy to do another round of the group buy and if there are anymore interested parties, shout up!

I need a minimum of either 5 people or 5 orders to do the group buy.

Payment in advance of ordering.



Thanks, I will try to ask if any of my friends are interesting.

BTW, how many gain could set maximum of this phono?
Power transformer

One other supplier of custom toroid power transformers is Audiophonics in France. Have bought from them earlier and the quality is very good, but not potted.
As an example, the price for one toroid transformer suitable for the Bigbottle phonostage, with 165V 0.1A and 2X9V 1.3A = 40VA is €29.30 + P&P. The price is calculated with 10% extra for voltage over 100V and 10% for an electrostatic screen. You can also select from three different profiles of the transformer, low, standard or high.
Cheers, seppoa
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