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Bigbottle MC only Valve/JFET phonostage Group Buy

Delivery man has been with a few little bits for the board.

May order the capacitors today too. IMG_20181213_101806.jpeg IMG_20181213_101815.jpeg
Hmm, thanks. I'll have to have it custom made. Can't find that in South Africa. Where did you source yours, and I presume the voltages are "cast in stone;" the closest I can find is a 2x115V pri with a 250V sec (50mA) and 2x 7.5V (1A) sec.

Yes, custom and cast in stone I'm afraid.

I got mine from Toriody.pl

If you drop him a message he will give you a quote.

Airlink transformers will also make one of you ask them for a price.

I am sure there are others who will do it.

Alternatively, go for two separate TX's to provide the necessary supply. Not sure that would be cheaper!
Managed to get a bit more done but now I am out of parts!!

Really nice quality bits on the BOM but I have gone for Dale in the 27K 5W position.

I am also going to change the capacitor to a JB in the C131/231 position. The one in the BOM is possibly still too big for the allocated space. I will need to re-measure the space or try and find a better sized capacitor.

Some pics!