Bob Cordell's Power amplifier book

The manuscript is with the publisher. It was submitted around mid-august. It is always difficult to predict how long it will take for the publisher to get it into print. I think we are looking at sometime in the first quarter of 2019. I sure do appreciate your interest and patience :).

Hi Bob,
I checked the Routledge site for Focal press :

Focal Press: Audio - Routledge

There are books planned for 1st April 2019 - and listed - but yours is not listed. Is it possible that there may be a glitch in their system - and they have failed to sequence it into their production ?

Joined 2011
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Upon careful reading of Bob Cordell's 1st edition, I cannot find any mention of "Cordell's error correction circuit." Would you please cite page# and type out a brief quote, so we can look it up for ourselves and discover the thing you are talking about?

Possibly could it be (that professor)'s error correction circuit which Bob copied with full attribution, in link #6 of the "Published Papers" zone of Bob's website? Neither Bob, nor I, nor the professor, nor any rightthinking scholar, would call that "Cordell's error correction circuit", so it seems likely you refer to something else entirely.
Hi Keantoken,

Giovanni Stochino Linear Audio has analysis and examples of Hawksford's Error Correction (Vol 7) and Bob Cordell's version (Vol 8) which Giovanni calls Enhanced HEC since it is a variant. According to Giovanni Bob has added a RC LPF upstream of the voltage summer to roll off the positive feedback so there is no need to limit the bandwidth of the error amp as in the original HEC..

BTW Vol 9 has part 2 of Vol 8 but is on a Black type Feedforward amp and not HEC, it's the 3rd generation design, the first was in Electronics World Oct 1994.

In the refs for HEC are Bob Cordell, Bruce Halcro Candy (US6052027) still in production I think, Jan Didden, O. Popa, and E.Stuart.
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Joined 2011
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Odd, they work fine for me. Here are the top left corners of each.


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