Bob Cordell's Power amplifier book

The in-print date I get from Routledge is June 13. I looked on Amazon this morning and saw that same 1-3 month thing, and it makes no sense. Some folks pre-ordered directly from the Routledge site, and it will be interesting to see when they get theirs as opposed to when those who pre-ordered from Amazon get theirs.

I'll let you know when I get mine :).

Joined 2011
Paid Member
Hi Bob, if there's an errata page for the 1st edition, I couldn't find it. Maybe this has been known for years (or maybe I'm wrong...)

but I think there's an error in the schematic for the Klever Klipper. I think capacitor C2's plates are labeled backwards. I think the top plate should be negative and the bottom plate should be positive (?)

Mark Johnson



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Hi Mark,

I believe you are correct!

There was no errata page posted on my website for the first edition, but I do intend to put up such a page for the second edition. It is a good idea, and it actually helps me as much as the readers. Over the years I compiled files of various errata to correct for the second edition, and many folks here were extremely helpful in that regard. I do indeed owe a lot to the members of this Forum.
