Bob Cordell's Power amplifier book

I ordered from Routledge directly, I have no indication when it will arrive either. The Sign In - Routledge
web site is giving me problems logging in.
be patient, we will get it shortly.

I'll let Routledge know that shipping seems to be slow on orders made directly though Routledge. I feel your pain, I have not yet gotten any copies from Routledge yet either :).

I replicated an experiment in Bob's discourse on cables. A 10 foot of Monster Cable -- terminated "short" and with a 100R Caddock. The impedance of the Caddock is included for reference.

I also attached the cable to a little ADS Bookshelf speaker I had in the lab.

The reason Bob likes Zobels!

Nice measurements!

These kinds of impedance fluctuations resulting from transmission line effects might not bother many well-deigned and conservatively-designed power amplifiers, but some amplifiers, when combined with certain types of speaker cables of different lengths and even loudspeakers with different innards, might behave differently or in unpredictable ways. A lot could have to do with feedback stability or output stage stability under certain operating conditions. Parasitic oscillation bursts might be an example concern. Amplifiers that have high gain-crossover frequencies might be more susceptible, as might be amplifiers with no output coil. Such phenomena might actually be more affecting of high-end amplifiers.

It can't hurt to make the load as amplifier-friendly as possible, especially at little cost.

Just got my copy - momentous effort with plenty of unanswered questions for the third edition - well done. Not sure if this is the right place to note typos but about halfway down page 69 the phrase "The current mirror of Figure 2.9b ..." should read "The current mirror of Figure 2.11b ...". On page 41 it states that a 22M start up resistor is necessary for the ring-of-two Green LED current source to operate. This is certainly true of a simulation with ideal devices; but in the real world the circuit is self starting, under all circumstances, without the 22M resistor. I discovered this circuit over a decade ago and use it so frequently that I made a tiny SMT PCB to implement it.

Thanks for bringing these errors to my attention. This is probably the best place to do it, so others will see what needs to be corrected as well. Alternatively, don't hesitate to PM or email me. Bringing any of this to my attention is much appreciated. I do plan to try to put up an errata list on my web site at

With respect to unanswered questions, if any of general interest are brought to my attention, I'll try to put together some answers on my web site. The third edition is probably a long way off :).

I can login to the Routledge web site, not that it tells me anything.
Very surprised to hear that some customers get a copy before the author does.

To me it is like the customer getting the pcb before the designer does :confused:

Wondering, if the printer was to do a second printing, would they fix errors found in the first printing?
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I replicated an experiment in Bob's discourse on cables. A 10 foot of Monster Cable -- terminated "short" and with a 100R Caddock. The impedance of the Caddock is included for reference.

I also attached the cable to a little ADS Bookshelf speaker I had in the lab.

The reason Bob likes Zobels!

Interesting- I used 25W 100 Ohm Caddock resistors inside the "connector shell" shunting the speaker end of the Monster M1.2 and M1.4 cables. The wire is more complex but still 2 conductors spaced similar to the more classic cables. The resistors did seem to make a consistent positive difference in the sound. PITA to manufacture but thousands were sold.
I can login to the Routledge web site, not that it tells me anything.
Very surprised to hear that some customers get a copy before the author does.

To me it is like the customer getting the pcb before the designer does :confused:

Wondering, if the printer was to do a second printing, would they fix errors found in the first printing?

It is usually the case that if a publisher does a second printing of a given edition, they will correct known errors at that point. Depending on the publisher, the number of copies in the first printing and the sales of the book, a second printing, if any, can be years down the road.

A second printing may occur if not enough books were printed to make it to the next edition. At that point, the publisher may make a decision to just print subsequent copies by POD (print on demand) to bridge the gap, if the gap is not predicted to be large. POD printed books are a bit more expensive per copy to print, but there is virtually no up-front setup cost incurred. POD printed books are of exceptional quality these days, virtually indistinguishable from traditionally-printed books. Some of the later copies of my first edition were printed by POD. Many smaller runner books these days are printed by POD from the very beginning.


Interesting- I used 25W 100 Ohm Caddock resistors inside the "connector shell" shunting the speaker end of the Monster M1.2 and M1.4 cables. The wire is more complex but still 2 conductors spaced similar to the more classic cables. The resistors did seem to make a consistent positive difference in the sound. PITA to manufacture but thousands were sold.

It would be interesting if some loudspeaker manufacturers incorporated an internal Zobel network right behind the input terminals of the speaker. As many do, some of the drivers inside loudspeaker systems have Zobels across them to cancel out some of the inductive effects of the voice coil, so as to make the crossover network operate more accurately.

Some loudspeaker systems necessarily incorporate a resistive attenuator ahead of the tweeter to obtain correct tweeter sensitivity. If this attenuator is realized with non-inductive resistors, the crossover to the tweeter is simple, and the wiring in the path from the loudspeaker input to the tweeter is carefully done, the loudspeaker will look like a reasonably resistive load from the upper end of the audio band to the MHz range, probably obviating the need/benefit of having a Zobel at the input to the loudspeaker system.

Of course, a loudspeaker load just being reasonably resistive is different than having the characteristic impedance of the speaker cable be reasonably matched at very high frequencies, but it is much better than the speaker looking like a short or an open at very high frequencies. Since different kinds of speaker cable may have significantly different characteristic impedance, a case can be made for incorporating a Zobel with the correct HF impedance into the end of the speaker cable. Most reasonably non-exotic speaker cable will have characteristic impedance between 50 and 120 ohms. Some less common speaker cable will exhibit fairly high capacitance per foot and lower characteristic impedance.

It is always wise to bear in mind that the capacitance of a speaker cable is not a lumped capacitance.

Bob, there are several authors which are self-published using services like The Book Patch, books are usually printed on demand, and since there is no middle man, all of the profits go to the author, this in turn lowers the cost of the book. I have bought some books like those, they are paperback but the quality is practically undistinguishable from a "formal" book.

However some things might be lacking like proof-reading or the nifty hand of an editor, plus the publicity...
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Joined 2011
Paid Member
... i guess that's the price of trying to save a few bucks.

Me too. In April I decided to pre-order from Routledge because their early bird price was considerably less than Amazon's. Just today, 18 June, I got the email below saying that my copy has been shipped. I left the dollar numbers visible so that readers can compare the price I paid, against their own purchase price. And then make the Mlloyd1 decision: was it worth the longer wait, to save this much on the cost? Or was it not?



  • tf002.png
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Ordering DAPA 2

Hi all,

I just went onto the Amazon (US) page for my book, and saw that they today were listing as delivering by one of their associate companies, PBS or some such. It also said they had only 1 left (presumably at PBS). However, when I clicked on other (New) sellers, among that group was Amazon itself. I clicked on putting it in my shopping cart and it did not complain. I am thus confused as to why on the main page Amazon is selling it through an affiliate. My suggestion here is, if you want to buy it and Amazon is showing an affiliate as selling it there, try going to the "other sellers" page and going through Amazon there. I'm sorry to hear that some of you are experiencing frustration in getting the book.

Hi all,

I am thus confused as to why on the main page Amazon is selling it through an affiliate.

You saw the article on GE and Siemens in the NYTimes last Sunday ? -- not that I don't trust Bezos, am being overly cynical or more than typically cranky, but it's a common technique in the "Emerging Markets" to interpose a third party in the transaction to move some money their way!
I saw that on my bill too.


Looks like I'm going to be an amp designer.... or the owner of a very expensive store bought fire-log.

I thought if only one month later the introductory offer was made that Taylor would grandfather the offer. Nothing showed in my cart and there was no way to cancel and reorder the offer. Taylor's only replay to my email was to a link to the offer. I didn't want to end up with two copies so I did nothing.
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Hi all,

I just went onto the Amazon (US) page for my book, and saw that they today were listing as delivering by one of their associate companies, PBS or some such. It also said they had only 1 left (presumably at PBS). However, when I clicked on other (New) sellers, among that group was Amazon itself. I clicked on putting it in my shopping cart and it did not complain. I am thus confused as to why on the main page Amazon is selling it through an affiliate. My suggestion here is, if you want to buy it and Amazon is showing an affiliate as selling it there, try going to the "other sellers" page and going through Amazon there. I'm sorry to hear that some of you are experiencing frustration in getting the book.


I noticed that too, but apparently if you pre-ordered from Amazon, thats exactly what you'll get, mine is already shipped by Amazon and arriving tomorrow (according to Amazon)