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BPA300 Round 2

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Rhys, since you read this, your communication at our place is zero since days back. I want you to respond to each item (that was the whole idea) I have so I can update the wiki as fast as I can. It's good that you do things but I want to know what and how far you have come. 5 letters a day is not an impossible task. I started to help you 9 days back and the outcome is well over 100 emails to and from me and your result is 7 letters which I know about. You have charged A LOT of money in advance and this is serious especially since we are talking about half a year in delay. You must prioritize the shipments instead of hanging out here. Concentrate on the delivery and I'll do the announcements. If you have more deliveries aside from the claim list I want to know. Remember that you said that only 8 letter was left to post, which not was the exact truth. I'll hope that the list reflects the situation.

By the way, switch on subscription on our forum, then you'll see when I'll add threads/issues.

Hey Peranders, I'd like to get onto the Wiki regarding my EC88 Gainclone board (1 board), but I cannot email you as I do not have enough posts. Can you email me with your address so I can get you my info? My email is sarahnick@shaw.ca

I originally sent Rysh my money for the board and he said that he was sold out. He kept the money, and when another person dropped out of the buy, he added me to the list of people.

I can not resist....

Hi Peranders...

My English is not native but do you mean "vacation" like the everybody understand ?? A period when the guy can sleep untill ten o'clock, get an entire day to do only hobby, dog, garden, housing a every other pleasant thinks in life?? :confused:

:whazzat: I can NOT BELIEVE ON THIS.

The guy has a hundred people waiting for goods sold by him...

Here, in Brazil, a not honored man like him would have very short life... and NO TIME for any hollidays...

When I sold some ICs years ago and delayed a shipping for ONE day, I could not sleep that night, thinking on the packing that was not sent because I went to post office and they already closed sharp on time...
I CAN NOT BELIEVE I inderstood it well.

:whazzat: :whazzat: :whazzat:
Vacation meaning spending time with my family, as this was booked and organized months ago its not the time to be making changes.

If you would be kind enough to look at the wiki page Hisatugo, you would firstly realise there are not 'hundreds of people waiting for goods'. Secondly, you would realise your goods are actually on their way to you now.
Oh.. .

YES!!! I forgot time for family also.. as I have two daughters a beloved wife ....

Yes, I saw the list. But I am not considering only my situation.

I am thinking on those several forum members that e-mailed you for an estimate and do not got even an answer.

Resolving MY situation DOES NOT TURN YOU A GOOD GUY.

You got your name into trash already, and to recover it... you must work very, very,very hard.... solve the entire GB situation is just your duty and does not turn your situation any better.
:whazzat: :whazzat: :dodgy:

You did not acepted my help... and preferred to let JC Fardo wait some time more than me. I know JC Fardo paid for his goods before me so I am in a bad situation now. I hope everyone receives their goods as soon as possible.

Lost cause


You must realize that changing some orders' status from "no intention to ship" to "soon" AND updating the wiki is very hard job and one must take a long rest after doing so. Rhys no longer has a reputable reputation so what does he care...

I once thought it is just an inability. I no longer think so. Suppose preparing one complicated order takes 45 minutes and simple one 20 minutes, being large here. Suppose post office matters take 1 additional hour. By investing 2.5 hours one can deliver 2-5 orders a week and be considered somewhat slow but advancing. In 2 months all standing orders are cleared. I'm waiting nearly 3 months and I'm a junior here compared to some.

I'm doing lots of internet buying (ebay, GB, audiogon, shops) and never encountered any problems. Luckily the tuition fees of my first time is rather cheap compared to what it might be.

Shmulik said: You must realize that changing some orders' status from "no intention to ship" to "soon" AND updating the wiki is very hard job and one must take a long rest after doing so. Rhys no longer has a reputable reputation so what does he care...

:D :D
You're right.
Although it seems simple, we know it is not and requires specialized knowledge. I'm still following Peranders advice, thinking positive and doing good vibes to Rhys... maybe only good things can happens to us all.;)

I am looking forward into my mailbox direction also. I still not believe but seriously hoping some stuff to get in.

Just like you, I've been buying a lot from internet also, including radio amateurs transceivers (heavy and big stuff)... never had problems. In fact there's some electronics components (LT1963, DSD1794A and SRC4192) from Digikey at the post office waiting for collect by now.

I shall update the wiki as soon as I receive the boards.

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