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BPA300 Round 2

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I go for an integrated amplifier with passive preamplifier in the same box. Shine7 recommends to use drv134 if there aren't any active preamplifier. From his web: "One disadvantge with input transformer is that an active preamp should be used, otherwise there will be high frequency roll off. "
I have made a few entries to the WIKI page. As you can see shipped and received "yes" are checked. I have sent out 26 pcb's
Let's remain optimistic we will all be burning solder here in short order.
P-A has taken it upon himself to help Rhys with this GB thing. Thanks.
Personally I am in the process of gathering parts to build this thing. Any suggestions on how to take some of the brightness out of this amp.
tryonziess said:
Any suggestions on how to take some of the brightness out of this amp.
Is the brightness caused by a lack of phase margin?

If so then increasing the gain of the amplifier might help.

Are the "optional" components fitted?
Fit a full Thiele Network as shown in fig2 of 3886 and fig5 of 4780 datasheets.
They are not optional.

Note National's comments on Cc and Cf and their interaction.
Andrew, Pa, thanks for the suggestions. I will review these areas. I know there has been discussion on this subject in the forum before. I built the first BPA exactly as Alexw88 did on his first set before implementing the transformer and such. I am completely satisfied with the amps performance I just thought it was a lot brighter than my Leach or Mcintosh amps. The bright sound is welcome on some material it is just an annoyance when I listen to detailed guitar or violin music where the strings are hand plucked.

The amp I am going to build with these current boards is still in the design stage. I already have a BPA up and running from Alexw88 first GB. I bought me a new tig welder last month and I am going to put together a real nice set of cases. Weld up some heatsinks and mill them down. I am going to buy the FM tuner modules from Dantimax. I sold off my Mcintosh MR78 tuner on Ebay. I will use the funds for this project. I was planning on using YOUR relay attenuator project to go with all of the above. WELL??? Just one more thing for your list.

If I have enough funds left over I will try to build the ribbon speakers like those "valvetude" constructed. Those monsters are sweet!!! Anyway just planning and acquiring passive components. The hurry up and see if it will work phase of this hobby is over. Now it is all about perfection. Try and construct the best possible gear. Of course I need folks like you and others to get me through the rough terrain. I am much older and new things take longer to soak in.



Joined 2004
Paid Member
peranders said:
At the moment 24 persons have filed complaints and all are up on the list. I'm waiting for a few to specify exactly what their claims are. Rhys and I have a task list which will help him to see what he has on his agenda. It has taken me three days to sort it out and approx. 100 emails.

It's a hell of a lot of work, I know.

I notice a couple of people got stuff sent Jun 9th. Is there going to be a logical order to the resolution of the claims, or will it be he-who-yells-loudest-gets-served-first? As there are people with payments dating back to last year still waiting it would be courteous to offer an explanation for why others have seemingly jumped the queue.

Second, although its not marked on the wiki, a number of people were told specific ship dates a while ago and they have not received anything. Could we get a definite answer on these, were they shipped or were they not? At least that would save the people concerned the worry of checking the post and looking for misplaced parcels.


The order on the list is just only how they came to me and Rhys will process the list. I demand reports when goods are ready to ship and when they actually have left Rhys' home. I will not give any definitely dates but 10-14 days to completing the list seems to reasonable. Those members which should have goods shipped 14 days back (not more) may contact me. More than 14 days, you will not received anything. Consider the package/letter not sent.
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