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BPA300 Round 2

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A line is drawn

Hello everyone. I have talked with Rhys via a real phone. We all know that Rhys is experiencing problems but I have offered him help to sort things out. From now on the wiki page is the center of all important info. I will write there as soon as I'll get hold of real facts. From now and until this is resolved I'll take over the communication so we can let Rhys have some piece in mind and only focus on important things.

Every person that have issues with Rhys, like undelivered goods, errors in delivered goods etc. file your claims to me via my email button. Don't forget to confirm yourself to my spam filter. It's important that you only reply to the message without changing or adding anything. I will try to respond to everyone within 24 hours and let you know that I have read your message. I will put up each claim on the wiki page and resolve it from there.

It's important that you mention how much you have paid and when in order to trace the payment easier.

So don't bother Rhys for a while now please. We will solve this together.
I have got 42 emails in a few hours and I'll take all Rhys matters and collect them in one place, the wiki. First we collect the claims, then investigate, then act. You will also see how the process goes. As you can imagine, this is too much right now for Rhys and the only thing we can do now is focus on each task and finish it one at the time.
B1 Buffer Boards??


I have emailed you about items sold by Rhys in Swap Meet, however there are also a lot of people who did not get their NP B1 Buffer boards - are your shoulders big enough to take these on as well?

I got my B1 boards sometime ago and therefore I am OK on that one. If you are not going to do it then I will take that side on after talking to you about how to set things up.




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