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BPA300 Round 2

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Rhysh does truth mean anything to you

Hi all

Just an update with my order to inform all of progress since Rhysh refuses to update the wiki.

After months of waiting I posted the following message.

have my boards been posted?

Post #560
Please could you do the same and leave me to get this group buy sorted out instead of trying to prove me as some kind of scammer. You will get your boards within the 14 days as agreed.

We agreed to this on 05-27-2009 04:32 PM

Okay, if you will be kind enough to send me your full postage details i will do that for you.

I have emailed my postal details to you……….

I am still waiting for response or update.....

After being ignored for weeks Rhysh responded as follows:

If paypal will resolve this situation, you will get your boards within 14 days. I am working with them at the moment.

For the record (this was two weeks ago)!!!

Today I received the email message below:


Not yet, but im working towards it. I have been away from home, hence the none replies, i did actually post multiple times about this.

Would you be needing registered airmail?

It is interesting to note the number of posts Rhysh has made to the forum while he was 'supposedly away'!!

Your concept of truth and reality needs serious consideration Rhysh. There is a four letter word beginning with "L" to best describe you and your responses. Please prove me wrong before I inform my credit card provider to start recovery action from you. I suggest you ship my boards withing 24 hours using a PRIORITY OR OVERNIGHT service to ENSURE my purchase arrives within the 4 day window that is all that remains until your (our) 14 day agreement expires.

I like your selective way of picking out posts. You did not simply ask if your boards had been posted, instead you threatened me with legal action.

How can you possible even ask me, to ship your boards across to the the other side of the world using an overnight courier, that would be of a huge expense to me, a lot more then the money you are trying to claim back for the PCB's.

I will ship your boards using the standard service, i will not be bullied into spending a huge amount of money on a overnight service. I will scan the proof of postage and email it to you, rerember to show that to your credit card company BEFORE you try and make a claim against me.

I can post to the forum when i am away, by using VPN on my PDA to connect through my home network. There is really nothing too intresting about that.
Hi all,

from the round 2 wiki June 9, 2009, only 6 out of 19 prepaying buyers have received their orders from Rhys. As he has had "..everything ready for shipping .." since (at least) early April 2009 and nothing happens aside from he giving promises (lies according to some) he in most cases obviously cannot hold I recommend everyone to take the following actions:

1) Report the situation to their credit card companies, banks etc
2) Report to Paypal if possible (a report > 45 days is still logged)
3) Report the situation to the local police (Sheffield, South Yorkshire)
4) Have him and his shop blacklisted on e.g. http://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/cfr.php?URL=http://www.met.police.uk or some better place if someone knows one.

It is interesting to see the response Rhys H. has received on other forums, e.g. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f12/rhys_h-424790/

There is obvoiusly a need for moderation here so that this kind seller could be banned (some people from the first round has obviously not got their orders yet) ..

Interesting reading thanks diplom

I like your selective way of picking out posts. You did not simply ask if your boards had been posted, instead you threatened me with legal action..

Really?? So what does the message below imply?

Hi, I will update the wiki with all the information shortly. Sorry for leaving everyone in the dark - been busy! I aim to ship everything by the 1st of May at the latest.

I paid you in February - any other operator WILL have not threatened but TAKEN legal action - you're still lucky!

How can you possible even ask me, to ship your boards across to the the other side of the world using an overnight courier, that would be of a huge expense to me, a lot more then the money you are trying to claim back for the PCB's.

MMM, again, you seem acutely aware of any discomfort to YOURSELF and YOUR budget, but you are unable to effectively demonstrate the same discomfort with other peoples' funds! Are you aware that other purchasers have to foot the bill for credit card interest rates on a daily basis? If we should face that what makes you so special????

I will ship your boards using the standard service, i will not be bullied into spending a huge amount of money on a overnight service. I will scan the proof of postage and email it to you, rerember to show that to your credit card company BEFORE you try and make a claim against me.

OK! So as soon as an individual asserts their RIGHTS it is being a bully. What does that make you Rhysh. What is the definition of a a person who consistently makes a statement in writing and not deliver? You are smart enough to fool a lot of people I am sure you can find out.

I can post to the forum when i am away, by using VPN on my PDA to connect through my home network. There is really nothing too intresting about that.

Yes there is - especially when you are selective about who you reply to. And explain inability to communicate with a host of excuses.
Re: Interesting reading thanks diplom

Im not looking for an argument, im sorry. Do you want a scan of the postage receipt? Edit: Proof of postage sorry.

According to the post office, they should be with you from 4 days, depending on how busy the infrastructure is at this moment in time.
To All,
I received 30 pcb's from Rys about a week ago to distribute to the members here in the U.S. Ten more need to follow. I have to date shipped out 12 boards. I am going to ship one member 16 boards today.
I can not make any claims as to fraud on Rys part because he has delivered as promised. I got my 4 boards and some others got theirs.
Though the time span might be rather lengthy I think we will all eventually get our property. And all of us being ADULTS know that no amount of name calling will make the situation any better.
I do not believe that is what this forum was created for. Rys continues to correspond with us which is not something a deceptive individual would do.

I do not claim to know the whole situation here I just know that life sometimes deals us things that take time to sort out. Read that remake carefully it means more than it's face value.

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