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Buffalo DAC (ESS Sabre 9008)

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coloradosound said:
Way too many pages here to read through everything
on a public library computer!
Is this Buffalo DAC suitable for 8 channels.
I wouldn't mind having some of the Sabre chips in stereo
mode to get top performance from each chip rather than
trying to do 8 channels on one chip.

You could do 8 channels with 4 Buffalo DACs.

Its a stereo DAC. If you want you can use a clock distribution IC (off board) and supply all 4 buffalos with the same master clock. But I doubt its really required to get excellent results. But you know someones going to try it. :)

Russ White said:

You could do 8 channels with 4 Buffalo DACs.

Its a stereo DAC. If you want you can use a clock distribution IC (off board) and supply all 4 buffalos with the same master clock. But I doubt its really required to get excellent results. But you know someones going to try it. :)


Thanks for helping me get back up to speed on this thread
I get to use a public library computer for 55min per day if I
come down. (I usually only do every other day).
So who is selling the boards, how much, and what all is
on it? (blank board or w/sabre chip and or other components)?
I have various Jensen transformers as I notice many of you
are choosing various output devices and configs (OP amps,
tubes, tranny's, etc.
I wouldn't mind getting 4 if affordable.
matejS said:

One question regarding IVY...

THS4131 datasheet says:
"For the prevention of noise going through the device, use a 0.1�F capacitor on the VOCM
pin as a bypass capacitor."

IVY has it connected directly to the GND. Have you tried to bypass it?


Well it only needs to be bypassed to GND if it some other voltage than GND. :) For example a single supply application where VOCM was VCC/2.

In case of the IVY VOCM is GND, so there is no logic in byspassing GND to GND. :)

I am looking to get the Buffalo-IVY-Dual-power-supply kit, when it becomes available, and use with my DCX2496. I have a question regarding the implementation of the IVY circuit.

Looking at the schematics of IVY board

I noticed that the Low-Pass filter is a 1st order and has a cut-off frequency of 202 kHz. I also looked at White paper published by ESS Technology

and there the filter is a passive 2nd order network implemented around the AD797 with a cut-off frequency of about 100 kHz.

The ESS White Paper does not seem to mention the oversampling rate of the Sabre DAC, so it is hard to comment on the appropriate anti-aliasing filter order or its cut-off frequency.

Still, why not use a lower cut-off, - perhaps in the 50-60 kHz range, because the 20kHz pass-band will not be effected by any more then a tiny fraction of a dB in this case anyway while getting a benefit of better noise suppression? Comments?

Vadim said:
I am looking to get the Buffalo-IVY-Dual-power-supply kit, when it becomes available, and use with my DCX2496. I have a question regarding the implementation of the IVY circuit.

Looking at the schematics of IVY board

I noticed that the Low-Pass filter is a 1st order and has a cut-off frequency of 202 kHz. I also looked at White paper published by ESS Technology

and there the filter is a passive 2nd order network implemented around the AD797 with a cut-off frequency of about 100 kHz.

The ESS White Paper does not seem to mention the oversampling rate of the Sabre DAC, so it is hard to comment on the appropriate anti-aliasing filter order or its cut-off frequency.

Still, why not use a lower cut-off, - perhaps in the 50-60 kHz range, because the 20kHz pass-band will not be effected by any more then a tiny fraction of a dB in this case anyway while getting a benefit of better noise suppression? Comments?



That's an older version of the schematic. I have redesigned the circuit slight for a lower Fc. (<100khz).

I found it is actually necessary to filter beyond what I had been at first.

We will update the Schematic soon and publish a manual for the different possible configurations. The IVY is used for more than just the Buffalo, so it hard to capture all possible configuration directly on the schematic.

another one


  • buffalo dac 004.jpg
    buffalo dac 004.jpg
    63.6 KB · Views: 2,633
matjans said:
Hey guys,

just to let you know I just built my Buffalo after the normal startup-problems: soldering station was missing/lost (i recently moved to a new house), out of solder (on sundays), no room to work, you know how it goes :xeye: .

Current state: spaghetti! I plan to put it in a nice case sometime, but i'm really waiting (lurking in the dark) for the uber controller.

Soundwise: *very* good. Wide, stable, accurate soundstage. Quite neutral, i think. Lots of detail, especially in the lower (bass) regions.
I'm using it with a sonos as source (the only thing I had with volume-controlled spdif output, for lack of balanced diff. preamp) and a pair of UcD400's as amp.

Looking good. And just to make sure, it the Buffalo, an IVY and a couple of PSU's, right ?
Hi Russ,

Forgive me if this has already been covered -- it's a very long thread...

On the Twisted Pear site the Buffalo DAC appears to be "out of stock" but recent posts seem to indicate that it's available. If it is available, I would like to order one.


Buffalo availability

Russ & Brian,

hope you both get a nice vacation sometime :)
you're a great asset to the community. I just got my OTTO boards a few days ago, now I just need to assemble it and set it up as my new home theater bypass switch ;-)

back to the buffalo:
Will the buffalo be offered as a *full* kit? I'm running low on hobby funds so I'd rather go cheap on this. If so, I'll keep an eye out for pricing & availability once Brian gets some time...

Note: I'm more than familiar with SMT assembly, and my soldering skills are quite decent. (I also have professional help available locally as a plan B) So I'm more than willing to trade more work for cheaper cost.

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