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Buffalo DAC (ESS Sabre 9008)

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Re: Re: Re: Re: How to use center tapped transformer

rolls said:

If you do it this way, you have a "normal" bipolar supply and the series resistor and the CMC are not working, but theses elements are important for filtering the common mode noise. Save your bipolar transformer for another project and buy a new one.
I have good experience with r-cores from AnalogMetric, R26-34 has 2x9V and 2x15V.

Actually I'm using this for a Hypex UCD amp. I'm replacing the on board feed for the input opamp supply which is unregulated with this supply which is regulated. The transformer for the amp has an extra secondary for low voltage but it is center tapped.

With this wiring I'm still using the CLR for the + and - legs. Would the choke filtering not work as such?

I'm waiting for placid/counterpoint to use in the buffalo which I'll build in the same case, then I will use the dual secondaries transformer.

Thanks for all the replies...
crackling problem

The DAC is sounding exceptionally good but I have a problem:

I am getting crackling which is associated with the signal.

i.e. no signal: silent, with signal: crackling - spread evenly in left & right channels but always in dead centre.

SPDIF, all settings default, V output via transformers. Bal toUnbal

I will try USB soon to see if that is better but before that do you have any ideas what is causing this ?

I attach pictures



  • dac close up.jpg
    dac close up.jpg
    90.6 KB · Views: 714
mikelm said:
the crackling is constant when there is a signal - like a fire or frying pan. Not very loud - but clearly audible.

Mine does that for a couple of seconds after switching SPDIF source through an OTTO. I think it has to do with a SPDIF signal that is good enough to lock onto, but still relatively poor.

Do you have an alternative SPDIF source to try? Re-terminate and re-route your SPDIF wiring?
mikelm said:
thanks beefy - I'm just trying SPDIF via USB module which seems to be TTL 3.3V cos it has just locked on D1 i/p of DAC . . . .

. . . . mmmmm seems to be better, clicking is gone

but it seems to sound different now :xeye: ? ? ?

but still sound pretty good :)

Ah yes, that makes sense.

When using TTL level SPDIF you should not use the comparator input, but instead open the SPDIF switch and wire the SPDIF into D1.

Don't forget to open the SPDIF switch.

I begin to see that each configuration is going to have it's own "sound"

1) Pioneer universal player SPDIF out into DAC SPDIF in - I really like this sound apart from the clicking - it sounded very analogue - I wonder what I have to do to get this mode working properly ? I need this mode to play movies !

2) USB module in SPDIF mode into D1 i/p sounded more detailed but a bit rough - didn't like that.

I wonder if the USB module would sound better with it's own supply ?

3) USB module in SPDIF mode into DAC SPDIF i/p - sounds best so far on balance - not as nice as 1 but better than 2 and no clicking :)

- oh Russ just say - should not use this mode - will it damage anything Russ ?

next I try USB via I2S . . .
thanks russ . . .

. . . but what do you suggest to get my pioneer SPDIF o/p working without the clicking ?

eventually I will want 3 switchable i/p's

SPDIF - from my pioneer
USB - from my notebook
AES - future source

what is ur best suggestion to integrate these requirements whilst getting best sound and eliminate the clicking problem I have now


mikelm said:
thanks russ . . .

. . . but what do you suggest to get my pioneer SPDIF o/p working without the clicking ?

eventually I will want 3 switchable i/p's

SPDIF - from my pioneer
USB - from my notebook
AES - future source

what is ur best suggestion to integrate these requirements whilst getting best sound and eliminate the clicking problem I have now



Very likely some galvanic isolation would help. There may be some noise coming from that source. The MUX board uses transformers for isolation. Then you would use the I2S input to the Buffalo.

The MUX can handle 3 consumer SPDIF and one AES.

So you would run SPDIF from your USB, and from your external sources, plus AES.

OK - thanks Russ, I'll try your suggestions

In the mean time I'm trying I2S from USB into into the DAC.

I have the switches 1-/ 2-/ 3+/ 4+/ SPDIF open

I have a "lock" but I have no sound - any ideas about that ?

sorry for all these questions - I'm a bit a digital ignoramus !

many thanks

mikelm said:
OK - thanks Russ, I'll try your suggestions

In the mean time I'm trying I2S from USB into into the DAC.

I have the switches 1-/ 2-/ 3+/ 4+/ SPDIF open

I have a "lock" but I have no sound - any ideas about that ?

sorry for all these questions - I'm a bit a digital ignoramus !

many thanks


If you are indeed a digital noobie like me, then you probably mistook "SRCK" on the USB Module for "Serial Data" as I did. "D0" on the USB Module is actually the proper "Serial Data". Thats probably why it's locked because the clock is wired properly but not the data...atleast that was my case. I hope that helps :p

USB Module ==> Buffalo Module
Bit Clock (BCK) ==> DCK
Word Clock (LRCK) ==> D1
Serial DATA (D0) ==> D2
GND ==> G
Russ White said:
The MUX can handle 3 consumer SPDIF and one AES.

I was planning to use the MUX for 4 inputs - namely coax-BNC, coax-RCA, your TOSLINK module and your USB module. I still don't quite understand this fully, but that would seem to be 4 consumer inputs.

Can this be done? Either the MUX handling 4 consumer inputs, or one of the other inputs easily modded such that it can input to the AES?
Beefy said:

I was planning to use the MUX for 4 inputs - namely coax-BNC, coax-RCA, your TOSLINK module and your USB module. I still don't quite understand this fully, but that would seem to be 4 consumer inputs.

Can this be done? Either the MUX handling 4 consumer inputs, or one of the other inputs easily modded such that it can input to the AES?

Well its two consumer and two TTL, but yes, it will work just fine. :)

Use the AES input for one of the TTL level signals (TOSLINK would be a good call)

I will cover how to adapt the AES input for SPDIF in the manual.

chobint said:

If you are indeed a digital noobie like me, then you probably mistook "SRCK" on the USB Module for "Serial Data" as I did. "D0" on the USB Module is actually the proper "Serial Data". Thats probably why it's locked because the clock is wired properly but not the data...atleast that was my case. I hope that helps :p

USB Module ==> Buffalo Module
Bit Clock (BCK) ==> DCK
Word Clock (LRCK) ==> D1
Serial DATA (D0) ==> D2
GND ==> G

Thanks - finally got it working on I2S ! . . . and I think it sounds good - but it's too late to play it loud :bawling: hehe
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