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Buffalo DAC (ESS Sabre 9008)

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Russ White said:

Demand for Buffalo has been incredibly high. We keep the orders open as long as we can. the only fair way to do it is first come first served.

The good news is, we are ramping up for much greater production quantity then we have been doing so far. The stock situation should be much improved soon.


Feet firmly placed in starting blocks :)
Joined 2006
Paid Member
I was record holder of the 100m at my school at 18....and never used starting blocks ( slowed me down )( i know it was long ago ) but even so this is something else.

Not that i'm complaining, just surprised !

Russ and Brian have a hot product in hand, ...and i have a Shanling wanting an upgrade.

Got lot's to keep me busy DYIng....but after my UGS is finished i want a Buffalo!:)
BrianDonegan said:
I opened up for pre-orders for this round on June 30th, and sold out in about 8 hours......

......I am on track to ship all of these this week, starting today

By my calcs, I should be in on this batch - and my Buffalo/IVY/PSUs/OTTO will be waiting for me when I get back from holiday next week :)

Keep up the good work guys!
wobbly said:
Another small issue with my CD PRO2 transport is it inverts absolute phase - so I have to ask,whats the phase relationship thru the twistedpear combo,and any recomendation as to where i should reinvert the signal.

Hi Wobbly,

Do you mean phase of the word clock?

If so then all you will need to do is swap the left and right outputs.

All that the 1.2V supplies are used for (beside the core 1.2V) is to drive the level shifters for the analog stage.

They do not need to be and there is no benefit from (in any measurable way according to Dustin) them having supplies that are separate from the core 1.2V supply. :)

Now some here may feel compelled to provide a separately regulated supply for the level shift drivers, but practically I can't find a good reason to do it. If Dustin says don't bother, I say I won't. So I didn't. I drive the level shifters from the same 1.2 volt regulator as the core uses.

What is critical is providing a clean AVCC supply to each side. For the AVCC(3.3V) I use one half of a LM4562 per side. You can look at the specs in the datasheet. Of course there are quite a few low noise opamps that work work equally well, but these are tried and true.


My second question would be is will the +12.6 0 -12.6 V (25v center tap) transformers that I already have be sufficient? They are the closeout magnatech from parts express that sold for $2.88.


It seems to me that they should work fine as we are making 6 and 6.5 volts after regulation, but I just want to be 100% sure.

Thanks Russ and Brian for all your hard work.
DaveM said:

My second question would be is will the +12.6 0 -12.6 V (25v center tap) transformers that I already have be sufficient? They are the closeout magnatech from parts express that sold for $2.88.


It seems to me that they should work fine as we are making 6 and 6.5 volts after regulation, but I just want to be 100% sure.

Thanks Russ and Brian for all your hard work.

Hi Dave,

Niether the LCDPS nor the LCBPS are designed for center tapped tranformers. A dual secondary transformer would be better suited.

You could make it work, but it probably not the best choice.

Thank you for your kind words.

Have had my Buffalo running for a couple of days now. Thanks Russ/Brian!

However I'm getting some strange distortion:

With music at full volume via either a media player app or the windows mixer, I can hear a low level distortion that sounds like clipping.
When I turn the volume down on the PC (and up on my pre-amp to compensate) it gets worse.

It seems as though the digital processing on the DAC is short of bits, although it's quite possible I am doing something silly. I've used my PC for other DACs including the Sabre demo board and the TP Opus, all of which worked flawlessly.

-20dB via PC:


-30dB via PC:

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