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Buffalo DAC (ESS Sabre 9008)

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As I understand it, the kits are still classed as beta since they have not been tested in a wide enough array of applications. Also not fully tested wrt to SE use either, although it presents no probs in my set up. I did have to use a cap on the output though cos of some DC offset.

Russ or Brian should probably comment here.

Counterpoint gives a more refined sound, and a soundstage with more depth and tangible reality to it. All this is in my setup etc etc. ie YMMV.

No going back for me though. I now have 2 IVYs here!

Fran, I had the same thoughts the first time I tried the DAC straight into my 300b valve power amps. e.g. Good but lacking a little warmth.

However after a while of going back through my usual passive TVC pre, I went back to a direct connection and found I really liked it. Every time I switched back to using the TVC I felt I was missing the attack and detail of the direct connection. Now I don't know why the change, burn in, old age hearing, or just I've convinced myself, but I do use it direct now.

I guess it helps if your amps don't need much to get them going?

square wave response

mikelm said:

Here is a 1khz square wave full output - please excuse the shadow - my ancient scope is on it's last legs.

A 10khz square looks more like a sine with some irregularities but my scope would not trigger it so I cannot post a coherent image

Back in post Post #1886 mikelm posted a 1kHz. square wave.

Can anyone else CONFIRM his image as being proper?
(an not an error of implementation or opamp output?)

Also, can anyone measure the time in usecs or msecs of the little transient overshoot shown on the edges of the square wave?? (assuming it is there when you test)

Thanks in advance...

Hi bear,

the overshoot is not from the pre amp - that is stable to frequencies way higher than 1khz.

I got the square wave as a sample from the web and burnt it to a CD.

I feel fairly confident that it is accurate so u can just measure off the picture to work out the time of any bit of it.

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