Build This MoFo!


I haven’t had too much time and progress is slow, but this is what I have done since last time with my MoFo with a twist. I still need to mount the switch mode supplyes.


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I got the transformers, boards and mosfets from Frank. Mine is not as elegant, but I have heard it play :) I unfortunately had to go abroad for some weeks, so thorough listening will be later..
A nice thing about this is that it does the amplification so no need for a special preamplifier..


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I have an existing chassis with a Firstwatt type power supply,+/- 23 volts.Would it be possible to run one channel off the + supply and use a complement p ch mosfet run off the - supply for the other channel? I know there are no IRFP250 complements out there (to my knowledge), maybe parallel IRFP240's and their complements? I know,I know---don't be a cheapskate,its just an idea.