Building the ultimate NOS DAC using TDA1541A

I am the first to admit my EE knowledge is non existent. But growing up on a farm I can say with authority... if you don't want to see your neighbor's sheep stay out of their pasture.

Love this as a pseudo farm boy!

I doubt the trolls will heed however, since they are by and large just plain old shitty people. Too bad the covid didn't get'em but it's understandable since trolls very rarely leave their caves! Perhaps there is hope they'll get the next new plague living with the bats and all and finally just F&^K off!

Maybe this thread should be called the "AYA is the best period" and all others must bow and don't even bother with anymore worthless attempts at giving people what they asked for because the AYA exists. Maybe AYA salesmen?


How about being critical with actual schematics to back you up or is the potential criticism too much for the pussies! Show us your F#$##ING genius so us lesser mortals can respect you like the gods you clearly desire to be!

Life's too short A$$holes and I mostly bite my tongue but I'm feeling a little rowdy today so have at it. I am officially out of the updates on this BS.

Good luck,

Mark K.
what a poet ! ... I mean MK2 ! He doesn't see the dog half stole the pcb from another field... poets often come after the battle ! American poesy at its best, trumpet style, lol, nearer from the moat than from the green field! We had been there, so we know which is the best, simple as that !

One who is making a good pcb, 20 years of improvement and experience : 40 euros, call it Aya, but I'd like john made one. I have no financial interrest but just tried both (though I stopped to the <D1
A sheep who is making a pcb from copied tips in Stralia, call it from a stupid D name as it was a perfume and sell it more expensive, copied things.

O yes I had chosen cause I know the story and tried both, I see it under my eyes,as the stolen things without permission for some, unluckily badly copied, lol ! I know I tried to help the guy who want to be the God on his mountain (pathetic) !

I can respect the guy like LG who want to try but as we were here we can save time, while nothing wrong to learn... on another side a sheep band following a bad design but so good poets. That's true it can be pleasure to be seen as old fool by young stupids, hey :)
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Agree to disagree in my view comes from ego & pride, also the unwillingness in testing out what others are sharing. A very simple example capacitors, I notice many are looking into specs, question does great specs equates to good sound ??? There's also this habit of using 1 brand/type of caps on the whole board just because someone say it sounds good. Truth of it is to get great sound one should not do that. Frankly specs to me is not the priority, its what comes out of the speakers that matters

Overall their willingness to share has not been a problem. It is their willingness to agree to disagree not to mention that they often take the view that it is not enough their dac is good all other must be declared rubbish.

It might be interesting to deepen the topic.

Just a couple of DACs:
- Audial S5, TSA1541A, Euro 2200
- MEIZU HIFI DAC PRO, Cirrus Logic CS43131, USD 45

Please, elaborate a comparison and let us know the differences and why one should choose the Audial or the MEIZU.


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Why do you sound so edgy Iggy ?
Ho ...was just for Markus bad words...

Because two things, one should recognize when having testing many which dac and whom are making the good ones. Then it is how you do it. Yes I hate hypocrisis and make-ups.
There is a sort of moral which concist often to do the worst things but as far you say it staying polite it is ok. That a smoke who hide the moat. I just answered to Markus who btw is ok as he told what he thinks. I am ok with that.
For me Audial diy launches is the best bang for the bucks and This is what I told having testing both. It shouls be also ok to say a product is bad when it is sold.

After the guy at Audial is open and sinceer... I like the idea he adverts his on shelf line by sharing for few in the diy like did Loesch and John of course here.
But less ok when you sell for your ego the things they gave free or the findings of others without is bandits. But well I didn t liked what red baron made also. Often all the guy is on the stupid name given to the product.

So sorry if I advert what I considet good or bad...but hey I tested both the pcbs and the is lipstick for pigs to stay in the countryside parody.

Ok I stop there. My apologize for the moralists and said themselves good guys they are not.
Oh I m ok...I preffer dogs and friends better than oil shoeshine humans and sunday moralists.

Notice noone asked this markus k if he was ok as he said he wisch some catch the covid and such monstrosiries...did I call mods? the oposit of what some does always after one answer to their provocations. Pfffff.
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This thread has run for 15 years. Probably one of the most collaborative efforts we have seen among enthusiasts, not elitists. John lead the effort to "build the ultimate DAC using the TDA1541a". Ultimately he failed to build the ultimate and took another path. Lukas Fikus took a similar path. I think most would agree that the ultimate does not come from this 30 year old chip. But that does not mean some of us cannot thoroughly enjoy it even if it is clearly not the ultimate. One guy attempted to implement many of the best practices developed in this thread and others and share it in a group buy at the usual value pricing associated with GB's. His effort is appreciated by many. Those that don't can use any one of a dozen other PCBs or make their own. I have never understood the reason for the level of animosity this GB generated. That was 4 years ago. Maybe it is time to let the anger go?
Joined 2019
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For me it is most important to learn as I design - perhaps I will make an average DAC the first time, but then how can I make a good DAC without making an average or lesser one first? Already I have learned much in the month or two that I have been working on this project. I'm grateful for the input others have given hear (trust me, there are angrier DIYers on this forum!).

Maybe it was already known to all, but the Talema 7XXXXX series toroidal transformers, I confirmed both secondaries can be used independently (the datasheet seems to suggest otherwise, but this response came from El Presidente of Talema himself, woah!). So I am nearly finished designing my power supply for the PCM type DAC.

I may design for PCM56 - perhaps it is excessive, but right now as it stands it will have five power supplies - +5V digital for I2SoverUSB, +5V logic input for PCM56, -5V logic input for PCM56, +5V analog input for PCM56, and -5V analog for PCM56.

My supply is two series regulator in cascade - the first is fixed voltage output, the second is adjustable by TL431 voltage reference. I may divide the PCM56 supplies further and split for the two different chips after the first series regulator, like below.


This supply gives >120dB suppression at 120Hz and low output impedance.

Then passive I/V output via Sowter 1465. Input impedance of my amplifiers is typically 25-50K - I am concerned about the ability to run the amplifier directly from the 1465 secondary, so a buffer stage or tube gain stage may be needed. If a gain stage, I would lower the I/V resistor and / or turns ratio of the 1465. Another option would be to connect the output directly to a cathode follower.

One of the last roadblocks I need to tackle knowledge-wise is grounding considerations, layout, etc. It will be a high parts count given all of the power supplies, I will use Rubycon low-ESR caps.
Joined 2019
Paid Member
Another idea that I am thinking about - using a balanced power isolation transformer between the mains and power supply transformer primaries. With a primary-to-secondary electrostatic shield, interwinding capacitance should be low, and common mode noise coupled from primary-to secondary should appear on both windings, so will cancel if run balanced.

This is something Pedja does in his designs, but I do this already in my main system - in between my mains and my audio components, I have a MGE / Topaz 2.5kVA isolation transformer wired for balanced power. These transformers have 0.0005pF interwinding capacitance and greater than 140dB common mode noise suppression, so it is a technique I am familiar with, would mean a miniaturized version inside the DAC :) I'm not sure this one will fit.

Hi sumotan,

Yes I did make contact with ECdesigns to ask for his blessings, he always seemed more than happy. If ECdesigns feels the need for remuneration then I would welcome him to contact me to discuss this. This goes for anyone else that feels that I have stolen their intellectual property.

I'm no EE, nor a saint, I have made many mistakes and have likely (evidently) upset some people in the process of my endeavors but my intention has always been to share what little I can with like minded people and hopefully inspire others to create and share their findings.

To create the 'D3' PCB took me over 200 hours of work, I put a price on the PCB based on what I thought was fair and reasonable considering the time and effort involved. If people think this is poor value, then, as has been mentioned before - they can simple choose from the many other options or have a go at making your own. The more options the better.