Burning Amp BA-3

and I think in the text P1 and P2 are also mixed up......., possible?

As I see it, the functions of P1/P2 are described clearly. (just like in F5)
Confusing might be
iteratively trim P1 through P3 for minimum distortion
but that is rather simple: as you trim P3 the source of either one or the other transistor has less resistance hence less 'negative voltage' (referring to the input), then the current (in)decreases and to set the 0-volt you again change P1/P2 to get the balance in. Very elegant method I'ld like to say.

I also like the method of splitting AC and DC balance. :worship:
How would that work out in F5?
I don't know about anybody else, but for me, this amp presents a lot of new, clever control mechanisms. Right about the time I think I have a handle on setting gain, dc bias, and other such common tings, Nelson introduces level shifters, along with other clever topology manipulations. I am beginning to realize why ZM is always laughing. He has an idea how much Nelson knows and how little we all do.:D Sorry, I meant to say how much I do.
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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with that trimpot you're playing with xconductance of input jfets , changing their respective amplification factor ;
more local (source) degeneration means that that halve is lazier ;

anyway - by virtue - proper LTP ( if you meant on that saying differential pair ) will trying to null difference between halves , considering xconductance (beta (conditionally) if bjt ) and all related characteristic factors .

especially when you enclose SUSY around that ( or any ) stage , differences will be nulled in even greater amount . that's exactly what SUSY does and why is invented :devily: .........

so - back to books - dream more about SUSY .......

in a moment when you grasp it's elegance , you'll realize how knowing is much more joyful than just having it made

so - back to books - dream more about SUSY .......

in a moment when you grasp it's elegance , you'll realize how knowing is much more joyful than just having it made


This is very true. The understanding is indeed more valuable than the product of it. I also enjoy the acceptance of not understanding...at least these past few months:D Juma's F5 should be singing to me tonight:bomb:
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
gentleman ....


be careful - not to step on someone else's toes , making Modesty ZM to blush ....

there are many in line , wishing to became Official Court Jester


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