Cardas binding posts thread

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I know about the wiki page, I was the one that created it.
I re-read the price post: are you saying that not the pair but
EACH +/- terminal costs 26 CAD?
If so I completely misunderstood the price.
Basically we send some money to you right? Or can we contact this distributor independently?
This is one pair and it costs $26 CAD for short version. The seller doesn't want to go separate orders, so everything goes through me.
I know that you know about WIKI, but I want to make sure that others who posted their numbers stay by them.


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Since the requests for posts are starting to come in, let me remind you again.

The price for short posts is $26 CAD. You have to add 15% of GST & PST taxes which comes to $29.90 CAD. In the unlike event that you won't be able to get Canadian Currency Money Order, I will except $20 USD MO for a pair (you loose slightly, but it's your choice;)).

The long ones are $28CAD, which comes to $32.20 CAD after taxes. It will be $21 in USD (here you loose less on conversion).

When you are contacting me, please state your location so I can send you the shipping info.
I probably misss something here ... the cut off date for this order is on this coming Monday and we are to inform you of our address so that you can figure out the shipping cost for us ... so that we can calculate the total amount for the money order?

You still won't take Paypal?
I could set up Paypal account, but mostly because of guys from Europe. I don't see why it would be a problem to buy MO in US. I've been paying in this way to Michael Percy for years.;) For small package to US the location doesn't matter. The rate isCAD $6 below 500g and $10 up to 1kg. This is Air, Surface is only slightly cheaper.

Other countries it is $11 and $22 respectively. This is Air, Surface is about half of it to other countries.

2 pairs of long posts weigh 160g.
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