Cello Palette Style EQ Design (was High End Tone Control)...

If you where to build a Cello Palette functional clone, what technology do you want?

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music soothes the savage beast
Joined 2004
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Here is goldmund pre, i borroved +/_42 Vdc supply from. It does not seems to have any filtration on the board.


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Hi Thorsten, Happy New Year!

ThanX, have a good one yourself.

Thanks for detailed explanation. I appreciate it.
I added massive, trully massive, filter CRCRCRC after the switching power supply, as much as it could handle. I kept adding 100r 15000uF till power supply refused to start.

That's heroic beyond belief. Sounds to me like something aint right.

Maybe 40mA total is too low a load and the SMPS goes cycle-skipping?

Try any transformer 18V + 18V with over 200mA, sends is in series, use a voltage doubler, 3,300uF/63V and 150V schottky diodes should be fine.

This should give around +/- 56V, so we have 16V to burn. Use 100R + 3,300uF RC cells in series:

Voltage Doubler +/- 56V -> RC -> RC -> RC

At that point we have a 60dB per decade filter with a 2Hz turnover. At 20Hz we kill noise by 60dB, at 200Hz by 120dB. Here don't worry too much about capacitor quality, low ESR is useful, but don't loose sleep.

Final filter splits out to L/R with 220R and nivlce "Audio Grade" caps (Nichicon KZ or Elna Silmic II, 1,000uF minimum.

The PSU has no choice, except to be dead silent. And it should get us to around +/-40V.

The buffer has some interrelation with the EQ part. Keep the PSU lines together.


PSU as recommend

Adding 3.6k res to ground increases distortion from 0.0074% to 0.015%.

Did the gain go up 6dB? Then output level is up 6dB and HD should be up 6dB for the same input. Also, +/-30V is 25% below design center.

The 1k resistor in the Sziklai circuit can be adjusted. You can try from no resistor (J-Fet drain current = PNP base current) to around 120 Ohm (~ 5mA in both FET and BJT).

This will change noise and harmonic profile. The 1k is a generic place holder that works, but without tuning to any specific outcome.

Listening tests using a stereo pot as resistor are probably advisable, to get the best sound.

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music soothes the savage beast
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Yes, but i measure at the same output level. For consistency.

I do have nice power supply for bride of son of zen balanced pre. Just need to find it. If i remember correctly it was +/_45 Vdc. Done by strings of zeners in the gate of mosfet. Should be easy to remove some zeners. That was nice clean supply. This circuit required regulated supply.
music soothes the savage beast
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I found 0.8mH inductor, not shielded, for crossovers. Just as test, i wired highest filter. I am mainly interested in extreme ends.
This is how fr response looks like in two positions.
I will definitely modify later. I want to lift much higher, not affecting upper mid, just the highest fr. 47nF will be optimized, likely 33nF or even 27nF. Will test later.
Circuit has more buzz, since its just a prototype birds nest. Schielding will be extremely important.


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I will definitely modify later. I want to lift much higher, not affecting upper mid, just the highest fr. 47nF will be optimized, likely 33nF or even 27nF. Will test later.

This circuit I presented is based on the Cello palette, which is best understood as (re) mastering EQ. It is not a graphic EQ with narrow bands that each have equal amounts of boost or cut.

The intent of this EQ is to gently re-balance the tonality of recording that are colored by microphones, monitors and other recording chain limitations.

As such slopes are broad. It's not a big, it's intentional.

This circuit I presented is based on the Cello palette, which is best understood as (re) mastering EQ. It is not a graphic EQ with narrow bands that each have equal amounts of boost or cut.

The intent of this EQ is to gently re-balance the tonality of recording that are colored by microphones, monitors and other recording chain limitations.

As such slopes are broad. It's not a big, it's intentional.

Can You kindly point towards the Circuit? Is it the same as posted on page 1? Post no. 18?
If yes, L1 is 2 Henry and L6 is 620 micro Henry? L 2 and L5 are in Mili Henry?.. Is there a way to wind these inductors by self? Are they air cored ?
Thanks in Advance for the help
Can You kindly point towards the Circuit? Is it the same as posted on page 1? Post no. 18?


L1 is 2 Henry and L6 is 620 micro Henry? L 2 and L5 are in Mili Henry?..


Is there a way to wind these inductors by self?

Of course, you need a winder and suitable wire, bobbins and cores.

Are they air cored ?

A 2H Air core would be huge. Commonly so-called Pot Cores were used for such EQ's like in this picture:


An alternative was shown in post #23, with electronic "inductors" for the two LF bands and real, off the shelf (Mouser) inductors for the four upper bands.

The direct sale to consumer approach of Schiit may or may not be a good thing. I cannot afford true high end audiophile products new, so I do not rely on a dealer to listen to products as I cannot afford them It would be interesting to hear what the individuals who can and do buy high- end audio have to say about direct consumer sales: are they OK with buying new and expensive product without first listening.