Cloning IDS-25s

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The limited time I've listened to them, I have pulled out an old Pink Floyd CD and played it on my father's old bang and olufson cd played from the 80s. Their mixing has so much ambience and deep presence which is really amplified by the IDS-25. Almost the perfect marriage of speaker and recording. It's breathtaking.

I have read your Two Towers thread many times and am honored by your compliment.

So far, I have hooked up the iNUKE 3000 dsp to a zone 2 preout on my current denon-X2100W (Ended up going with a Denon-X3300W which comes tomorrow rather than the Marantz SR6010). I have a UMIK-1 mic from minidsp and using REW for frequency response curves.

I was able to get a fairly decent curve with the iNUKE EQ. However, with the heavy bass boost (+15 db between 30-40Hz) the lights on the iNUKE light up at a decent listening level (85 db maybe?). My wiring is set up for a system load of 12 ohms. At this level, the iNUKE can produce about 210W RMS. If I wire them for a 3 ohm load then the iNUKE can produce about 850 W RMS. From a power standpoint, the 4x wattage will get me 6 db more in terms of output, but will the impedance change also net me 5 db more from sensitivity gain? or is that just allowing the amp to pump more power and only get 6 db more? I also hope that using the main zone preouts on the new receiver will output a higher voltage that the current zone 2 ones, and I am guessing that would require less amplification. How much? I do not know...

I have not measured any impedance curves yet (still have to try and figure that one out). How would the added fiberglass insulation (I assume the 3-4 inch stuff that goes in your typical wall) affect bass response? Less/More boost needed?

You guys are the best! :cool:

Your cabinets look really good, well done!

The change in impedance will only affect the load on the amp and the power it can produce into that load. The sensitivity remains the same.

Most receivers and line level devices work on fixed voltages. Most DAC's and CD players put out 2V for a full scale signal on unbalanced lines. Balanced connections can be double or more. Some cheaper consumer devices are only 1V though. Check the manual for your receiver and the one you are looking at, chances are the line level will be the same.

Check to see if there is a specification for sensitivity of the amplifier as this will tell you how much voltage you need for maximum power. The higher the input voltage the less it will need to be amplified but there are limits to this and too much could clip the input stage and may well make the dsp section clip as well.

The more boost you apply in DSP the more you reduce headroom in the amplifier and clipping will occur that much sooner. Hardware DSP's need more careful gain control as they don't always use as many bits for the calculations as software, limiting the internal digital headroom.

Be careful if you rewire for 3ohms because you will then be able to turn the volume up on your amp much more. As I said in other threads with a lot of amplifier power available it is possible to go over the thermal limit of the driver. Heavy EQ boost soaks up power and reduces overall spl. You can increase spl by adding more and more power but only up to a point. The curve is exponential and to get 3dB more output power is doubled and before long you have cooked the drivers and it still isn't as loud as you want and your amp might not have clipped either. To get that 15dB back it takes 32 times the power.

You will benefit a lot from fully stuffing the cabinet. The damping material will make the enclosure seem bigger and will make the cabinet more efficient which gives you some of that headroom back. The damping will also help to reduce standing waves and reflections in the cabinet internals. The type of damping you have used is more suitable for a reflex enclosure.

I posted quite a few graphs in the "wall integrated" thread that will show what to expect from a change in effective enclosure volume.
Group buy: I'd go for 54 units

Hi all;
Group buy sounds like an excellent idea, assuming all the shipping and customs don't end up being insane. Does anyone know how many units per shipping crate? That might end up as the minimum buy/increment. ...just so whoever is facilitating this doesn't have a packaging nightmare.

Koldby; did you also get a quote for the TC9FD18-08? Just curious. Parts Express goes down to about $10ea on those if you ask nice and promise to order over 50 (spares, eh?) and so I did wonder what volume purchase (from the factory?) might look like.

Michael in Oregon
Just finished reading this thread, will now go and read the twin towers thread. Very inspiring. I heard a pair of these beasts ~10 years ago and was blown away. For $6 US I have to be in on a group buy for say 100 of these. Quadraphonic!

Bring lots of popcorn, coffee, beer or whatever beverage has your preference...
it has become a long long thread :). Sorry for that, I can be a little long winded and get carried away about the things I love :D. My apologies in advance (lol).
I ended up crossing my line of TC9's at 100 Hz to save my amps from all of the bass boost I had initially and I believe it was for the better. The clarity is exceptional at high volume and I never get the sense it's "loud" simply from the absence of distortion of any kind. All of my REW measurements have to loudest noise floor because of the refrigerator 10 feet away and a projector 2 feet from the listening position.
How does the TG9 compare 100Hz+? I've heard it has an f3 a few Hz down in the same enclosure, but crossing to sealed 15" Dayton HF subs deems that statistic useless for my purposes. Also, how does shipping work with a group buy with us being in different countries? I would think it would cost more than a couple dollars to ship across the Atlantic in a reasonable time frame.
I ended up crossing my line of TC9's at 100 Hz to save my amps from all of the bass boost I had initially and I believe it was for the better. The clarity is exceptional at high volume and I never get the sense it's "loud" simply from the absence of distortion of any kind. All of my REW measurements have to loudest noise floor because of the refrigerator 10 feet away and a projector 2 feet from the listening position.
How does the TG9 compare 100Hz+? I've heard it has an f3 a few Hz down in the same enclosure, but crossing to sealed 15" Dayton HF subs deems that statistic useless for my purposes. Also, how does shipping work with a group buy with us being in different countries? I would think it would cost more than a couple dollars to ship across the Atlantic in a reasonable time frame.
No group buy , sorry. Digikey suddenly raised the price from < $6 to > $16 :eek: so it is not very interesting anymore:(
But you are right: A group buy in Europe would be too expensive in the USA and vise versa because of the transport cost across the pond. Goes for Australia as well of course.
Wesayo, I'm sure you answered this somewhere in these threads, but I couldn't find it. How low does the paper coned version go. Can it hit an honest 30 HZ? Thanks.

My constribution:


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I don't know why anyone thinks the low end extension differential between the TG9 and the TC9 is a significant issue (?). Both drivers roll off in any properly sized enclosure below about 150HZ, and using them in a line array requires what I'll call "line array EQ", which is quite significant. Either one requires significant active EQ, and it sounds like most of you are using a very flexible digital processor to achieve this. I'd be more concerned about the difference in smoothness of the FR in the upper mid and treble region. Allegedly the TG9 is significantly smoother there than the TC9, although I haven't personally measured either. Sorry if I sound bitchy, I don't mean to.
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