Compound loading 6th order quarterwave "Super Planar" horns and pipes concepts/builds

My proposal for a bit of dampening, using 1/2" felt (the yellow parts on the right hand side):


  • LA Top 2x10inch V2 dampened.jpg
    LA Top 2x10inch V2 dampened.jpg
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For those interested, I made a new 3D design of the waveguide, without flares and with mounting flanges for the Faital Pro HF100. In order to save filament costs, solid elements have been made hollow.

The design is public and can be found here.


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hmm ok let me draw something up.. because i think you do not understand what I mean.


I do not need any copies. I can get them in hundreds from here.
I just want to help out in saving a lot of 3d printing which can be done by plywood. Thus you only need to print out the most hard to make part, the waveguide chamber.

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Thought on lining and damping

My proposal for a bit of dampening, using 1/2" felt (the yellow parts on the right hand side):

The 1/2" felt lining may be a good edition as long as it doesn't create noticeable losses near Fb (fundamental tuning, meaning undesirable losses centered around 80hz in this case and just above) ......... That would be my only concern, and that is because the response is already approaching "overdamped" in sim as it is due to the fact that we don't have an excess of path CSA, but rather just enough for these 10s (indicated by the shape of response and mild shape of "knee" near Fb).................. If we had a resonant peak at Fb that would be different and in that case i would definitely suggest some damping material be added early in the line ...

Nevertheless , just thought i would mention the only possible drawback i could think of , and other than that I think it is a good idea ....... Certainly worth an experiment :)...

methinks it's a good option to build the prototype with a removable top panel :D

BTW, after 80Hz equal a wavelenght of nearly 4,3m / ~14ft, damping shouldn't affect the LF range.

When moving the HF waveguide to the front (and delaying it accordingly), path CSA can be somewhat larger...
SUPER PLANAR subwoofer for PA, loaded with 18-500 driver ..... Taking shape .....

Hey guys,

I have been working on some ideas for a Super Planar subwoofer loaded with the 18-500/8-A sold by Thomann (shipping is reasonable to the United States).. ... The driver is a great value (impressive performance at this low-budget price) ...... We have had one of these drivers measured with a Dayton DATS unit recently which verified that the T/S parameters are highly suitable for our designs ... Great features such as high motor force and low voicecoil inductance ...... Reported voicecoil length and magnetic gap depth suggest that this driver also has respectable linear excursion capabilities ...... All of the qualities mentioned above are not normally found in budget drivers .... Well done Thomann! (or well done to whatever Chinese factory produces these things!:p.)

First , the DATS report on the driver (with additional calculated figures to make the list complete):


and here are some box and "fold" proposals ..... Someone had asked me about tower shaped cabinets of around 140cm tall, so there are two options here that will meet that tower requirement ..... I really wanted to keep the square footprint on those tower cabinets at 60cm x 60cm so i had to squeeze the path CSA down to around 1575cm sq to make it work (this CSA applies to both the long path and short path in this case to keep things simple) .... This was less CSA than i had started with in an optimized sim but the reduction only shifted the F3 (-3db point) up slightly, not a big deal ...... Main path length is around 200cm in the sim, the built cabs may have slightly more path length by a few centimeters which is fine ...... Internal cabinet volume is only 412 liters now ...

We are hitting some good numbers in terms of SPL here with a single budget 18 :D

Still need to figure out exactly how I want to set up the internal bracing on these .. .....


and before anyone scoffs at me and turns up their nose:snooty: at the 40hz tuning you should know that many big name brands produce PA subwoofer cabinets tuned to 40hz and even higher in some cases like 45hz tunings..... It is common practice even for some well respected brands ....

I also noticed that some of the DIY cabinet examples (loaded with this particular driver) which i was able to find on youtube had tunings in this same range ...

Example 1: LBH118 cabinets loaded with this Thomann 18 ... Tuning is in the mid 40s according to the plans
Achat Tops/Subs mit 2 LBH118 - YouTube

Example 2: MTL-46 cabinets loaded with Thomann's 18-500 ... Path length is only 5 foot here ... Tuning should fall in the 45hz to 50hz range
Mtl-46 avec the box 18-500/8-A en exterieur ! - YouTube

Not sure about the tuning on the rest of these links below but it was great to see so many videos on youtube featuring cabinets loaded with this particular driver .... It seems to be popular!:happy2:

Some sort of 6th order cabinets perhaps? (I don't exactly know the cabinet type or model here)
2 Horner mit 18-500 - YouTube

Front Loaded Horn cabinets
]2x Startec Super Bass Horn Test - YouTube

Port assisted W-Bin enclosures

Tapped Horn MTH-46LC

(below) are the plans for that last design ... They don't say what the tuning is exactly but from the charts we can assume that the tuning is pretty high for a "sub" , at least up around 50hz.

So, alright, back to the SUPER PLANAR cabinet concepts for this driver ... If i understood the situation correctly the folks that were asking about this are some band members looking to put a couple of subs into the corners of the room that they are using as a practice space .... So for fun i modeled a pair of these Super Planar cabinets with corner placement (1/8th space or .5pi in Hornresp) and this is what i end up with:


Ok, likely optimistic:rolleyes:, hehe , but not bad for a couple of low-budget 18s :D

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those sims make my mouth water :D

I've tried to modify "our" 2x10" top, please take a look at it. Haven't done anything to damping, yet.

I could even opt for 1200mm external width, this being the european norm for transport pallets ( 1200x800mm)...


  • LA Top 2x10inch V3 dampened.jpg
    LA Top 2x10inch V3 dampened.jpg
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That looks like a viable option =D


those sims make my mouth water :D

I am glad that you like them!

Gkh, I know that you wanted something 90cm wide to fit under the tops ...Those subs in the sketches are all 60cm wide but we can adapt this concept to your needs .... That box with 90cm X 60cm X 90cm dimensions can be modified by putting the mouths on the side of the cabinet, and voila this makes the old side our new front! Ta Da! :wiz:

I've tried to modify "our" 2x10" top, please take a look at it. Haven't done anything to damping, yet.

I could even opt for 1200mm external width, this being the european norm for transport pallets ( 1200x800mm)...

I really like what you are doing there :nod: Have you tried calculating the new CSA for the LF path? The increase would improve performance down around 80hz :)

You may need to bring the "H"panel forward a little bit or sink the drivers further into the cabinet in order to get the proper driver recess depth :magnify:..

Your arrangement in this sketch would even allow you to reduce the baffle's toe-in angle to 20 degrees if you wanted to . .
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