CSR8675 programming guide w software and tons of CSR info

Many thanks to all for eveything on this thread :)
Would appears the Creative Jam V2s are qcc3034 based and usb dbg transport isn't locked with a custom key - yay!
Wanted to fix usb audio on it so doesn't lock to 16bit@16k mono on EVERYTHING every time you switch the mic on when wired.
I know can't do HQ duplexed on bluetooth but via usb C - just why Creative, why?...........surely can keep audio playback channels in stereo 24bit@48k?
Registered on Qualcomm site but apparently I need to be part of a company to get verified, only other places I can find the MDE is cdsn and 52bluetooth :(
Have been fiddling with config editor and enabled Faststream and AAC but AAC sounds distorted and just aweful (clock speed/power management issue?).
You guys seems to be far more clued up on these things than me!
Any hints at solving these problems (especially how to obtain MDE) would be greatly appreciated.
Hi All, Hoping someone can help me out. So I have a JBL Xtreme speaker with an 8670 module that wont work. I suspect that this speaker was a store display because I can't get it out of demo mode despite replacing the battery and trying all the recommended button combos to reset it. I'm able to access the chip with PSTool and BlueFlash, so I know I can communicate with it.

So my plan is to flash it with a known working factory firmware from a retail unit, which I believe I found. Problem is the file is in the .bin extension. How can I convert this .bin file to .xuv (or .xpv/.xdv) so that BlueFlash will recognize it?
Hi All, Hoping someone can help me out. So I have a JBL Xtreme speaker with an 8670 module that wont work. I suspect that this speaker was a store display because I can't get it out of demo mode despite replacing the battery and trying all the recommended button combos to reset it. I'm able to access the chip with PSTool and BlueFlash, so I know I can communicate with it.

So my plan is to flash it with a known working factory firmware from a retail unit, which I believe I found. Problem is the file is in the .bin extension. How can I convert this .bin file to .xuv (or .xpv/.xdv) so that BlueFlash will recognize it?
Does that file start with CSR-dfu2 as its magic extension?. You need to use DFUWizard then for updating it
Does that file start with CSR-dfu2 as its magic extension?. You need to use DFUWizard then for updating it
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "start with". It's extension is ".bin". Unfortunately I don't think I can use DFUWizard. I can put the chip in DFU mode but as soon as I try to write a a .dfu file to it, the chip resets into regular mode and DFUWizard just times out.

Here is the file I'm trying to render readable to BlueFlash


  • s_17-09-21-14_jbl_xtreme.rar
    520 bytes · Views: 116
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "start with". It's extension is ".bin". Unfortunately I don't think I can use DFUWizard. I can put the chip in DFU mode but as soon as I try to write a a .dfu file to it, the chip resets into regular mode and DFUWizard just times out.

Here is the file I'm trying to render readable to BlueFlash
thats a blank file. doesnt contain any code. Looks like they pulled it from the external flash
If you can get your hands on the CSR ADK (any 4.x version, I recommend 4.0 or 4.1; check out the google drives linked in this thread), it has a tool called XUV2BIN.exe. Here's it's help text :

D:\ADK4.1\tools\bin>XUV2BIN.exe /?
CSR XUV - binary converter
Build date $Date: 2016/08/04 $
Copyright Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2015
-e Encode binary file as .xuv
-d Decode .xuv to binary
INFILE Input file name
OUTFILE Output file name
I'm sorry it probably can't help you if your bin file itself is corrupt, but if you do manage to get a genuine bin file may be you can use this tool to convert it. Your bin file is probably not a valid bin file, or it's a bin file for something else rather than a full csr working firmware, as most of the bytes in the bin file are exactly same.

The XUV2BIN.exe tool converts this bin file into a 32 MB xuv file with the following content, if anybody would like to have a look:

@000000 48B5
@000001 F15F
@000002 0000
@000003 0002
@000004 0000
@000005 0000
@000006 0000
@000007 0000
@000008 0000
@000009 1000
@00000A 0008
@00000B 0000
@00000C 0001
@00000D 0000
@00000E 0000
@00000F 0000
@000010 0008
@000011 1000
@000012 0017
@000013 F000
@000014 0003
@000015 0000
@000016 0000
@000017 0000
@000018 FFFF
@000019 FFFF
@00001A FFFF
@00001B FFFF
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Genuinely appreciate the help and insight! I do have a confirmed genuine .dfu file pulled from the JBL app. Given that my existing firmware is incomplete or otherwise non-functional, might this .dfu get me going (assuming I can figure out how to get the chip to stay in DFU mode throughout the upgrade)? Or can a .dfu only supplement an existing functional firmware? Anyway, I'm sharing the backup I ran from my non-functional chip as well as the legit .dfu in case anyone's interested in running further down this rabbit hole.


  • Xtreme_files.rar
    3.8 MB · Views: 115
Has anyone used this knock off development board for the QCC5144 from aliexpress?


How easy/difficult was it to use? How much support (schematic diagrams/programs/manuals) are provided with the board?
I have such board (from different seller, but it appears to be the same. Your link leads to QCC3040 board, the only difference seems to be the QCC3040 module instead of QCC5144). The schematic was provided, as well as old versions of ADK, MDE and headset/earbud firmware source code. There was a video instructions for building earbud firmware (it's in Chinese, but with speach-to-text and then google translate it was possible to understand what's going on). It wasn't hard to use the board (but you will hate every Qualcomm programmer who contributed even one symbol into firmware. And even more if it will turn out that some part of the necessary code is closed-source and distributed in binary form). For TWS two of such boards will be needed.
@o11111 when it comes to 3040/5144, isn't it the same board, just with a different "central module"? At least that's what I understood from looking at the pictures, that there is a common board, but the central QCC PCB can be changed, and it will support both a QCC3040 or a QCC 5144 PCB on it, and this PCB is replaceable. Is that not the case?

And when you said old ADK, does it come with the very old ADK 6.0 (where source code and compiler were bundled together) or is it a newer one? Does even the earbud sample have necessary code that's closed source? As far as I understand apps p0 core's source code might be closed source (and it has been this way since the CSR days). Is it this part, or is there some other part of the earbud application that's also closed source?
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@o11111 when it comes to 3040/5144, isn't it the same board, just with a different "central module"?
Yes, this is correct.
And when you said old ADK, does it come with the very old ADK 6.0 (where source code and compiler were bundled together) or is it a newer one?
IIRC it's ADK 1.1
Does even the earbud sample have necessary code that's closed source? As far as I understand apps p0 core's source code might be closed source (and it has been this way since the CSR days).
The OS (core apps/p0) is closed-source, as well as Curator firmware and a bit more.
Is it this part, or is there some other part of the earbud application that's also closed source?
At least aptX family encoders/decoders are closed-source.
I hope someone can help me.
I have a problem with my csr8670 chip, I can't pair it with my phone.
For the record, I have adk 4.2 , 4.3 and 4.4. I successfully built a source stick and it works great.
Now I want to make the sink side, I tried with the headset example, soundbar example and speaker example. Project compiles fine, I start my device, I put it in pair mode, my phone sees it but when I ask to pair, my phone says it can't pair.
In adk sink config tool, I tried a lot of thing, disabling secure code for connexion, discoverable at all time and many more.
I don't understand why it can't pair, I tried with a2dp disable but it remains the same. I'm wondering if it's possible to disable the hfp part?
Anyway, did someone encounter this issue and has a idea of why I can't pair with my phone?
Thank you.