DAC blind test: NO audible difference whatsoever

@DPH, if you really want to try to claim that this test is a "Gold Standard", I'd love to hear your argument.
Conflating forum ABX tests with anything scientific & then trying to argue that I am irrational would seem rather ironic.

Yes, Jakob is a mine of information about blind testing & other areas - he has spelled out the pitfalls in blind testing many times & generally agrees with what I'm stating about such forum ABX tests, so funny you should mention him.
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I work in medicine. Like, as an academic. So I've bet my life on the topic of science and trying to develop diagnostics that might ultimately help you. We pay REALLY CLOSE ATTENTION to things like ROC's because when a disease state is really rare, the false positive rate swamps the real disease. Find me a better, more robust method than a RCT, which is inherently double blinded. A lot of times we have to choose other study methodologies due to, well, reality (I'll happily quote the gravitational challenge with/without parachute RCT mock paper in BMJ if you need it), but RCT remains the "gold standard" of testing when we can get it. In many ways my hero is John Ioannidis.

There is a large body of "alternative medicine" types that rely on undermining robust double blind testing in the same vein as you're trying to here, while simultaneously propose "personal impressions as valuable". You want to tell me the badly done pseudoscientific studies within the alt-med and supplements industries haven't done HUGE damage? Those studies are magically NEVER null. How about the word of mouth recommendation that pervades that world? And, no, but, but Vioxx isn't an excuse, as that needs to be remembered profoundly.

Now, in a LOT of ways human testing, especially for subjective markers, has a lot in common, so I port what I know from clinical trials over.
Right so you are conflating tests run & administered in academia with forum ABX tests & attempt to put such forum tests under the same "gold standard" umbrella?
When your entire posting history, and I'm remembering your extremely shady argument techniques and then profound misunderstanding of experimental design in a certain opamp thread
Link please.
, is essentially anti-ABX with no positive statements made, you don't seem at all like a rational person, and certainly not someone interested in the truth.
If you try & argue in a rational manner & not conflate academic blind testing with forum ABX tests, you may not be so confused.

I learn a ton from Jakob, especially when we disagree and I have to double check things I'm saying. Cannot say the same with you.

I learn a lot from Jakob too & can't say I have disagreed with anything he has posted here although I see him disagreeing/clarifying your posts on many occasions
Conflating forum ABX tests with anything scientific & then trying to argue that I am irrational would seem rather ironic.

What are these "forum" ABX tests and why has this gone back to the ABX villain rather than simply any protocol that is truly blind?

There may be problems with the OP's first tests, but for every one like it you can find several of the usual sighted, uncontrolled ones with exaggerated claims like "I changed my cable lifters from oak to maple and my wife came running out of the kitchen asking what did I do to the sound". Do you think these further anything? There are plenty here from folks with something to sell too.
Please explain how the DSP (alone in isolation) can add jitter?

Which processor/DSP didn't add jitter/is 100 percent jitter free after measurement? Name one, every DSP adds jitter when measured. Every isolator chip adds ps jitter also, there is not a single isolator in the world that's jitter free, even the best isolator (NVE) adds 100ps jitter.

@TNT; If you really think that the sound quality isn't affected by jitter then that's your opinion and your judgement, you're free to have such opinion. But measurements and are never wrong.
So you make claims that I dodged your question:

"Does that also include people who claim to hear differences in sighted conditions, and refuse to acknowledge the possible effect of expectation bias?"
Nobody tried to claim that sighted listening is a test or a measurement, a "gold standard" or anything 'sciency' - it's simply an opinion.

If you can explain what you don't understand about the answer, I will try to help.

If that was the end of the story I wouldn't have a problem, but it isn't.

These people then proceed under the assumption that their listening impressions are correct and can be presented as facts, without a jot of evidence, and ignoring any possible influence of expectation bias.

And this is the crux of the problem.
This forum is full of threads where self proclaimed experts offer sage advice based solely on their own sighted listening impressions. Are these impressions real? Are people getting the "good oil" or are they just being led down an often very expensive garden path?
What are these "forum" ABX tests and why has this gone back to the ABX villain rather than simply any protocol that is truly blind?
If you followed the thread you would know what is being referenced as "forum ABX tests" - this particular thread being an example of such?
As Jakob & others, inclding me have stated many times already - ABX tests are the de facto blind test on foums requested by people looking for "proof".

There may be problems with the OP's first tests, but for every one like it you can find several of the usual sighted, uncontrolled ones with exaggerated claims like "I changed my cable lifters from oak to maple and my wife came running out of the kitchen asking what did I do to the sound". Do you think these further anything? There are plenty here from folks with something to sell too.
Sure & every such sighted, uncontrolled listening opinion is challenged so do you believe this forum ABX test (typical of most forum ABX tests) shouldn't be similarly challenged?
What are these "forum" ABX tests and why has this gone back to the ABX villain rather than simply any protocol that is truly blind?

There may be problems with the OP's first tests, but for every one like it you can find several of the usual sighted, uncontrolled ones with exaggerated claims like "I changed my cable lifters from oak to maple and my wife came running out of the kitchen asking what did I do to the sound". Do you think these further anything? There are plenty here from folks with something to sell too.
The lack of a credible basis for one view doesn't imbue a counter-view with any credibility.

There are a lot of meaningless tests out there. This is just one of them.

Even if you believe that a double blind approach is necessary for a valid test, surely it can't be sufficient, regardless of the particular implementation or well-documented biases of the person designing and running the test.
If that was the end of the story I wouldn't have a problem, but it isn't.

These people then proceed under the assumption that their listening impressions are facts, without a jot of evidence, and ignoring any possible influence of expectation bias.
And this is the crux of the problem.
This forum is full of threads where self proclaimed experts offer sage advice based solely on their own sighted listening impressions. Are these impressions real? Are people getting the "good oil" or are they just being led down an often very expensive garden path?

So what is the actual crux of the matter? That people are perhaps wasting money on things you don't approve of? Do you have any non-audio related examples of such ostentatiousness? Do you similar post your disapproval on car forums, watch forums, wine forums, etc. to 'save these people' ?
The lack of a credible basis for one view doesn't imbue a counter-view with any credibility.

+1 Well stated!!
My awkward way of putting it is that both these approaches should be treated as anecdotal evidence & evaluated in the way most people evaluate anecdotal evidence - check it out for themselves!!

But that seems inequitable for those that want to elevate forum ABX tests as 'scientific' - perhaps because the results generally support their agenda - all X sounds the same?
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So what is the actual crux of the matter? That people are perhaps wasting money on things you don't approve of? Do you have any non-audio related examples of such ostentatiousness? Do you similar post your disapproval on car forums, watch forums, wine forums, etc. to 'save these people' ?

What does any of that have to do with anything we are discussing here?
Just answer the question!
What does any of that have to do with anything we are discussing here?
Just answer the question!

I just wonder about the oft stated motivation of the ABX brigade to save people from themselves, save newbies from wasting their money.

It goes to motivation which is the driving force behind people's actions/arguments!

I wondered if this only applied to audio or do they have a general saviour-fixation in other forums such as wine, watches, cameras, etc?

Care to enlighten us?
I just wonder about the oft stated motivation of the ABX brigade to save people from themselves, save newbies from wasting their money.

It goes to motivation which is the driving force behind people's actions/arguments!

I wondered if this only applied to audio or do they have a general saviour-fixation in other forums such as wine, watches, cameras, etc?

Care to enlighten us?

Are you ever going to answer my question?
Which processor/DSP didn't add jitter/is 100 percent jitter free after measurement? Name one, every DSP adds jitter when measured. Every isolator chip adds ps jitter also, there is not a single isolator in the world that's jitter free, even the best isolator (NVE) adds 100ps jitter.

@TNT; If you really think that the sound quality isn't affected by jitter then that's your opinion and your judgement, you're free to have such opinion. But measurements and are never wrong.

This seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding then. Is there jitter/clock skew in all the digital connections that run through the DSP/processor/etc? Yes. Under *non-pathological conditions* (pathological conditions would start causing massive bit errors), this jitter/clock skew is more than well-managed and has absolutely zero, nien, non, no, nej and whatever language you want to negate in bearing on the output jitter. The output jitter on the DAC is the only one that can actually affect the end output.

Digital communication is extremely robust as long as it's done right. Otherwise it's not sporadically erroneous, but pathologically.
Do you similar post your disapproval on car forums, watch forums, wine forums, etc. to 'save these people' ?

There are subtle ways in which most of these analogies fail. I don't see how anyone could argue about performance properties of cars, cameras, telescopes, etc. though they all share a male dominated audience. Furthermore you will have a hard time finding expensive upgrades that don't have an easily observable (to most people without impaired senses) improvement. Watches are too much a fashion accessory.

Wine and food are too subjective, I for one have grown to dislike highly marbled grain fed meat which is prized by top restaurant in favor of 100% grass fed as well as being partial to many Asian "delicacies" that most non-Asians shun.

BTW it is not hard to find a highly trained MW (Master of Wine) that can identify wines blind individually with great accuracy, no ABX needed. This is no parlor trick, where is that audio equivalent? One could argue that there is no auxiliary equipment, though Reidel has made a fortune claiming otherwise so there are exceptions everywhere I suppose.
If that was the end of the story I wouldn't have a problem, but it isn't.

These people then proceed under the assumption that their listening impressions are correct and can be presented as facts, without a jot of evidence, and ignoring any possible influence of expectation bias.

And this is the crux of the problem.
This forum is full of threads where self proclaimed experts offer sage advice based solely on their own sighted listening impressions. Are these impressions real? Are people getting the "good oil" or are they just being led down an often very expensive garden path?

Oh, this question?
No more real or un-real than forum ABX tests

As I said before which was already an answer to your question but you either failed to understand or failed to read - both anecdotal listening impressions & pseudo-science ABX tests should both be treated as un-real.

I would add that devices should be evaluated personally at no/minimum cost to oneself - a decent trial period for home evaluation in which the device can be returned would be one of the pointers I would give to newbies.