dac I/V convertion with very low distortion

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Joined 2010
What is the best PNP complement to the ZTX1051a ?
I have no idea, i have only ztx 1051, 1055 and 1149(pnp)...I found them thrown out in a bin at a factory i worked in the past at.They were doing lots of very high voltage power supply so they must have used these transistors as drivers in some old products along with the classical 651, 751, 851, 951...
This week I've been thinking about alternatives to my I / V converter, because since I'm going to use 8 channels and balanced connections to the amplifier, that means I'll have to use 16 of these circuits.
A very interesting alternative is to use Jan Didden IV converter with a small change. just added a current source to increase the gain, the results are promising.

Post 948 :
On Q4 you would want to add a connection between collector and base.

"Jan Didden IV converter" - where can it be seen ?