DAC recommendation

Joined 2016
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Schiit has changed their line-up; it seems they no longer offer their Multibit technology in the Modi DAC. Maybe search on the used market?

From what’s on the Schiit Audio site the newer Modi Mutibit is on hold until 2023, which is a shame because that’s what I wanted to purchase next as the new Bifrost 2 Multibit is a little pricey for me at the moment. With exchange to CDN and shipping the Bifrost would be almost $1200.00.

I’m currently listening to the new Modi 3E and am really enjoying it over the Modi 3 I bought a few years ago. A little warmer sounding to me, at least in my system.
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I've been looking at various more expensive options for some time now, but when I sit down and listen (i.e. with undivided attention) via my s/h Maverick Tubemagic D2 I just forget about the mechanics and enjoy the music. So, logically spending ten times as much on a new DAC makes no sense at all. (I actually bought it to hear the 'tube' option, but was surprised to prefer the Sparkos up-graded alternative.)
Time to jump off the treadmill. In theory. 😑
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Joined 2011
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I recently got RME ADI-2 FS DAC and couldn’t be happier. Used EQ to to fix some room dips and bumps, it has really nice digital/analog volume control, absolutely amazing loudness function, balance and tone control on a top of the eq. All that can be operated with the remote. It’s like they properly implemented and gave us back all those nice hi-if electronics features from 70-80th that audiophiles took away from us later :). It’s not a cheap dac, but totally worth it(there are some deals on those if you look).
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I recently got RME ADI-2 FS DAC and couldn’t be happier. Used EQ to to fix some room dips and bumps, it has really nice digital/analog volume control, absolutely amazing loudness function, balance and tone control on a top of the eq. All that can be operated with the remote. It’s like they properly implemented and gave us back all those nice hi-if electronics features from 70-80th that audiophiles took away from us later :). It’s not a cheap dac, but totally worth it(there are some deals on those if you look).

I don't consider it expensive.

What is expensive, is constantly replacing dacs that are progressively more and more expensive until you realise, you should have spent more on something that was going to be a long-term keeper, in the first place.
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2 picoDumbs says something. ;)

I have a MSB Platinum Link DAC, from the early 2000s. I using it for about 7-8 years.
I've changed electrolytic capacitors 7 years ago:
I using a WaveIO with it for years, it make an improvement in sound quality.

Must have to say, I don't think, I need a better DAC.
I will not hear the difference with my ears.

At march 2020 one side suddenly died, and I killed the other side by swapping DAC modules. In my misere, I mailed to MSB Tech for some help. Gullman brothers were very helpful. (Just as folks at Pass Lab, if you need it.)
It turned out, one tantalum capacitor went almost short circuit in J13 DAC modul, this killed -15VDC supply, its pass transistor died, and as I swapped DAC modules, it killed the other side -15VDC as well. I've changed that tantalum capacitor, and pass transistors, and it has been working ever since.
Jonathan suggested to me to change all tantalums on the DAC modules.
I'm ashamed, but I haven't done it yet.

Maybe if I will have an other working DAC, (or noDAC) what do you think about this:
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I am not sure that I fully understand your question, it is because my weak english, and similar level of understanding of electronics as well.
As far as I can remember, there are separate ground planes for digital and analog parts. There are 9 separate power supply, I think.
The screws that fix the boards do not connect to the metal housing electricaly.
Happy New Year and my 2 cents about DACs. Things have gotten crazy in the DAC world. Even a cheap (<$200) Topping DAC will run rings around anything made 20 years ago (costing far more). If you lean toward the objective side of evaluating DACs, check out Amir on ASR. Unfortunately, his evals will get you nowhere with subjective listening, but you can buy cheap DACs based on his recommendations and return them if they don't sound great in your system. I recently bought a Topping D10s for a small powered speaker system and it sounds great, given the constraints of the speakers.