Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Lol no carlos, you missunderstand... Graham said that he connects a 9V battery over power rails, to just check that nothing smokes, or gets warmer thatn it should... we don't need to make the amp for 9V...

I use the lightbulbs to limit current at either about 250mA or 400mA depending on which bulb...if it doesn't light up, all is fine and you can remove the lightbulb.... it acts like variac almost...

Allthough I would like to see a lower power version somewhere along the line as a tweeter driver... for biamping... something new is a hell problem....when so much design are allready published and when i see that from one design i allready like i have at least 4 amps that are so well made (Aksa, DX, GEM, Lifeforce - not particulary in that order) that it is like playing with giants is a problem - not to duplicate but also make something good...because every change might degrade the sonics....which will probably happen in my amp that i am considering to make...just for playing arround (because i have Lifeforce at my home that is playing music so good (>>music<< my friends) that i really do not need another amplifier...
GEM is very interesting amp - because how it is made (concept of A and AB class in one amp) and DX is so simple and so well thought about that i am almost freekin' out of my simple and so good....marvelous....

really - who am i to get even near to you i will do my amp only for playing see what i will come out with.....
Maybe to try rail to rail swing alike Workhorse have made


We can try to create a method to rail to rail swing (less saturatiion voltages).... not to copy Workhorse...ahahaha..i did not could even understand how his amplifier is working...try to imagine the copy results..ahahaha...maybe he do not know too..i have asked him explanations and....hehe...silence.

We can try some bigger gain in VAS...double simetrical input, having two complementary VAS....there are things to explore.

Also some dinamic expansion...we can arrange a positive voltage regulation for a supply...having high current drain, the output voltage can raise to create more dinamic punch...hehe...interesting things may come from you Sparkle.

A very fast AGC to the input...referenced by output AC voltage or DC detection (start of clipping).... a never distorting amplifier...always under 0.1%.

Have you observed the Linx, from Dupont?... that input...Vas capturing signal from op amp rails?... and the rest of the amplifier with our own ideas?

You are a promisse..... i will be cooperating with you to see your amplifier born.

I will dive deep inside this brain storm with you..till the limit when the brown fluid start to scape from our heads...too much ideas, is considered in my place that people had some contamination inside the brain...ahahaha...brown fluid is terrible!

As i have started to tell you..when i decided to make mine one...i have made a Frankstein.... the head came from Aksa... the legs from GEM... something i have stole from Symassym.... the amplifier was so pretty...ahahaha..and sounded so awfull!!!..than i started everything again..based in King's topologie...Hugh Bootstrapp... and them resulted very nice...very very nice!

hehe...fine....very good....people with ideas...lovely crazy folks....maybe with some fluid leakage... and some parts to test here too.

Can i help you, a co-production on the Koncept one?




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Hi Nordic you suggested a lower power DX for treble.

Carlos, can I suggest you look at making say a 20W class-A DX which may be used for bamping at 500Hz upwards only, say to combine with a standard 100W class-AB for bass.

When you bi-amp it is the sound of the upper frequency amplifier which controls perception. Indeed, the lower frequency amplifier can be quite inferior compared to the mid/upper amp and you would not notice unless it is actually poor. This means that the system can run even louder ( or at the same level with increased quality ) because the bass channel can run very close to clipping without the rest being affected at all.

This is hard to describe, but as soon as anyone hears it the improvement is instantly recognisable.

Also with a class-A Dx, it might be possible to back off the value of the Miller connected C.dom a little, and thus further improve fidelity.

Class-A and class-AB combined in one system would produce much more controlled sound than two class-AB. Indeed, many years ago Douglas Self introduced an amplifier which had a switchable bias setting for A - AB operation. Also the topology you use in the Dx will run into class-AB beyond say 20W of class-A on the standard amplifier anyway though there would be much more standing heat if the standard one was biased to this level.

If I remember rightly you tried higher bias levels on the class-AB amplifier and this reduced fidelity, but a purposefully optimised Dx for class-A should not suffer this effect.

Cheers ......... Graham.
I feel myself very atracted about you have suggested Graham

But i think, also, that the thread will be extremelly confused...and hard to give a good follow be over the shoulder related all constructors.

There are those ones that tell people that is constructing, and others that do not want people to know..

This produces a lot of work and i think it will better to multiply threads with different ideas.... with complementary ideas...beeing Dx amplifier or even other schematics.

You were invited, dear Graham, to design the Powerholic version of Dx amplifier..... also you are invited to hold the responsability about a Mid range unit....but i will need you tracking and answer all people's needs about those versions... a new thread may be more interesting to avoid confusions.

I have to produce some avoid loose the North related the ideas that produced Dx amplifier.

We can see many Symassym amplifiers...and some of them have modifications not so good related Michael's mind..... so.... will be loosing the character...maybe going out of the track related his philosophie...and this was very easy as he gave the Eagle files.

People has that tendence to make modifications...i have that ideas too...we all have that mind...but.... the amplifier finish loosing the characteristic that produced the direction, the North, related the "character"..... Dx is simple, cheap and with a very nice sonics......many Dxs may not fit those characteristics.

Better to multiply..not to have more threads, more people thinking and cooperating...producing their own ideas with their own names and responsabilities....the result, obtained to Symassym thread is something i am not dreaming.... a nigthmare ...has also a thread to fix problems...the sequels.....aaagh!


hehe....i will go to the dictionaire once again

Man! native language is Portuguese...and you with those different words...not common words...grumpf for you.


I have to write those words not to forget and find translations

Wink?..tinky winky?...that one!...hehe...was a scandalous here!...

The other meaning may be to push gentle....use "push gentle" man!


No conversation, between friends, about this subject here...ahahaha.

Normally people do not discuss those things in my a rule, a matter of respect ...all those are enormous secrets...this is IF i have understood the meaning of the conversation.

Also hard to understand that language...was that English?...was hard to understand more than 30 percent of words said.

This is something local, and to your place English spoken countries..for sure i have never listened things about Mount Python or something alike.

World channels are something i use to watch...only CNN, Discovery, Animal and Hystory Channel.

No problem man...but i aint tell you those things too..ahahahha.

I feel that not a normal conversation in your land seems.

relax and be happy.


Two "hard to be satisfied" folks are testing the final board, one is my friend Greg

But do not think that Greg will be kind with me if perceive something wrong...hehe...negative...he has loyalty with the truth only.

Another terrible one is testing.....that other Aussie belongs to those group of guys that apreciate details....distortions you cannot listen...waveforms around 100 kilohertz...well...if passed by that other guy, the board will be aproved for ever and ever.

The Dx Corporation plans, the celebration plans is to finish the Kilowatt Design...... " D Thunderstorm X "..... a clean kilowatt amplifier...... thousand watts undistorted to power holic folks....i am thinking to do it using AC Computer Voltage regulators...those 220 to 110 Volts AC with electronic output voltage regulation...two in series will provide 2000 watts of energy...will be alike a good AC transformer having 110 plus 110 volts...but i have to test if this idea will work fine.

The construction of the prototype will depend on this, as those units in brazil, those transformers, are costing less than 25 dollares each one!...people use to reduce 220VAC mains to stabilized has a chip that senses input variation and switch using relays another transformer tape to control the output voltage.

That switching may be the problem...noises and differences in switch timing may produce different output..... so..... will need some testings to see, in the real world, if will work fine or not.

Beeing Higher voltage, the need of enormous electrolitic condenser will be reduced...but transistors will be more expensive to hold this voltage.

It will be the normal Dx amplifier, re-calculated to higher voltage, and having reduced voltage to bias and differential to control the excess of output..... those ones will be bridged.

Simple like that..... working fine, at least in Brazil, the cost of that Kilowatt unit will be extremelly small compared with other options.

This is "what is cooking" inside our minds... the supporting partner are discussing this as a future possibility.

I will repeat...will depend of this new board aproval...and also the testing that will be made with AC voltage regulators.

" Are you tired of your old speaker?...wanna buy other?... has not courage?.... D Thunderstorm X will provide you solution for that...hehe.... the old speaker will not be enougth anymore! "




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Nordic said:
would it be a problem if I paralelled 2 10R resistors for 5 ohm in stead of 4.7 ohm?

And can I use 100uf on the power rail in stead of 220... all I can find in box right now.

Do I just bridge the E-links? and run the zobel from the ZE place, in place of the yellow routing line?

Hi Nordic,

2 x 10R will be OK.

100uF will be OK.

Yep, just link elinks.

Run a earth wire from ZE to a earth of your choice.

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