Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Yes...i think exactly the same as Klaas.

To try is the best option.

This way people will learn...and by themselves, not needing to believe.

I realised that they are bad because i made experiences.

Never believe, in special in designers, the better they can least they will be sligtly bias (If not extremelly biased)...than.... good idea is to check into practice.

But please, do not try to research into theories..those things will drive you crazy...they had not made agreements.... there are many different point of views.

Check it using your listening instrument..your ears and brain.


Hi Klaas,

It is good to see your independent findings matching Carlos' original work.

Most amplifiers have output emitter resistors, but also a mirror at the differential input stage, thus more NFB to reduce distortion.

BUT - the mirror introduces more high frequency phase shift within that NFB loop, and though THD might be reduced, reproduction quality becomes impaired.

I believe Carlos tried a mirror, and chose to NOT use that either !

Cheers ............ Graham.
There are other thing that are hard interference into sonics.

The input condenser, or capacitor, plays a lot into the sonics..not only the capacitance value, but also the dieletric properties.

The best possible will be air gap one..dieletric beeing atmosferic air...but will be your home size (exagerating, of course..but will be very big)

The quality into hi frequencies will depend from the existance or not existance of the Miller compensation capacitor...better not to have....if you need them (reduce output impedance to VAS) to avoid oscilations.... select the smaller one you could find that block the oscilations...please! not increase a single picofarads above that!

The bandwidth.... the limiting factor to high frequency is the feedback capacitor...a good idea is to keep it small...or much better, to install a variable capacitor in this position, to inject FM inter station noise, and to peak the audio while adjust this capacitor..them remove it...measure it and place a Silver Mica unit in place..having the same, or aproximatelly the same capacitance.

The rail stability..... if your transformer loose too much voltage, your sonics will be strange..there are folks that love that (ME!) the sonics will show some decay.... a reduction of volume ..that bass will not be in sustain will loose volume with time...this is an interesting effect....some people like that (ME!)

The input stages rail stability...oh.... a lot of quality depends on that...carefull with the first stages.

Try to scape from hi speed transistors...not a good idea may have a nice oscilator or Radio frequency transmitter..but never a good will produce input signal dinamically triggered oscilations that will be translated by harsh sonics in some tones...intermitence....the harsh sonics do not appear all the comes and goes..... a very frustrating problem.

Noises in the input.... the lifted ground is very helpfull.

Avoid any kind of diodes into your circuit...they detect radio frequencies and can kill your sonics as they will saturate transistors with radio will not listen but will blurr your sonics.

Big condenser normally helps bass sonics..but not always...i had problems once...i had to reduce them to use some chip amplifier...hehe...a very famous one!

Diodes in parallel are interesting...try them..... if you refer to theories...this have absolutelly non sense.... absurd...crazy idea...ridiculous....magician into electronics...idiot!..... i do not discuss theories....just try to diodes in parallell and tray will conclude...and them you can join the club that will send me stones..or will be at my side defending me.

Gain into input transistors are very good...but too much gain into VAS and drivers can be annoying too.

Double voltage supply is excelent.... sounds turns more compact...more punch, more fidelity, more clear..... and seems to be more loud (this do not make sense...maybe i have dreamed with that..try by yourself)

Emitter resistance is a hell bad...remove any resistance in series with the special where you have high current.

Output coils are awfull...check by yourself...i do not like them.

Big condensers near the output transistor colectors use to produce a better bass...but i could not perceive that.

Parallel capacitors into condensers are good...avoid oscilations and power supply noises..... i do not know how much bad may be their i never made that..... i have used Radio Frequency transmitters and because of that i use them on is very possible that they are something "not always needed"

Rail resistances are good , as they separate power rails and sensitive stage supply rails...some fake double voltage supply...but also they make you loose some volts into your output..but it has advantages...less power but much better sound quality...this is one of the top features of Dx amplifier...remove them and observe that you will have another different can call that other one XD...not DX.

I love to equalize input colector current...both transistors using the same current..exactly the same..but i am a maniac.... sound goes fine with unballances there too.

Small capacitors in the input can be removed...unless you have radio frequency transmitters around...not having interferences..this capacitor will do nothing for you...those input to ground ones.

Different condenser values and condenser brands (do not know if this a defect or effect) plays some different behavior to your amplifier if you place those ones, under testing, into your bootstrapp position.

Low bias is terrible..but high bias is worst.

More than 45 degrees into transistors is not a good idea..keep them cool.

Transistors mounted over heatsinks without insulations will transfer heat better..but may be dangerous as you will have voltage into your heatsinks....NPN and PNP transistors will need to travel to different heatsinks...this will use long wiring...this may be not good...also you will need to insulate each heatsink in respect to the other one..and also insulate each heatsink to the metal avoid short circuits.

Fuses are a huge problem..they use to burn when your transistor already gone to mars!.....also they use to have resistance that will reduce the supply voltage into the amplifier...this will modulate the supply referenced to the drain of current...awfull efect.

Bipolar condensers are very interesting...but do not for sonics.

People say that zener diodes and ligth emitting diodes produces noises..hummmmm..i could not listen that.

People use to say that capacitors need time to be burned....i have not time to wait....maybe they do that..but i prefer to use the ones do not need to be burned in as i ahve not patience to check those things....not me!

VBE voltage is said to be good when 650 milivolts are measured...negative!.... good sonics use to be around 600 milivolts to the big majority of parts i had in my life.....with 650 milivolts many transistors will be with their tongue out of the mouth asking for a cool drink.

Off set can kill sonics....but did not have killed amplifiers or speakers...Maybe Mr. Sonics...have to find him in the heaven and ask him the true.

There are a lot of phase problems in sonics...their problems...they can figth..fase with fase to find solution to their intimate problems..i do not mind if my speaker started at same time related the sound source or not...also my speaker do not use to complain too.

Audio cable plays a big ammount into the quality....maybe not exactly the quality, but the quantity of money that will be sucked from your pockets.....well...there are discussions about...i do not mind about.

Thick wires are good for speaker...ask the speaker if they are happy...i will not be happy, as i use 3 meters of audio cable to each channel, and that thick thing is awfull and will not be better than a telefone wire into this distance....remember that telefone wires, in brasil, are not twin wires into the same cable..they are separated, not only in colour but spacially separated....they can hold 20 amperes continuously and have a very low resistance per meter...almost nothing.

What makes a good sonics?... a good amplifier tophologie...and the more important...a good speaker and a good sound source.... the better you love the music, the better the sonics will be.

What do you think about amplifiers?... this is something not to think about...i have just forget that need...i had never needed them...maybe they are good..i do not know.

And tone controls?... a need, as speaker is not flat.... listening position is not perfect too.... home has ressonances, and some frequencies will need attenuation, others will need some reinforcement....tone controls are needed... equalizers can be even better...but if you can avoid all those things will be even a good headphone and enjoy the good sonics.

Do you have any trick to sonics?...yeah!...reduce your input level..reduce your amplifier sensitivity....make the maximum volume of your source enougth to drive the amplifier to maximum power without distort...then you will have soft sonics, without noise and without distortions...the good match related amplifier sensitivity and the audio source signal level is the trick to of them...but an important one.

Condensers in the output affect bass?.... for better i think...not related to wave form or technicall high level measurements, but sound really nice...some good English speaker factories use big condenser in series with wooffers to increase bass sonics.

What is the weakest point of amplifiers?.... the speakers!..amplifiers use to be much better than the speakers usually can be.

this is something i have remembered.

I hope you enjoy.

Please, theoric figthers, i have travelled and i will return 2039

If you do not believe....good that...test by yourself...i am happy that you do not believe...never believe...make tests man!


Tina, as every woman, need special care and attention.

Also, this simple program had some problems related mood.

Tina is very unstable...some women too.

It use to complicate our life...there are a lot of things i do not know about this program as i have used only few times.

I think Graham had used it in the distant past...maybe he can help you.


I assume this to be a modern version of the old MIT program TINA, which, incidentally, I did a laboration with on a text based terminal some 20-25 years ago.

TINA is one of my favourite acronyms. Anyone who knows what it stands for? (I couldn't find any info about it on the TINA site, so I don't think you can cheat by looking there, but maybe they do tell it somewhere).

I will use very short ( 1 meter (3 feets)) loudspeakers wires, since I will place the power amp between the two loudspeakers.

But I will have 4 meter of interconnect wire from the preamp to the power amp !!

So what is best...

Short loudspeaker wire with long interconnect wire ?

Or, long loudspeaker wire and short interconnect wire ?


Christer said:

Many of us use LTSpice (aka. SwitcherCAD) which is freeware:

Hey, John Curl just told us in another thread that even Walt Jung uses LTSpice (well, he is retired from AD now, of course :) ).

Note that Spice is the basic kernel and standard and then there are a lot of implementations of it, both free and commercial, such as LTSpice, PSpice etc.


Seem good for me, I will download it to try that LTSpice.

Just hope we don't need a course just to use that software.


Re: I can try to upload the TINA is great, but a forum friend..heheh....

destroyer X said:

Gimme...give me your adress dear Gaetan...E mail adress..having one Yahoo adress will be better, as i can send bigger files than 10 Megabytes using Yahoo...... say...from Yahoo to Yahoo.


This thread,this one, has already many informs...the reasons of remotion of this, of that, of those...why this and that.... take some time Gaetan...and please, come to visit the whole thread.




Thank Carlos but my email server won't take a 10 meg file, but I will download LTSpice from the LT web page.

I did read about 50 pages of the thread, but there's so much to read... arghh :crazy:

Wires and cables, always the better is the smallest possible length

The exception is when you use Radio Frequency Coaxial cables beeing used in submultiples of wavelength working as transformers...then, the length is critical and will need to be calculated.

But in the major part of our reality, make them as short as possible.... losses in cables are measured in units related distance...feet and meters for instance, the biggest the worst as resistances, inductances and capacitances.

Wires and cables were made to conduct energy from one extreme to the other, the better one will be the one that will reduce your losses...and always when you reduce one of them you will be reducing their side effects, their annoying effects, their losses.

Yes...the thread is big... i understand what you mean with aagh!... but as i have readed the entire solid state forum ..and more then kind Baaah! for you!

Baaah! means...come on! is not really so bad this way!


Re: Yes...i think exactly the same as Klaas.

destroyer X said:
To try is the best option.

This way people will learn...and by themselves, not needing to believe.

I realised that they are bad because i made experiences.

Never believe, in special in designers, the better they can least they will be sligtly bias (If not extremelly biased)...than.... good idea is to check into practice.

But please, do not try to research into theories..those things will drive you crazy...they had not made agreements.... there are many different point of views.

Check it using your listening instrument..your ears and brain.



I think there is a lot of truth in this statement.

respect the differences and make up your own mind

Re: Wires and cables, always the better is the smallest possible length

destroyer X said:

Yes...the thread is big... i understand what you mean with aagh!... but as i have readed the entire solid state forum ..and more then kind Baaah! for you!

Baaah! means...come on! is not really so bad this way!



Hi Carlos

Remember that I am french speaking and that reading and writing english are much longer and difficult for me, I can wrote and read short text but for long one it's harder.

Bonne journée a tous :)

I have made a post because of you Gaetan.... i hope you had time to read

This is the post i have made was for you Gaetan...not only for you, but also because of you.

C'est la veritè monsieur...mois n'adors pas autre langue different moine propre langue...l'anglais es horrible pour mois... a beaucoup de force pour ecrire ici...le français est dificille aussi, ma je prefere, parce que c'est une langue y a some chose qui se parait avec le portugais.

This is true too...i do not like other langue than mine...english is terrible to me...i have to put effort to write...french is hard to, but it is even prefered, because it is a latin language..there's something not so different related portuguese.

au revoir




Chinese people came from an ancient culture, thousand of years old culture...and there's some extreme development things in your culture...with some weak points too...(what some people does with girls when they born... i dislike...maybe extremelly needed behavior).

This weak point, in my personal point of view (because i am not chinese, i am not in chinese pants, feeling chinese problems) do not burn the Chinese people's image...just place an interrogation point...if you wanna talk about...send me direct mails for that.

I feel extremelly happy because you have perceived something good in my text...because was evaluated by a Chinese... and beeing a human, of course i like, and also i need, some ego massage to turn myself more strong, to face the life problems...
also some ancient tribal feelings turns me happy because the social acceptance.


Dx Corporation rules and regulations are going to chance

Dx Corporation Head Office infomed:

Alike Mr. Ford said:

"You can buy Ford cars with all colours, but black"

Also, following this extremelly clever, and needed idea, the Dx Corporation Chair Man (ME!)..ahahahahha, decided to reduce options to the Dx amplifier construction.

This way, suggested, official, aproved, guaranteed circuit, will be ONLY, the one posted into the home page.

Revisions will be made in the instructions to update them to the new reality.

The President and chairman in charge...destroyer x
The Chief of Engineering Departament.... Graham Maynard
The Systems Developing General Manager....Greg Erskine
The Laboratory Manager... Klaas Veenstra
The Production Line Responsable....Nordic Nico Von der Melter

Had signed the agreement to give entire support to the new rules.

The extreme flexibility gave into early, ancient threads, gave room to confusion...some mess was stablished...because of that some guys gave up to construct..they just quit!..because thread long, confused, plenty of options...people fell themselves lost.

The Official corporation product, will not be modified, upgrade, tweaked, adapted, re-calculated or updated..will remain the way it is from now to the ethernity.

Special adjustments, to some different voltages will still be made..but using directly mailing...not published here to avoid confusion.

Transistor options will be increase the reliability, and board will be the one published, reserving ouselves, from the company, not to bother anymore related bad results of other options of boards untested that was published in the past.

Rules and regulations will be effective since the publishing day. is good to have some fun..also telling some serious things.



What happens when there is a short between the zener and R12/R13?


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