DIY 18" elliptical waveguide

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Ahh bummer, I thought you said before the rear data wasn't absolutely necessary. Maybe I just imagined that. I'll need to do some more testing soon and when I do I'll see about getting the time lock on Holm to work as well.

I think that what I said was that the accuracy isn't critical, but the algorithm needs to have something in the back to estimate from. I tied to just assume that the response goes to zero, but this worked poorly - the reason being that there is actually a bright spot dead on the rear so zero is a bad assumption.

What does Holm do that REW doesn't?

Two things; 1) Time lock a series of measurements; 2) export a series of measurements as a single file.
How does the response look if you equalize on-axis flat to 500 Hz or so? Hard to tell exactly where the pattern control is lost.

I mean, if pattern control is lost at only 18", that is bad news for my own unit.

I'm not comfortable running my 1" exit cds down to 500hz, sorry. I think when I xo to the woofer at 800-900 the directivity will be just fine in the was with my 15" waveguides from earlier in this thread. Earl's 18" wg on the NS-15 does well and I think he crosses around 800hz.

What does Holm do that REW doesn't?

It's been awhile since I read the REW docs, but I don't think it uses the Farina method for the log sweep like Holm and ARTA........don't hold me to that though. You can do a dual channel measurement in REW which should work like the time lock in Holm. I prefer the dual channel method when looking at phase for xo design.
I'm trying to do the same thing.
Did you ever make a synergy horn using this method?
Funny you should ask! I'm in the middle of converting the horns I built in this thread to synergy horns. I have another thread where I did some experiments using the original horn converted to a 2-way synergy. Detailed data there, and I'll be posting data of what I'm working on right now.

My plan was to build a larger version of this wg for a synergy horn but I'm not too excited about building anything larger by hand. I might try to modify these by making a much larger mouth round over....

How is yours coming?
Good to hear from you! I'm in the very early stage of experimenting. I have bought an large round Ikea basket made out of metal. it's 61 cm in diameter. I'm trying to stretch some swimsuit fabric out like you did. I'm going to try to spray paint the fabric, one layer at a time, until it hardens. That way it hopefully holds it shape until it is hard enough to remove from the basket. Later I plan to use epoxy. But right now, my challenge has been to fix the fabric evenly to the ring of the basket. Brown packaging tape loosens up. Maybe i'll try duct tape. Do you have any suggestions?
KVISTBRO Storage table - IKEA
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