DIY Front End 2022

Listened to FE 2022 all night with OS2 SK60. FE 2022 cards are not even annealed or broken in yet, and I am somewhat rogue operating it single ended with 36V only. I would say it is exceptionally transparent, with no pain at all for the gain, and preserves the essential charming, hypnotic character of the OS2 if not enhances. Very cool.
The one and only
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Apropos of the release of "Oppenheimer" the Cyclotron that is now at
UC Davis was the one they used to make the bomb. Prior to joining
Pass Labs Kent operated that cyclotron, which is still in service, and
one fine afternoon he dropped by with the Triode that was the
amplification device for it. It filled the back of his truck, and was on
its way to be refurbished

Also interesting, director of the facility is a member in good standing here...

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'skipping' C3

I've built a Mofo with the FE2022 (using the Mofo laptop single rail power supply and unbalanced inputs), but I only had .68 uf caps laying around for C1, C2, and C3. It works, but am I rolling off the bass with too small a C3 (or screwing up a filter at C2/R10)? At post #360, Vix said he was going to 'skip' C3 (jumper?) and remove the "bleeder" (Mofo 200k?) for his Mofo+FE2022. I've looked at the schematics and my head is spinning. If I jumper C3 and remove the 200k resistor from the Mofo, will I get OK low frequency response with .68 at C1 and C2?
Joined 2010
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Apropos of the release of "Oppenheimer" the Cyclotron that is now at
UC Davis was the one they used to make the bomb. Prior to joining
Pass Labs Kent operated that cyclotron, which is still in service, and
one fine afternoon he dropped by with the Triode that was the
amplification device for it. It filled the back of his truck, and was on
its way to be refurbished

Also interesting, director of the facility is a member in good standing here...


IMHO, the best way to learn analog electronics is to spend some time in the labs and storage rooms of the Physics Dept.

Engineers are taught to design and deliver some ROI for their MBA masters.
Physicists are encouraged to play hoping that something comes out of it.

We learned analog electronics by blowing up lots of vacuum tubes. Burning up transistors was relatively easy... did you notice that they have three legs and AC sockets also have three slots? Now tubes... blowing them up takes some know how and perseverance.

Unfortunately, noone is gonna let you blow up that cyclotron.

Ever run into a shaker table? They put them in the basement or first floor for a good reason. Put some Rolling Stones into it to modulate the shaking and explore the building's resonant modes. Hopefully it won't come down.... but, eheheh.. the time we did it, I think the R&D engineers on the top two floors peed their pants as they rushed out... they thought it was The Big One...
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The board has arrived, Thank you Mr Pass
Ever run into a shaker table? They put them in the basement or first floor for a good reason. Put some Rolling Stones into it to modulate the shaking and explore the building's resonant modes. Hopefully it won't come down.... but, eheheh.. the time we did it, I think the R&D engineers on the top two floors peed their pants as they rushed out... they thought it was The Big One...
When I worked at Hughes Aircraft we had a shaker table that was driven by a small McIntosh amp, which I assumed was chosen for its autoformer. I can't remember, but maybe this was a small table top shaker. The larger ones were driven by several refrigerator-size racks, IIRC.
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When I worked at Hughes Aircraft we had a shaker table that was driven by a small McIntosh amp, which I assumed was chosen for its autoformer. I can't remember, but maybe this was a small table top shaker. The larger ones were driven by several refrigerator-size racks, IIRC.

I used to write software for a bunch of ATE equipment to shake a production line of avionics.... Because it was a production line we needed BIG test fixtures.... VERY LARGE ones.

The amp racks were about five feet tall, including the programmable filter and gain functions and signal generator.

Not only that, but the equipment also had AC and heating ( temp cycling was part of the testing profiles... 48 hours with specific heat/cold soak and vibrations). Because of the long test cycles, the racks in those tables were over six feet tall and we'd place like 40+ boxes in each test fixture.

So the shaker table proper was about six feet across... with tons of weight on top of it. The amps... well, the amps were a huge rack...

Trust me when I tell ya that we'd shake the 3 story building from its foundation (slab) to the four corners... You'd never think that Sympathy For The Devil could do such, huh? ;-) Oh, btw, we did that with a brand new table, with nothing on top of it, so the frequency response of the system went well above 1Khz ( we opened up the filters ).

Naturally we pulled that feat on a Saturday when HR and Payroll were not in the building... we didn't want to get fired!

Whenever I read those HT guys boasting about their 18 inch woofers I laugh. You haven't experienced true (excessive) bass until you've shaken your building with a six foot "woofer".
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Makes me feel like such a girly man being happy with a 10 watt amplifier. I wonder what Kent's cyclotron triode would sound like with a stereo pair. Maybe the Grateful Dead would be interested in it as a concert amplifier.

They would open up an inter-dimensional portal without the drugs every time they performed.
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2split10 - You can use the DC blocking cap that's already in your MOFO, and do the 200k delete like you mentioned. For C1 and C2, .68 sounds like an awfully low value and puts the cutoff well above "as designed and intended". But if you think it's great as is, then that's fantastic. Keep using it.
All up and running, works much better once i made a ground to the chassis. Alps 50k pot, installed female headers so I can change out the resistors to adjust gain. Currently using 47k resistors for the gain. Gustard x16 dac for input, first watt clone f6 on the output.


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