DIY Sony VFETs OS2 Official thread

I perceive that switches for high current DC are just difficult to source as switches for high current AC. So I'd suggest you and your circuit design squad consider the option of using a relay to switch the high current, plus a low voltage, low current switch on the front panel to activate the relay coil.
Or you can use a SMPS that has a 'remote control'. Such as RSP-150 series. 27V/6A for instance. or 48V/4A. Who needs more?

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-08-12 om 18.29.15.png
Joined 2013
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Ah, it looks like the VFET round 3 (sans VFETS) is what I'm after and I've set the notification alert for when/if they come back into stock.

I have an N channel kit I never used or opened, I bought two kits thinking (not) that two were needed for a stereo amp. Not sure how much shipping would be from USA to UK.

PM me if your interested, I will send you pics of the kit.
Thanks to the kind offer from @elwood625 it looks as though I'll be able to use my 2SK60s.

So, on that assumption, can I seek some advice on the actual project - I will target the VFET build for use with my 15ohm Lowther BLH speakers, and noting Nelson's comments about the 2SK60 having a 16ohm preference, I don't think I have to fool the 2SK60s so I'm thinking I should use R1 = 1ohm and R2 = 0ohm so that the IRF250 acts as a constant current source as per Nelson's article - am I missing something?

I will also experiment with Nelson's Full-range equalisation boards with the VFET/Lowthers.

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Joined 2020
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I picked up a pair of 2SJ18 from @bango in the swap meet a while back, and the P-ch OS kit from the store. Since I had built a Ship of Theseus with a linear power supply it was straightforward project to swap output stages. A neat $200 experiment.

I finished building and installing the OS today with @Mark Johnson 's HORNET front end boards, one of my favorites of the three I've tried. The loaded rails read 36.6V, and with the drain of the VFETs set to 20V, a speaker load and music playing I'm getting a voltage drop of 0V63 and 0V62 across each 0R47 power resistor, so a bias of 1.32A or so. It plays some good clean music in the garage, we'll see how it sounds in the main system later on.

Happy Nearly New Years, everyone!


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