DIY Walsh driver revisited

Yeah 14 experiments all on the mbl type driver. The experiments are as follows. 3 Top-plate geometries. 3 top-plate materials. Also playing around with the back wave to see what is up with that. There are 4 unique enclosures and some variants. Luckily all of these experiments will utilize the same diaphragm so little to no construction will take place. As such the experiments will be very accurate in isolating the variable. Your playing around sounds pretty cool and would love to play around with that kind of set-up to see what kind of effect can be had.
Uh, wow. I'm a little stunned, but I remember you mentioning the MBL diy project another person is working at, and visiting his posts. But, hey, that's a project that could be fascinating to have a hand at. I'll be interested in seeing how it goes for you, as it is compelling to 'look over' bandseis' forum with his diy AMTs' (which seems to be going nicely, IMHO, Heil AMT fan that I am).

I chose playing about with the Walshs' because they fit my budget and current level of technical sophistication (such as it is). As time and budget allow, I intend to improve on what I can do with them. I can make them work; now it's time to make them better.
A one-piece diy cone would be a big step up; exactly how to do that will be a interesting pursuit. Spinning light gauge aluminum? Forming paper pulp? Carbon fiber? We'll see where that goes...
One pursuit could be finding a way to 'reverse' the basket on an existing unit, exposing the cones' top end, much like the German Physiks units.
That, and I'd like to refine their appearance...strange is OK, as long as it's compelling to look at. *L* MBLs' have been called 'alien looking', which is fine in my book. I've always thought that the most compelling creations are those that don't look like they belong in our century... Here's one in architecture that I just stare at in open-mouthed awe....

This spectacular home is at peace with the California desert | The Verge

(...and it sold for CHEAP IMHO...)

Live in a piece of sculpture....not to everyones' taste, but I'm not everyone, nor interested in being such....*G*

Some of F.L. Wrights' work was in this vein...pity most of it never got built.

But I digress, yet again....;)

As for my 'field experiment', even Linkwitz feels we should 'ignore the space' we have and create the acoustic environment. Room treatments can only go so far, and one gets forced into creating the 'listening room' which isn't terribly practical for most of us. And you have the SAF issue; fortunately I don't (she finds it amusing or ignorable *L*).
We're planning on building a house in which I'd like to have Walsh units of various sizes placed so that you could walk everywhere in it and not miss a beat. Work them into the cabinetry or detailing...the main living space could be set up for the actual 'listening field'.
But that's another story for another day....*S*

OK, enough. You've got your 14 experiments, I've got mine. *L* If you share, I'll try to make intelligent comments. "Intelligent", well....that's still a debate among some, but... ;)
Picked up those Pioneers @ Habitat today (2/4). Turned out the 12" are 10", but no big issue there. At $16.05, that's still $2.67 per driver plus the xovers and some hardware. The Infinitys' are still there...I'm amazed but still not interested. Another pair there with some old Utah drivers that I'll keep an eye on.*G* Wait for the price to drop...

Been playing with those former Pioneer drivers...

The tweeters sprouted the recycled cones from the previous experiment and some fancy knife work on the former cones to keep the voice coils' aligned.

The mids (as well as the tweets) are closed back frames so they'll have a different 'look' then the previous versions. The mids get a pair of cones recycled from the v.1s because I'm just lazy enough and they happen to be sitting around unoccupied...

The woofers are an excursion into new territory. I've not attempted to make this large of a cone before, and the litho sheets aren't large enough to make the cones from a single piece. So, *tah dah*, a 3 piece cone with vertical seams. Ought to be interesting to see what happens; it'll either fly or flop.

The mids and woofers will need some base assemblies routed and glued up. This iteration will also have moi' paying better attention to v.c. alignment to avoid the 'tweak' I had to do with one of the v.3s' to get it to 'play nice'.

The original array was rated at 150w., so I'm hoping they'll respond to being 'pushed' a little harder. The woofers with the new cones will need a push; the cones will likely be heavier than they're used to...

Since I salvaged the xovers, this gives rise to answering another curiosity I've had:

What would a vertically aligned 3 way Walsh array sound like?

A 'bargain basement' MBL? Or just really strange? *L* Guess I'll just have to find out.... ;)

(...and the tweeter pic Refuses to stand upright...*sigh*)

We'll call this batch v.5/3, just for grins...more as it develops


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The diversion continues...

Yes, they're big cones...lighter than they look, too.

Next to is the stack they'll go under. The mids will be a little different (that's a v.2 'standing in'), but essentially the same.

Bases and structure next...*S*


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Out of the box and into the streets...

I like what I'm doing too...fortunately...;)

BUT, Don't start me on time travel. (too late)

Been there
Did that
Bought that t-shirt.
Burnt the damn thing.
Showed up in the closet in another color that I didn't like, with stains on it from who knows what in places that didn't make any sense.
Once you've done it, it's really a PIA
Look, arguments are bad enough, but with your younger or older self just makes you finally get the point that you're just going to FUBAR anyway anyhow everywhere always.
It makes you really nutz.
And that's my rationalization for being the 'out of the box' theoretically thinking organic electrochemical collection of cheap compounds mixed with water.
And time travel is frustrating in that you don't GO anywhere.
You're still 'here'...just earlier, or later, missing the point, the boat, the plane (physical or astral, your call), or just plain missing.
Now...if you want to really 'get some where'...
I mean, REALLY GET "Somewhere".
Solve this:


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That is the formula for FTL travel.

If that gets solved, I can finally go home. *S*

Home is (or was) in Perseus-Pisces, Arm KZ787-Cluster 9103/N4-7845-Group 674-Netal-Mivara.

Stupid transport service dropped me off in the wrong system. When I get home...heads will...well, they won't Exactly Roll, but you get my drift...*grrrr*
...and that's another thing about time've 'forgotten' that this has already occurred....mmm, twice, if memory serves (It only works for the 'traveler', sorry).

Last time...*phew* Ugly...'side effects' made the entire Eastern seaboard economy collapse and the UAR became a really weird 'amusement park' organization.

The 'butterfly effect' (see Ray Bradbury, "The Sound of Thunder"...he knew...). It takes awhile (2078), but...

I gave it (t.t.) up...too touchy, too much 'back and forth' checking to see what happens, 'tweaking' to minimize the 'path' everything takes. Complicated...burnt my little brain.

Yeah, it effects one as well. I used to be, *bleh*.

FTL is better. Allows spreading the effects over a larger 'playing field', so to speak.

The Andromeda galaxy crashing into ours won't occur for awhile, and happens Anyway, so...*shrug*....and we'll be long gone, anyhow....
And the next chapter... this telenovella I like to call a life...*G*

I'm happy that my rants are amusing, as opposed to driving y'all to Whois me on Google and directing the authorities of your selection to collect me and invite me to some facility where I could indulge in chemical or electrical induced Reality Distortion Fields in a compelled fashion. (Reference: Thomas Dolbys' "Hyperactive", although I'm actually pretty 'dry' in person...). It (ranting) is IMHO a reasonably healthy some of the other things that go on about us...shooting people over parking spaces, burning people alive, threatening the neighboring country, that sort of thing...

I sometimes have concerns over our species. I know this is not the forum to really take these things up, but I get 'distracted' sometimes. We're all subject to it...*sigh*...well, anyway...

Happy Valentines' Day. Be good to the one that loves and tolerates you. ;)

On a more appropo note for 'here', I stumbled into this pic. Now I don't feel the need to apologize for my 'build quality' on my little toys...

Now, given the age of the unit and its' unknown hegira over its' life, I can understand 'wear'....but tack welds, rough fillet welds at the spar bases? The glue line at the cone base? *Ick* The cone itself looks smooth, but even it has some roughness at it's seams. At least I don't resort to 'twist ties' tacky Is That?!. *L*

I've read discussions about the build quality that came out of Apogee when those units have been opened up for repair. I'm really happy to see båndsei using a 'puter driven cutter to make his foils for his AMT DIY project, using a 'downscaled' bit of tech that's not expensive anymore, is incredibly appropo and is accurate enough that his 'toys' are rivaling the measurements of the ESS AMTs'. I can only hope to do so well. If they (mine) get good enough to make you pause, turn your head, and see your eyes widen...I'd be one happy-tushed camper. *G*

How's your project going, Mags? Anything at the homefront? *S*


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Agreed, weather hasn't been terribly pleasant for any activity except staying close to heat sources. And, yes, the lamellas (still sounds like something from a plant....flower parts...*L*) struck me as something 'detail critical' that's either right or trash, not to be approached in a haphazard fashion. Not like my junk...*L*
The material betwixt the lamellas on the bass element...what exactly works for that application? Or are you tackling that driver at this time? I know the MBLs' are a 'multi-element' speaker; I'm wondering which part of the concept you're wrestling with...