DIY Walsh driver revisited

And, for you line array can melt butter in the middle of the room....*snicker*


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It seems this would have to be wired
in a push push configuration they will not cancel this way. Having them in a push/pull the drivers out of phase will cancel. From what I understand those top drivers are together wired out of phase from the rest of the drivers not form each other. Here is a link to my information on some bending wave drivers. I think you simply miss-used the push/pull wording I think you meant to say that both drivers work within the same phase. The following link is some information on bending drivers it is still missing random pdf. files I have found. It is a fraction of my library which includes the google of mbl and speakers. There is still some information that has not yet been organised into these folders. Jerry thank you for the compliments there is still much I want to achieve this is merely the start to anything I have done so far.
Hey, Mags..."We've only just begun..." (Sorry about The Carpenters reference, I couldn't resist..*LOL*)

The only reason my files are in hand is because they're 'fresh', and I can get anal about Some things. Not the 'right ones' to suit my spouse, but I suspect I'm not the only male biped with this issue. ;)

I did mean a 'push/push' config, although I still think it'd be worth a laugh just to hear a pair cancel each other out, since it'd be too easy to accomplish based on how I could make the units' structures. Still, the IkonoKlast units intrigue me as to their arrangement....

As for compliments...You're welcome. *S* If deserved, happily extended. ;)

I'm getting more requests for the vid I shot of my drivers than the "How To" manual. I feel like I should attach a disclaimer to the vid:

Please Note: Shot with camera with typical camera microphone, therefore sound quality sucks in a major way. In the back against the wall is a Polk subwoofer that is applying a bass line that you cannot hear. It is also in my opinion that the variation in the sound quality is also being effected by the radiation pattern of a Walsh unit (Omni and a bending wave pattern) which creates issues for the camera. Enjoy anyway.
'sOK, Mags...I've got the same issues with the alphanumeric wirld of digitalis puteris. AKA 'this F'n 'puter!' *L*

Note my issues with trying to post a simple website address (I thought)...kept coming up with alphabet 'soup'. So much for 'copy and paste'...*grrr* Finally had to resort to 'Here, let's Spell It Out in Dorkese'.

If Google doesn't take over the world, I hate to think who/what will....but I refuse to sink into paranoia...*middle finger raised towards THE VOID*
Well, let us see...

(By the by...I'm relatively immune to a manufactures' glossy verbiage describing how they've 'advanced state of the art'. After 63 yrs. of crawling on the skin of this planet, it IMHO comes down to 'what you like to hear what you like to listen to' reproduced. Data sets, like statistics, are subject to broad interpretations by who is paying you to interpret them... Not that I'm implying that our thoughts are invalid, Oh No. We're just subject to our biases as much as they are. I like to get paid for my thoughts and opinions, my designs and concepts of my work, too....
Just saying...a really large piece of salt, tossed over the shoulder... ;) )

The German Physiks units...been there, looked at that. We're in their element, if you will. We lack the $ or the Euro eq to do 'serious investigation' into their approach into the design, but since we're just a bunch of 'yahoos' messing around with the concept there isn't any limiter to us stumbling upon something that may be Better. As I said, 'Let's Play!' *S*

The Goebels: Well, if you want to go there, OK. It reminds me of building a better violin, playing around with 'tuning' a piece of plywood to sound good.
I'm not entirely sold on 'large scale' planar reproducers; electrostatics or 'smaller' units (say, Bohlender-Graebener) are producing great product in that realm. Hell, I own a pair of ESS Heils that I think are 'tits'! I'm suspicious of those claims about things made of wood. I work in wood. A lot. I recognize that you'd better have some guy that listens to each and every one of your final products to ensure that they 'make the cut'. And he'd better be good, or you're screwed...

There's data that suggests that planars such as the Goebels are limited to various degrees...I'll withhold my final opinion until proven otherwise, which includes my 'not so perfect' ears... Besides, I think the apparent 'stitching' on the edges looks 'sloppy', even if it's on purpose.....*L* But that's just me being 'picky'...*L*

I'll continue this later....
File organization is such a PIA which is why some of mine are fine, others not so much...

I think that there might exist some confusion as to what some consider a 'bending wave', or perhaps some misinterpretation. I've heard the term used to describe a number of devices, all of which seem to operate in a different fashion. The Mangers, the Linaeums (the originals, the R. Shack versions, the Airfoil), the drivers used to excite flat panels of all descriptions and materials, and probably some I've yet to see or hear about. I haven't dug into the physics or the technicalities of what does what and why, so I'm foggy about the or an answer to your query.

Bending wave may be just a loose categorization of all of these objects, perhaps because they all 'bend' a surface, causing a 'wave' to form that moves air. A terribly simplistic definition perhaps, but then it would also apply to all drivers....

Do you have any insight that would clean this mess up I've just made? *L* Your turn to pontificate. ;)