DIYA store "Wolverine" (Son of Badger) .... suggestions ??

Now I don't know lol. Both you guys were part of the team. Is the voltage 0 at c9 or Rail voltage?

Under normal operation C9 won't have any DC across it. It's only during fault conditions, like if the outputs are stuck to one of the rails C9 will see the full rail voltage. So technically the voltage rating of the cap should be the same as the rail voltage or higher. Or just use a lower voltage cap and replace it if that scenario happens. Or put anti parallel diodes across the cap to protect it from excessive voltage. On power up there might be a little voltage across C9 until the circuit stabilizes.

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Try and get some KSC3503E for the pre-driver. There are a few of use on the team that have them. If you ask her publicly someone may send you a pm offering to send you some. I don't want to mention names as they may not want to be bombarded with lots of pm's.
Thanks Stuart,

Only the Q105 and Q106 must be matched?
what about the other KSC3503/KSA1381 ?
I have Sanyo datasheets for those devices, do not believe Toshiba made them, also notice the exposed pad where as the ksa,ksc versions have a thicker bodies and are isolated
The shipping bag .


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^ I'm assuming you're posting this b/c of your post #1957 => your link to sell parts. If not, please ignore.

Pics of your parts being offered along with a data sheet matching the form factor and parts markings would be very helpful along with provenance.

No disrespect meant, but in the days of so easily re-etching / screen printing parts markings themselves... a printed parts bag label as evidence of parts authenticity does not pass muster (for me).

Documented provenance from origin and/or spec sheets and measurements are what counts (to me).
Anything speaking against using 3503E/1381E as pre-drivers, 4883A/1859A as drivers and 3263Y/1294Y as outputs (4 pair) using 57V-Rails and 4 Ohms load? I've some great hfe-matching 4883/1859 in my stash. As well as some tightly N/P-matching C3423/A1360. Is it possible to use them in the VAS? Or should the specified KSC/KSA semis be used?
Why were 680u caps chosen as the local decoupling? I've seen some "High-End"-amps using some 22-100u at this point. Is it about the ripple aviability? Would it hurt going lower cause saying I have some 330u in my stash?
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Anything speaking against using 3503E/1381E as pre-drivers, 4883A/1859A as drivers and 3263Y/1294Y as outputs (4 pair) using 57V-Rails and 4 Ohms load? I've some great hfe-matching 4883/1859 in my stash. As well as some tightly N/P-matching C3423/A1360. Is it possible to use them in the VAS? Or should the specified KSC/KSA semis be used?
Why were 680u caps chosen as the local decoupling? I've seen some "High-End"-amps using some 22-100u at this point. Is it about the ripple aviability? Would it hurt going lower cause saying I have some 330u in my stash?

For your selection of transistors and rail voltage, everything is good. Definitely use the Sanken Y grade outputs with those drivers. As far as the C3423/A1360 I haven't used those but after looking at the datasheet they should be acceptable.

Regarding the local decoupling cap the 680uF value is not super critical it's more the ripple current rating.

^ I'm assuming you're posting this b/c of your post #1957 => your link to sell parts. If not, please ignore.

Pics of your parts being offered along with a data sheet matching the form factor and parts markings would be very helpful along with provenance.

No disrespect meant, but in the days of so easily re-etching / screen printing parts markings themselves... a printed parts bag label as evidence of parts authenticity does not pass muster (for me).

Documented provenance from origin and/or spec sheets and measurements are what counts (to me).
I agree with your concern. Just wanted to show the Onsemi logo printed on the bag. These are Not toshiba or Sanyo.
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We... The Wolverine build team would also like to know how OS is as well, but we haven't heard from him since his last post over a year ago now.
I have sent him pm's and I have his personal email address.
I have received no response from either.

Does someone of us know where he actually lives now? I remember that just a little before he stopped posting, he said that he was busy with a move from one place to another... Can someone of you US guys reach him somehow or speak to people who know him directly?