diyAB Amp The "Honey Badger" build thread

Joined 2016
Paid Member
Updated Schematic - V2.5.2

I think its a typo.
The diode and cap go to the base of Q9.
I'm sure Stuart will correct the schematic.

Big thanks to Stuart for doing this.

Thanks for reviewing the schematic Harry.
I have made the changes as noted in the revision box.

Can a forum administrator please delete post #4362 in this thread and

post #2160 in the other HB thread.


  • Honey Badger Sch - V2.5.2.pdf
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Crossover distortion

It has been a while since I built mine but if memory is correct I left the LC cap out.

You will see crossover distortion on your scope if you have any. Inject 1K hz signal into amp and look to see if sine wave is good without a wiggle. As far as measuring such it takes a distortion analyzer or what I use Arta software to measure distortion. With what you have your amplifier biased at you will not have any crossover distortion. Pretty sure that is.
Good Example Of Notch Or Crossover Distortion - YouTube

All is well with crossover distortion, using scope and generator, It is good on both channels. I don't have a distortion analyzer. But I think all is good so far.

I am thinking of putting in a socket in the LC position to try it out If I do that would I reset bias and offset?
Finished and working great

Wanted to thank all you folks for the help and trouble shooting advice, I have the Honey Badger up and running and it sound awesome. Its in it hand machined box that I did myself, and had that anodized locally.

I have let it run for hours and it doesn't even get warm.

Again thankyou all and a special thanks for working with a novice. You made all the difference.

Learned a lot.



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Man, this build thread is like the largest ball of string... I humbly suggest that it might be time to lock this, keep it for reference, and start another with the latest info.

This amp was supposed to be a first second build kinda deal... I've built many more than that and I'm seriously thinking I should donate my boards and move on.

There are just too many schematics, too many board versions, too many obsolete parts, and ya, 5 or so pages on what to call a ground.

For a FTB, I would tell them to run, not walk from this build.

I don't want to offend, there are many of you who have done much work, but for us solder monkeys, it's very hard to find the banana without starving.

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Man, this build thread is like the largest ball of string... I humbly suggest that it might be time to lock this, keep it for reference, and start another with the latest info.

This amp was supposed to be a first second build kinda deal... I've built many more than that and I'm seriously thinking I should donate my boards and move on.

There are just too many schematics, too many board versions, too many obsolete parts, and ya, 5 or so pages on what to call a ground.

For a FTB, I would tell them to run, not walk from this build.

I don't want to offend, there are many of you who have done much work, but for us solder monkeys, it's very hard to find the banana without starving.


I stuck to the build guide with no problems. That is a good place to start and if willing, try the other advice later. I did not find the parts hard to find at digikey and mouser. The active parts used are the common replacement parts for old amplifiers and receivers. The improvement case is for any older design with diy'ers. The "lets make it better" syndrome. I did learn a lot about bjt designs and build with this amplifier project. I would agree it is probably not for a beginner project. I had fun building it and learning more with some hiccups along the way which other members gladly offered their help solving. Give it a try, do not let the long thread scare you off if you have other builds under your belt. The build guide does work proven by many builds over the years.
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I'm with wdecho, this is a good first time build, however I also agree that the thread is a bit of a bear. I made my first amplifier by following the build guide. And then I made another one. And they sound very good.

I do think a consolidated current info thread could be beneficial for first time builders. There is a wiki page, that would seem to me to be the correct place to put agreed upon information. Problem is updating it in an ongoing basis to keep it current. The info is in this thread, but scraping it to get the right info (and who decides it is) is a time consuming and difficult process.

Here is the wiki if you want to check it out.
diyAB Amp, aka. The Honey Badger
I was lucky and found some MPA18 and found a matched pair on the ones I bought. There is a list of alternatives to use including the readily available 2N4401 that I would not hesitate in using knowing what I know now. The BC**** number I forget is also a good one to use but harder to tie together for thermal tracking. I understand there is a thermal glue one can use. There are many other Q1 and Q2 transistors one could use including probably the KSC1845.