diyAB Amp The "Honey Badger" build thread

Michael327 , some weeks ago a not english native speaking member gave You the hint, not to write this rude
style You did. Didnt You unterstand what was the content? This is an international forum with lots of not
beeing yankees. Your behave is an insolence to all these . Please excuse my mistakes as I am from the EU .
All the best, Ingo
music soothes the savage beast
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Ingo, what you write is wrong. Most americans speak english, as this is the only official language so far. As a scientist i went through many labs in many companies. English is the official language. I had chinesse colleagues, indian colleagues, they all speak english at work or in the public. How they speak at home is their personal thing. I speak slovak at home. Because thats where i was born and come from.
But saying most americans speak spanish or portugese is wrong. I had german boss once and i never heard him speak german. He has chinese wife btw. Doubt she learned german, as english was her second language. No matter of the country of origin, english is the language in america. And of this forum.
Writing many sentences without punctuation is bad practice. As calling americans yankees. How would you feel is i call germans nazis?
Joined 2005
Paid Member
I powered up my PSU for the first time with the Antek AN-8445 0-45V @800VA and I'm getting 61.82 DCV +/-. So that's good.

But for the first time after 4+ FW builds, I've encountered a hum. Noticeable at turn on and sustained. Clearly my grounding isn't working.

I'm using the same grounding system I've used in the past.

Appreciate any thoughts as I continue to mine through this forum.


  • 6.30.23 first power on with hum.png
    6.30.23 first power on with hum.png
    307.4 KB · Views: 96
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Hi @Chiptech
Your wiring doesn't look optimal.
Please review the attached documents.

You should not have wires wrapped around your transformer. I would rotate the transformer to a optimal position and run the wires as per the attached document.
Its also ok to cut them shorter to achieve this. They should also definitely be twisted tightly. Make sure you don't have a shorted turn on your transformer. This means that the mounting bolt is touching the chassis on both sides of the transformer. You may need to insulate one side.

There's also a few tweaks that you should preform. Did you use my updated schematic?

I've attached it below.
Check that you are using the correct values and component part numbers for R19 and D3.

Also if you're getting hiss on start up you may want to put 100R base resistors on the cascode q3, q4.

You can check out my build here
Honey badger build

Good luck 🤞


  • How to wire a Audio Amplifier.pdf
    2.8 MB · Views: 137
  • Reducing-Loop-Area-in-Audio-Amplifiers.pdf
    190.3 KB · Views: 126
  • Honey Badger Sch - V2.5.4.pdf
    51.5 KB · Views: 153
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Joined 2005
Paid Member

Thanks for the info. I will review the docs. I did a quick tour of your site - wow! I will return there often.

I wrapped the 18V and 12V leads around the transformer. Since I won't use them can I cut them off short and make sure the ends are well insulated?

I my raise the PSU over the transformer to get it into a horizontal position as I did on several FW amps. I should have though of that in the first place.
Joined 2022
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Hello forum members,
As is obvious from the following questions I am rather new to the craft. I didn't ask this question in the power supply forum because my power suply will be specifically for my Honey Badger build.
I have a Avel 45-0-45 625 VA toroid with dual secondaries for my power supply. What margin of safety do I need when choosing maximum voltage of my power supply capacitors? Can I get by with 80v capacitors? I estimate my rail voltage without load will be around 63v. I will be using the universal power supply pcb from the diy audio store. Do I need two boards? (I ask for space reasons, not cost savings).
I apologize for the basic nature of these questions. My searches in the power supply forum led to tons of great information but not for my questions. Thank you in advance. Moderator, feel free to move my query to power supplies if I have strayed too far here.
Joined 2014
Paid Member
80V capacitors give plenty of safety margin for that transformer. You can use only one power supply board. I seriously doubt you would hear a difference between one or two boards, but you would be able to measure a difference in channel separation. In reality, music isn't measurements.
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