Does this explain what generates gravity?

If this research has any validity, then BIG monkey wrench in current models
Things crop up that disagree with current use of red shift. Last time I saw this aspect mentioned in a periodical a physicist asked if a better idea was see if we can measure any differences over distance suggesting maybe the longest laser beam currently in use at the time but astro distances are way way longer.

LOL Me I wondered if the sun could be studied as long range probes went out into the solar system and later "out of it". Sun as we know exactly what that produces. Also thinking they would be unlikely to decide to do this.

Then comes this
where photons exert pressure but take all aspects mentioned has it ever really been explained.

;) Larry Niven shoot of into light sails and gravity based telescopes etc.

Some other aspect not that related came out due to the voyagers.

Thanks to this thread I came across 2 factors about black holes that doubt the existence of a couple of them. One Hubble related the other the Max Plank institute based on observation of our own which is sadly "hard" to observe. Just an other example suggesting things may not fit. ;) I wonder about what I call infinity maths. My own name. Ideas break down or they can be useful such as a dirac pulse. One answer to black holes could be that they simply can't exist. You may read that Einstein is wrong as he predicts them and singularities. Could be that these theoretical ideas can not occur nature for other reasons. In that case Einstein is still correct. ;) Not exactly infinity related but similar.
I watched Jim Al-Khalili's video and reran the last bit just to get a grip on his discussion with Kip Thorne (Who was Feynman Professor at Caltech specialising in Relativity).

Fascinating that clocks anywhere on Earth at sea level run exactly the same! The movement and gravity force cancel out exactly with that (centrifugal force... if you can use the concept) bulge at the Equator that I have heard of·

And that any falling body moves towards a place where time runs slower. I suppose you add a slow down Lorentz factor for movement too.

Time creates Gravity? I shall have to think about all this. Like Jim! Thankyou for the link, Galu.
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If this research has any validity, then BIG monkey wrench in current models

"Deep space observations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed that the structure and masses of very early Universe galaxies at high redshifts (⁠z∼15⁠), existing at ∼0.3 Gyr after the Big Bang, may be as evolved as the galaxies in existence for ∼10 Gyr."

Note: one Gyr is one billion years.

For the time being at least, some boffins seem to have come up with a sticking plaster!

They have constructed a model which is compliant with the JWST observations, but which stretches the age of the universe from 13.8 Gyr to 26.7⁠ Gyr in order to give the Universe enough time to form massive galaxies.

The scientists say the model involves "covarying coupling constants".

My further investigations seem to indicate that the two "constants" concerned are the gravitational coupling G and the speed of light c.

Covarying means to vary together with another variable, from which I take it that the model is predicated upon the varying speed of light! :tilt:

If only I could make sense of this:
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Here in this near sea-level Southsea Household, we believe in General Relativity! It has passed every test thrown at it.

We have no Time for Woo mongering!

More speculative ideas coming from the String Theorists about Wormholes and Quantum Entanglement:


Wormhole 2.jpg

I am very doubtful about String Theory. Four dimensions of Spacetime is enough for me. Cue the Tesseract. Why add more?

I seem to have a lot of study to do before my New Theory might be complete:


But really, how hard is this Time and Gravity stuff to an enquiring mind? :)
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Fascinating that clocks anywhere on Earth at sea level run exactly the same! The movement and gravity force cancel out exactly·

Time goes slower for you at Portsmouth than at the equator because you are closer to the centre of the Earth, which bulges out at the equator.


Time goes faster for you at Portsmouth because of your lower linear speed due to the rotation of the Earth compared to that at the equator.


Yes, apparently these two effects cancel out exactly!
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Oh NO! Not more Thunderbolts Electric Universe Woo Hooey! Really cumbb you should watch better stuff!

Like most serious Particle Physicists, I am ultimately mostly interested in Spaceship design:

Starship Avalon.jpg

This is the Avalon from the mostly physically accurate film "Passengers". It spins to create the illusion of Gravity in interstellar space.

The odd Physics plot-hole, but I was entertained.

Things are less clear in the Firefly movie "Serenity". A sublight freighter that somehow (unexplained) has a Gravity Field which stops everyone from floating around at supper.

Serenity Spaceship (Firefly Class Freighter).jpg

But a gripping Drama, even if the Physics is a bit loose and unbelievable as in the famous Sandra Bullock film:


We still miss Wash and Book. Naturally I warm to autistic and disturbed River Tam. Who'd have thought she would save the day against the horrid Reevers, and get promoted to Pilot? :D
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My mathematical notion is that the 5 dimensional Tesseract does not really Exist! I could be wrong here.


It's OK in 4D. But after that we only have analogues of triangles and cubes;

3D Platonic Solids on Holiday.jpg

Interestingly, the most Interesting Space to live in is 4D!

Why? Because it allows the 24-cell to exist:


This exotic thing has no analog in 3D!

TBH, I see no need for a Quantum Theory of Gravity:

Jonathan Oppenheim London University.jpg

Standard Model of Physics.jpg

FWIW, LHC is not the only Hadron Collider in the world:

RHIC is still getting me to scratch my head:

The RHIC Fireball.jpg

The AdS/CFT Correspondence:

Hope that makes sense. :)


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Joined 2001
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There are probably near as many “best” Sci-Fi book as there are readers.

The most impactful sci-fi for me was James Hogan's Voyage to Yesteryear

Not really sci-fi but the Illuminati Trilogy is right up there too. The follow up Schrodenger’s cat Trilogy is sci-fi of high quality. I got to party with WIlson a number of times. A really interesting fellow.

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My mathematical notion is that the 5 dimensional Tesseract does not really Exist! I could be wrong here.

Kip Thorne has made it clear that Interstellar's physics has 4 dimensions of space and 1 of time.

Here's what he says in chapter 21 of his book The Science of Interstellar:

Although superstring theory says the bulk has six more dimensions than our universe, there is reason to suspect that, for practical purposes, the number of extra dimensions is really only one. [...] For this reason, and because six extra dimensions is a bit much for a science-fiction movie, Interstellar’s bulk has just one extra dimension, for a total of five dimensions in all. It shares three space dimensions with our brane: east-west, north-south, and up-down. It shares a fourth, time dimension, with our brane. And it has a fifth space dimension, out-back, which extends perpendicular to our brane, both above the brane and below...

Note: The bulk is a higher dimensional space while a brane represents one slice of the bulk.

Hope that clears it up! :)