Does this explain what generates gravity?

I have decided to restrict myself to problems I can solve!


Much as I enjoyed my trip to London University to do various things with Radioactivity, Lasers, Quantum Mechanics et Al:

5 dimensions of Spacetime is a bit of a stretch for me:

Fifth Dimension in Quantum Mechanics.png–Klein_theory

I can see how it works, with a factor of 5, but I prefer more modest mathematical problems.

New Image from the splendid JWST!

JWST Latest Coup!.jpg

A distinct improvement on the old 95 cm Spitzer IMO:

Spitzer View.jpg

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New Image from the splendid JWST!

From the NASA site:

"The first anniversary image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope displays star birth like it’s never been seen before, full of detailed, impressionistic texture. The subject is the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex, the closest star-forming region to Earth. It is a relatively small, quiet stellar nursery, but you’d never know it from Webb’s chaotic close-up. Jets bursting from young stars crisscross the image, impacting the surrounding interstellar gas and lighting up molecular hydrogen, shown in red. Some stars display the telltale shadow of a circumstellar disk, the makings of future planetary systems."
As a young Scientist kid, I didn't know I was Autistic. It was a matter rarely discussed.
I found out in my fifties, from newspapers, that normal people looked at each other's faces and read emotions. I thought only sleazy salesmen & politicians did that. Probably dogs too. My family always watched people's hands, to learn what they were doing. There was a new name for us, autistic or asperger's syndrome. My father kept getting bought "How to make Friends & Influence People" book by Dale Carnegie, from supervisors. He had 3 copies.
I had some teachers question me why I never looked at them, but as long as I passed the tests they didn't bug me. My Dad shouted me out of what inane repetitive babbling I did about age 7. I got the idea that noone was interested in my background noise. My first grade teacher pulled my hair for talking in class. Good lesson. Rational questions were encouraged. Construction & repair techniques were taught. We dug sewer laterals, laid concrete sidewalks, roofed the house, built a room (I wired it) before age 12. Math tables & spelling were memorized. That intense repetition of the periodic table the autistic patient did on the PBS show in June, that wasn't allowed in my family, Words had to be focussed on a goal. My accepted repetitive habit was piano practice, that got me over my handicap with my damaged finger.
Times have changed.
I do say I am easily confused at parties, and mostly avoid them. Crowds have to be organized, like at a concert with assigned seats.
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What if also "dimensions" are only "derivations", "concepts";-?
At the blanket example, above, we would be able to "derive" the "dimensions" 1, 2 and 4.

And: by now, even averagely educated people should have recognized that "dark matter" and "dark energy" have only been invented and introduced into "science" in order not to have to give up a nonsense thesis;-)
Oh: Who can still remember the "toasted cars", "roasted cars" at 9/11? It may be that it makes sense to distinguish popular science and intelligence, military science;-) Maybe, the RT are just for the populus, so that it don't get "elite-critical thoughts";-)
Further unscientific kid's stuff: The "Equivalence Principle". This "equivalence principle" is nonsense, because it refers only to a small section of observation. And it is suggested wholeness and also still equivalent explanation. A scientist has not only to sit in the rocket and to describe and explain "universe" with his limited observation;-)
The result is that RT kid's claim unnoticed, unknown: Coriolis effect = Gravity;-)

Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines. Jim Al-Khalili. 1999, S. 30 - (pdf S. 52):
When discussing Portsmouth, as the UK's greatest and most modest Physicist, I am shocked to be cast into Second Place.

This, after all, is my Home Town.

Portsmouth Cathedral.jpg

I always feel welcome in Portsmouth Cathedral. An Italianate Palace on the South Coast of England.

As I often explain to Visitors, we have survived many attacks on our kind values.

You only have to visit our Museum to find Edward Robert King's 1940 view of it all:

Edward King Old Portsmouth.jpg

Hope you get the idea.

Best regards from Steve in Portsmouth, UK.
This bloke is good, Relativity and time in ~40min, simple math.

What if also "dimensions" are only "derivations", "concepts";-?
They are concepts that can not be visualised by us but can be shown pictorially. The catch is observation to see if they fit. Much the same a deforming space time which so far does fit and probably will continue to.
Observations and the universe - things crop up that don't fit. We haven't been studying it in ever increasing detail for very long either. This means various ideas continue to be studied and opinions can vary.
Joined 2003
Paid Member
And that any falling body moves towards a place where time runs slower. I suppose you add a slow down Lorentz factor for movement too.

Makes perfect sense to me given my viewpoint. It’s that time thing again.

Once a region is created where time runs slower, mass accumulates.

Could this be linked to entropy?
I was trying to rustle up a copy of my hard-earned BSc 2.2 (Hons) Physics Degree tonight! Just to prove my credentials.

Seems to be hiding somewhere.

What turned up was something far more interesting!

I found my Dad's (Major Norman Ponsford, Royal Engineers, aka for reasons I don't underdstand, who referred to himself as Tom Pearce..) memoir of WW2!

I quote:

"Soldiering with the 51st. Highland Division.

In this comparatively brief narrative it is not possible, nor will an attempts be made, to encapsulate the complete history of the famed 51st. Highland Division. - the pride of "Bonny Scotland".

(Anywhoo, it seems he was at Dunkirk in 1940. But rather than waiting for a boat, he legged it South on a motorbike to St. Nazaire!)

However, to resume the main narrative after this little digression, after almost a week on the dunes, on a later June 17th, 1940, Tom and his Party got aboard "the M.S. Batory". which narrowly survived enemy bombing. and sailed across the Channel to Plymouth!

"The RMS Lancastria" was not so fortunate and was sunk by Junker bombers with the loss of 3,000 men. ( S7: I think it was considerably more, but nobody really knows...)

The Lancastria.jpg

This disaster was hushed up, on the orders of Churchill, for the sake of morale at home, and was therefore, within the knowledge of only a chosen few.

I suspect, and I cannot prove this, but that is my Dad with his cap on the Batory lifeboat. Either that or he sanpped the picture! A keen photographer. :)
Makes perfect sense to me given my viewpoint. It’s that time thing again.

Here is what Kip Thorne has to say about time and gravity in his book Science of Interstellar:

"Einstein struggled to understand gravity on and off from 1907 onward. Finally in 1912 he had a brilliant inspiration. Time, he realized, must be warped by the masses of heavy bodies such as the Earth or a black hole, and that warping is responsible for gravity. He embodied this insight in what I like to call "Einstein's law of time warps", a precise mathematical formula that I describe qualitatively this way: Everything likes to live where it will age the most slowly, and gravity pulls it there."

I believe that Thorne paints an incomplete picture since, as Einstein eventually made clear, there is a distinction between time curvature and space curvature.

In the case of an apple and planet Earth, gravitational attraction can be taken to be the result of time curvature only because they are not moving much in the space component of spacetime.
I generally leave the maths on subjects like relativity to those that can do it. Main interest is the predictions some draw from it all and then are they found to be correct.

So wondered about how m=e/c^2 is getting on. 2nd link is from the first

It also included a link to the lecture series. The first one indicates how easy it is to see something was wrong. Later he makes comments about Einstein and also Lorenz. The 2nd introduces some notation etc and it gets to particles in the 3rd.

Whoops also mentions Maxwell in an interesting way.
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