• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

EL84 Amp - Baby Huey

I just searched my emails for a Kiwi contact (there is a Kiwi tube seller who also does contract design) but just could'nt find it - I think they were in Hamilton.

The ONLY audio transformer readily available in NZ/OZ is the Hammond range. See Arthur at Evatco in Melbourne (do a web search) or Bob at Jaybird Enterprises here in Adelaide (jaybi AT picknowl DOT com DOT au).

Other alternatives are:
Blackart Audio (web search) will design and make custom transformers for you. As with most custom designer/manufacturer they are expensive BUT have a good rep.
James Transformers can be ordered from Taiwan.

If you want anything else, like Plitron, Lundahl, Sowter etc. you'll almost certainly have to order direct from the manufacturer.

It may just be that a valve amp does not suit your particular music tastes - it happens, or it may be that the KEL34 amp you listened to was mediocre or was mediocre when matched with the sources/interconnects and speakers you use.
Do a web search ("Audio Club New Zealand") for example to find out if there is an audio club in your area and if so arrange to go along to one of their meetings to listen to some gear.

Sorry your first tube amp experience was not positive.

Hi Ian,

You may be right about my system/tastes not favoring tubes, but my tastes have changed while ive been diying and they will change again Im sure. But I would like to build another tube amp at some stage and the Baby Heuy appeals, maybe its the semis:)
Would the LL1663 or LL1688 be OK, the first is affordable at $130US the second is a whopping 300.


I grew up in Hastings and will be up for Xmas, have you built a baby Heuy?
Thanks for the tip regarding Brian, I will email him.
I think I would settle for a cheaper tranny than the Lundahl however if you want to use lundahl then the LL1682 would probably be the best choice. This is a 5.5K to 5 Ohms tranny rated at 40Watts at 30Hz. There are taps at 33% which can be used for Ultralinear connection

The LL1663 is not ideal. Its a 5K to 8 ohms. It could be made to work OK if you use 8 or 16 Ohms speakers but would be NBG for 4 Ohm.

The LL1688 is just not suitable. Its Lundahls monster Single End tranny designed to be driven by an 845 transmitter triode.

Cheapest alternative is the Hammond 1608.

If you want Lundahl then nearest distributor is:
Mr Rick Dowel
Control Audio P/L
Level 6, Westfield Towers
100 William St
Sydney NSW 2000

Ph: +61-2-9368-7100

OR de-anti-spam this
As you maybe aware this whole "Baby Huey" thing grew out of an ECL86 design. The original damn clever idea was from Yvesm although it is similar (BUT simpler) to some of the "Forced Symmetry" designs that were being discussed some years back.

Here is the ECL86 (6GW8) circuit I used.
The current owner of the ECL86 prototype uses it to drive a pair of Polk Monitors (R5 ?? I think). She is a Opera nutter and raves about the amp every time I see her. It replaced a top of the line Harmon Kardon Solid State Amp with about X10 the power capability.
Thanks Ian

Thanks Ian,
yes I had seen that.
My idea was to try to cobble together several good ideas but basically all based on the B-H.
The ECL86 amp is currently a Rogers Cadet style (I think) but with some nice Beacon OPTs.
Gotta finish playing with GP CCSs in the GTA SE40 first.
Luke, had some brain fade mixing up old and new phone numbers.
021 141 9480
Ya very welcome to visit.
Re: Hi Luke

Hi guys,

I haven't built a baby Huey, though a buddy in Auckland is gonna soon

Yes, Tim's correct--I'm part way thru my B-H which will only differ from the original in having tube rectified B+/quasi choke input PS.

Serious delays due to Xmas....

I'll post pix if poss.
You'll see why I'm calling it a Bluey Baby Huey in keeping with it's Australian origins!

Worth noting all trans are venerable old NZ-made Beacons, the OPTs despite being huge are rated at 12W, 20 - 20Khz.

Cheers and New Year Greetings to all diyers,
This is my first post in this forum. I'm another newbie. I have some expiriences with antique radios, and hf receivers. I have buile a couple of SE amps, one using 12B4 and another using a 6L6. I want to try a PP, I have a few 6GK6's, but i might just buy some EL84's to try. Is this "Baby Heuy" amp realy as good as you all make it sound? How difficult is it to cunstruct, with basic tools such as a soldering iron, and DVM, and a set of chasis punches? How hard are the SS stuff to find? Sorry for all the questions

Baby Bluey Huey....

Hi guys,

Further posts hitherto denied by horrendous ongoing server problems, but can now try to post some pix as threatened.

BTW--further difference from original B-H--no 5V available,[going to GZ34] so using 6.3 doubler,and gives option of 12V DC filaments.....;)

Cheers and all the best for 2007.
Hi Chris,

Many thanks for the help.

Baffled by the first--what exactly do I type in? I can't find a--link to the files?--or proper title for my pix?--C:// etc etc -- I'm a comparative dunce with PC stuff.

BTW they're 86 and 72KB respectively--not likely to blow fuses.

Will have one more go at the second option--hitherto a resounding failure.

Regards and thanks again,

ADDENDUM: Again struck out. I give in. Too hard basket for me--not exactly user-friendly...No pix from this dude....[/B]
I don't mean to get off topic....but how do i make a new post? Every time I try it says to please search the forum first!!! I've searched and I didn't find what i was looking for. No matter what I try i cannot post....Please help

(I'm new to the forum, if that has anyhting to do ith it)

Joined 2001
Paid Member

Method 1 requires putting the pictures out into webspace, a whole order of magnitude trickier than Method 2,

Method 2

1/ you will note when you are editing a post a button below the text entry window called "select file".

2/ click this button and a file browser dialog will appear.

3/ navigate the file browser until you can select the picture of interest and say Open (or OK or whatever your computer uses)

4/ the file will then be copied into the forum database and your post will say "jackomancy has attached this image"

5/ do not use the preview reply, just submit it.



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