ExtremA, class-A strikes back?

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Thanks for the lengthy and constructive feedback, it helps having skilled professionals like yourself participating in these topics explaining in great detail the intricacies of this particular amplifier's inner workings.


Many modifications not good.
Just off 2,2pF
Set capacitors in parallel to 47kohm


The original schema.

All other modifications are unsystematic, confusing and unnecessary

First, to remove the oscillations, as I wrote earlier. I drew red.
Joined 2005
Paid Member

Despite the fact I've already evaluated your suggestion prior to you making it I'll repeat the exercise and post the screenshot below from stimulating the input with a squarewave (PULSE(-1 1 0 100n 100n 50u 100u)). It simply doesn't work, see below noted screenshot from the simulation with C//47K = 10pF.

However the suggestion I've provided and exhaustively evaluated in the simulator works, please refer to the attached screenshot simulating the same squarewave.

Furthermore this has also been verified by two people that implemented these changes on their ExtremA and have looked at the step response independently, their results match the results I've obtained in the simulator.

So I welcome your feedback, but it needs to be a bit more in depth and constructive in order to be worthwhile.


  • federmann_changes.png
    77.8 KB · Views: 1,178
  • ssassen_changes.png
    71.7 KB · Views: 1,164
You are misusing someone else's design images.

The original placement is at
Amplifier and powersupply PCBs

Unfair, at least.

Paul, do not do stupid, the image is in place, you give a link to the page, I put a link to the image on the page. Paul, do not write what is not true, no original placement is not misused.
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