F5 with 2SK2013/2SJ313

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As Jacco noticed, power dissipation was my primary concern when I decided to use cap multiplers to lower the PS voltage to +/-20V DC (the transformer I used is 2x19V AC). Not that these MOSFETs are that fragile, but I don't like running things on the edge - reliability is my fetish, I drive Japanese cars only... ;) Soon I noticed that amp sounds better with cap multiplers so I kept them.

you have lowered power lowering rails to 20 V
Is 400 mA @ 20 V the sweet pot
can power be increased If we add more pairs and use original F5 24 V rails
have you think to do balanced amp

It's 400mA per MOSFET = 1.2A per channel. Raising the rail voltage, adding more pairs, bridging, going balanced, SuSy - they are all viable options, but I already found what I like the best.
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